A Comparative Profitability Analysis Of Broiler Production Systems In Urban Areas




Toaster product is carried out under different product systems and different product systems indicate variations in cost of inputs and


returns. This study looked at the cost counteraccusations of raising cookers under different product systems as well as constraints faced by the growers. The


study was conducted in Edo State of Nigeria. The data used in the study were attained from across-sectional check of toaster growers in the State from


October – December, 2013. Amulti-stage slice process was used to elect the 211 repliers for this study. The data collected were anatomized using


descriptive statistics, profitability rates and multiple retrogression models. A five point Likert scale was used to judge position of inflexibility of the constraints


faced by the growers. The study showed that the mean age of growers that espoused the battery pen systemwas 48 times and 46 times for the growers that


habituated deep waste system. The Gross periphery analysis gave a value of N 2,422.24 and a Net ranch Income( NFI) of N 2,412.40 per raspberry for battery pen system


while the deep waste system had a gross periphery of N 1,601.77 and NFI of N 1,593.80 per raspberry. The profitability rates showed Rate of Return on Investment RRI


91.69), Return on Labour RL( N18.03), Return on Feed RF( N144.22) and Return Per Naira invested RNI( N0.91) for the battery


pen system as against Rate of Return on Investment RRI(70.74), Return on Labour RL( N30.28), Return on Feed RF( N117.95), and Return Per Naira Invested


RNI( N0.71) for the deep waste system. This shows that both systems were profitable in the study area. The Return per


Naira Invested( RNI) showed that for every N1 invested a return of 91 kobo and 71 kobo accrued to the planter for battery pen


and deep waste systems independently. Only three variables in the retrogression model were set up to be statistically significant( P<0.05), these were feed


cost, electricity, and purchase cost of day old juvenile for both the battery pen and deep littersystems. Feed cost was the major determinants of profit


accruing to the growers.

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