The Internet is regarded as a seminal innovation because it fueled several global advancements, including globalization. This has benefited people all over the world, particularly in Africa. The internet has evolved into one of the most significant technological advances. While it is widely recognized for its convenience and effectiveness, it is also riddled with flaws that pose significant security risks to users and have resulted in an increase in fraud. According to Dennis (2014), “Internet fraud” is a criminal action committed primarily to exploit others through the widespread use of the internet as a medium for fraudulent acts. It’s a multifaceted and inherently complex problem. According to Yar (2013), online intellectual property theft is on the rise.

Criminals have used identity theft, phishing, page jacking, advance fee scams, bad check scams, phony money orders, wire transfer fraud, anonymous servers, hijacked emails, and fake websites as tools and mediums for fraud. Over the last decade, Nigeria’s and Nigerians’ reputations have suffered greatly as internet scams and fraud have taken on increasingly frightening and terrifying dimensions (Antons, 2011).

Online fraud ruins a country’s reputation, making it difficult for start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses to do business and deterring foreign investment in the economy. Individuals lose money, intellectual property, or personal sensitive information as a result of cybercrime, and the consequences can be severe, particularly when senior citizens and the vulnerable are targeted. In 2018, approximately 62,000 people died in the United States.

People aged 60 and up reported losses totaling more than $649 million, and the majority of those indicted were Nigerians.

As a result, Nigeria’s image has always suffered. Both the inside and outside have been severely damaged (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013). Though online fraud is a global epidemic, each country’s impact varies depending on the laws in place to address the issue, as well as the effectiveness of their law enforcement and crime prevention organizations in combating the threat. The situation has deteriorated to the point where many secondary school dropouts, students, and graduates are turning to cybercrime for success. This has had a significant impact on the image of the country. There have been numerous reports of Nigerians being mistreated.

upon arriving in foreign nations. A typical Nigerian is suspected of fraud.

Nigerians are active in cross-border scamming via ICT and written letters, which is why, with the birth of the internet, Nigerians are likely incorrectly regarded as the progenitors of most online scams due to how notorious Nigerians got involved all over the world (Whitty, & Buchanan, 2012). Because of its reputation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation became involved in the investigation of online fraud, and the “Nigerian letter or 419 fraud,” as stated on their website (www.fbi.gov), is a significant target. The phrase “419” refers to the section of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud. This type of scam is also known as advance-fee fraud (Olusola, (2013); Samson, Semiu, and Yinka). The Internet is regarded as a seminal innovation because it fueled several global advancements, including globalization. This has benefited people all over the world, particularly in Africa (Yar, 2013). The internet has evolved into one of the most significant technological advances. While it is widely recognized for its convenience and effectiveness, it is also riddled with flaws that pose significant security risks to users and have resulted in an increase in fraud. According to Dennis (2014), “Internet fraud” is a criminal action committed primarily to exploit others through the widespread use of the internet as a medium for fraudulent acts. It’s a multifaceted and inherently complex problem. Yar (2013) claims that online

Criminals have used intellectual property theft, identity theft, phishing, page jacking, advance fee scams, bad check scams, phony money orders, wire transfer fraud, anonymous servers, hijacked emails, and fake websites as fraud tools and mediums. Over the last decade, Nigeria’s and Nigerians’ reputations have suffered greatly as internet scams and fraud have taken on increasingly frightening and terrifying dimensions (Antons, 2011).

Online fraud ruins a country’s reputation, making it difficult for start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses to do business and deterring foreign investment in the economy. Individuals lose money, intellectual property, or personal sensitive information as a result of cybercrime, and the consequences can be severe, particularly when senior citizens and the vulnerable are targeted. In the United States of America

In 2018, approximately 62,000 people aged 60 and up reported losses totaling more than $649 million, with the majority of those indicted being Nigerians.

As a result, Nigeria’s image has always suffered. Both the inside and outside have been severely damaged (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013). Though online fraud is a global epidemic, each country’s impact varies depending on the laws in place to address the issue, as well as the effectiveness of their law enforcement and crime prevention organizations in combating the threat. The situation has deteriorated to the point where many secondary school dropouts, students, and graduates are turning to cybercrime for success. This has had a significant impact on the image of the country. There are numerous reports.

Nigerians are being mistreated in foreign countries. A typical Nigerian is suspected of fraud.

Nigerians are active in cross-border scamming via ICT and written letters, which is why, with the birth of the internet, Nigerians are likely incorrectly regarded as the progenitors of most online scams due to how notorious Nigerians got involved all over the world (Whitty, & Buchanan, 2012). Because of its reputation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation became involved in the investigation of online fraud, and the “Nigerian letter or 419 fraud,” as stated on their website (www.fbi.gov), is a significant target. The phrase “419” refers to the section of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud. This type of scam is also known as as well as advance-fee fraud (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013). The Internet is regarded as a seminal innovation because it fueled several global advancements, including globalization. This has benefited people all over the world, particularly in Africa (Yar, 2013). The internet has evolved into one of the most significant technological advances. While it is widely recognized for its convenience and effectiveness, it is also riddled with flaws that pose significant security risks to users and have resulted in an increase in fraud. According to Dennis (2014), “Internet fraud” is a criminal action committed primarily to exploit others through the widespread use of the internet as a medium for fraudulent acts. It’s a multifaceted and inherently complex problem. Accoding

to Yar (2013), Criminals have used online intellectual property theft, identity theft, phishing, page jacking, advance fee scams, bad check scams, phony money orders, wire transfer fraud, anonymous servers, hijacked emails, and fake websites as fraud tools and mediums. Over the last decade, Nigeria’s and Nigerians’ reputations have suffered greatly as internet scams and fraud have taken on increasingly frightening and terrifying dimensions (Antons, 2011).

Online fraud ruins a country’s reputation, making it difficult for start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses to do business and deterring foreign investment in the economy. Individuals lose money, intellectual property, or personal sensitive information as a result of cybercrime, and the consequences can be severe, particularly when senior citizens and the vulnerable are targeted. In

In the United States in 2018, approximately 62,000 people aged 60 and up reported losses totaling more than $649 million, with the majority of those indicted being Nigerians.

As a result, Nigeria’s image has always suffered. Both the inside and outside have been severely damaged (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013). Though online fraud is a global epidemic, each country’s impact varies depending on the laws in place to address the issue, as well as the effectiveness of their law enforcement and crime prevention organizations in combating the threat. The situation has deteriorated to the point where many secondary school dropouts, students, and graduates are turning to cybercrime for success. This has had a significant impact on the image of the country. There

In the United States in 2018, approximately 62,000 people aged 60 and up reported losses totaling more than $649 million, with the majority of those indicted being Nigerians.

As a result, Nigeria’s image has always suffered. Both the inside and outside have been severely damaged (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013). Though online fraud is a global epidemic, each country’s impact varies depending on the laws in place to address the issue, as well as the effectiveness of their law enforcement and crime prevention organizations in combating the threat. The situation has deteriorated to the point where many secondary school dropouts, students, and graduates are turning to cybercrime for success. This has had a significant impact on the image of the country. There also known as advance-fee fraud (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013).


The image a country projects in the international system and in its interactions with other countries is critical in establishing its position, recognition, and credibility. Online fraud is detrimental to a country’s image or reputation (Dennis, 2014). It represents a level of illegal activity that scares away investors, stifling both domestic and international investment, which is bad for the economy. It erodes public and international trust in the country’s financial industry. It discourages hard work in academic settings, which is understandable given that the majority of online fraud offenders are tertiary students. It is anti-progress and anti-development, and it denies Nigerians opportunities abroad (Olusola, Samson, Semiu, & Yinka, 2013).

As As Nigeria moves toward a cashless society, the threat of internet fraud grows more serious. Individuals, businesses, the Nigerian government, and the international community must all work together to achieve success. Reforms such as increasing awareness of cybercriminals’ methods of operation, improving personal security, and establishing anti-scam centers, among other things, are critical in reducing internet fraud. In an effort to combat cybercrime in Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria introduced a risk-based cyber security framework and guidelines for deposit money banks and payment service providers (Olugbodi, 2010).


The primary goal of this research is to critically examine Internet Fraud and its impact on the image of the United States in the international community. Other goals of this research include:

i. To critically examine internet fraud and how it affects the country’s progress and development.

ii. To investigate how internet fraud affects Nigerians living in other countries.

iii. To investigate the impact of internet fraud on foreign investment in Nigeria.

iv. To identify potential ways for the Federal Government to protect the country’s image from internet fraud.


i. What are the effects of internet fraud on Nigeria’s growth and progress?

ii. How has internet fraud affected Nigerians living in other countries?

iii. How does internet fraud affect the level of foreign investment in Nigeria?

v. What are some of the ways the federal government can protect the country’s image from internet fraud?


This study will benefit Nigerian society by demonstrating the effects of internet fraud on the national image and how this affects Nigerians living abroad, Nigeria’s growth and progress, and the level of foreign investment. It will also benefit the federal government by allowing them to do more to combat the spread of internet fraud.

This study will be archived and used for future research and reference.


This research will look into Internet Fraud and its impact on a country’s image in the international community. It will also cover the effects of internet fraud on Nigeria’s growth and progress, Nigerians living abroad, and the level of foreign investment. For this study, staff from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abuja will be used.


This research will focus on Internet fraud and its impact on national image in the international community. It will also be limited to the effects of internet fraud on Nigeria’s growth and progress, Nigerians living abroad, and the level of foreign investment. This study will only include employees of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Abuja.


examination: a thorough examination or study

Internet fraud is the use of Internet services or software with Internet access to defraud or otherwise exploit victims.

impact: a noticeable effect or influence

National image: measures, builds, and manages a country’s reputation.


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