A Historical Evolution Of (Nepad) The New Partnership For African Development 2001-2010


A Historical Evolution Of (Nepad) The New Partnership For African Development 2001-2010


Chapter One




The expression “ Nigeria as the mammoth of Africa ” has been known by numerous nations because of the leading places she plays in policy- material and their executions. Also, these leading places are current in her military prowess, geography, natural and mortal coffers and natural talent. The larger world as well as other African nations has in contemporary time looked up to Nigeria as the “ Savior ” of African race given the enormity of the coffers that mama nature had endowed her with in comparison to other African countries.1

effect to the over, Nigeria has also played leading and significant places towards the establishment of colorful agencies similar as Organization of Africa Unity( OAU), Economic Community of West African States( ECOWAS), and African Union( AU) among others. This same gospel informed her strategic places aimed at establishing and realizing the objects of the New Partnership for African Development( NEPAD). 2 To this end, the thrust of this exploration revolves around the enormous issues, challenges and prospects of this African design called NEPAD.


The expression “ Nigeria, the mammoth of Africa ” has been so used by Nigerians especially our leaders that people of critical mind occasionally wonder what has been the base for this judgment. In other words, judges and scholars from time to time have tried to look at Nigeria’s claim to leadership in Africa from colorful perspectives. The most popular and conspicuous reasons always for these include Nigeria’s population, military strength, land mass, natural and mineral coffers,etc. 3


In addition, the larger World has in contemporary time looked up to Nigeria to play a commanding part in African Affairs, given the enormity of the coffers that nature has endowed on her as compared to other African countries. Whether Nigeria has been suitable to justify this confidence is yet another thing


What this exploration seeks to do basically thus is an appraisal of what benefactions Nigeria has made in realizing the points and objects articulated in the New Partnership for African Development( NEPAD).


Points And Ideal


As is traditional with programmes of this nature, statements articulating points and objects, both long- term and short are always in abundant force. Whether these points and objects are latterly realized still depends on vacuity of coffers and the kind of determination of the promoters of similar programmes.


The points and objects drawn up by African leaders who are the main promoters of the programmes are all embracing, covering nearly all areas of problems, requirements and general bournes of the African mainland.


still, the long term ideal of NEPAD as contained in public enlightenment series published by the Justice Development and Peace Commission of the unqualified Diocese of Ijebu Ode are-


to annihilate poverty in Africa and to place African countries both collectively and inclusively on a path of sustainable growth and development, and therefore halt the marginalization of Africa in the globalization process and to promote the part of women in all conditioning.

Specific pretensions of the programme, which are numerous, include the entourages to achieve and sustain an average percent( 7) per annum for the coming 15 times.

to insure that the mainland achieves the agreed International Development Goals(I.D.G) as therefore-

Reducing the number of people living in extreme poverty by 2015.

Registration of all children of academy age in primary academy by 2015.

Making progress towards gender equivalency and commission of women.

Reducing child mortality rate by two third(2/3) by 2015.

Reducing motherly mortality rate by two third(2/3) in 2015.

furnishing access for all who need reproductive health services by 2015.

To apply public strategies for sustainable development by 2015 so as to reverse the loss of environmental declination 1 pollution. 4

Significance of the Study


This work is veritably significant because it sought to throw light basically on an African problem that has been soliciting for an African result because charity they say must begin at home. If Africa must achieve development also estimable pretensions and objects the likes of NEPAD must be pursued and articulated by none other than Africans themselves. The idea thus conceived by the authors of NEPAD becomes veritably essential if Africa is to move forward so each sweats at appearing this is veritably significant in like manner whatever findings from this exploration may help in its own donation towards achieving this development.


Compass of the Study


The compass of the exploration shall cover the period when Nigeria and other African leaders like South African Thabo Mbeki, Nigeria’s Obasanjo Bouteflika of Algeria met to formulate what also was known as The Millennium African Plan( Chart) in 2000. The birth of NEPAD was 23rd October, 2001 in Nigeria capital megacity of Abuja. The compass thus shall be between the times 2001- 2010 5


Exploration Methodology


originally, literal – critical system will be employed to the study that is, probing the events, developments and gests of the history, both in Nigeria and Africa’s Economic Development. This system is handy because it’ll give data for background information and contextualization. Data will be attained from primary and secondary sources. From the primary sources, this exploration will use aggregate data, sanctioned documents, textbooks, journals, bulletins, magazines, and other diurnals. The internet and other broadcast media will also be employed. From the secondary source, particular interviews will be conducted


Literature Review


This not the first time African leaders have come together to fashion out plans for the development of the mainland and all this have been done under the aegis of colorful names and programmes which scholars like Eyinla 6 have editorialized that there’s a need to avoid duplication, this was what saw the birth of NEPAD on the 23rd October 2001. In his view the harmonized performances of the likes of the Millennium African Plan and New African enterprise( NAI) was what ultimately brought about the NEPAD. Akinsanya 7 on his part had this to say “ maybe, it may not be out of place to remind ourselves that other development enterprise both at the public and international position similar as Nigeria’s vision 2010 and Africa’s Lagos Plan of Action( LPA) have was as preludes to our current plan( NEPAD). ”


One of the identifying features of NEPAD still is the emphasis on African power, integrated development and cooperation with developed countries in the South. NEPAD is principally on African led strategy for sustainable development and poverty reduction in Africa. It recognizes Africa’s responsibility to produce conditions for development by ending conflict, perfecting profitable and political governance and strengthening indigenous integration. Olaniyan 8


Understandably, utmost institutions like the IMF, World Bank, European Union to mention a many have placed a lot of emphasis on good governance, fiscal discipline, respect for mortal rights and provision for conducive atmosphere for living and learning, NEPAD principally is also grounded on this line of logic.


Olaniyan 9 as a matter of fact went further to opine that NEPAD is presumed on the principles of good governance as a introductory demand for peace, security and sustainable political and socio profitable development. The beginning verity then’s that there can noway be any kind of meaningful development in the absence of peace or in the midst of lawlessness and war.


This situation is best understood in Eyinla 10 when he cited the Economist further than anything; African people need to recapture their tone confidence. Only also can Africa engage as an equal with the rest of the world contriving its own profitable programmes and development programs. Its people also need the confidence to trust each other. Only also can they make deals to end wars and make political institutions that they actually believe in.


One abecedarian excrescence in African development has been that of leadership. This part of the NEPAD docket believes that


The coffers including capital, technology and mortal chops that are needed to launch a global war on poverty and underdevelopment live in cornucopia are within our grasp. What’s needed to mobile these coffers is and to use them duly is bold, and imaginative leadership.11


The réclame news or tableware filling for African mainland is the view of the European Union when the NAI/ NEPAD was presented to her was that it was a ate and long overdue action grounded purely on the ideal of republic, transfigure good governance and mortal rights.


Every pall has a tableware filling and thus to the pessimistic of NEPAD it’s another play in beggar/ patron relations. Eyinla aptly captured it therefore when he asserted that it appears NEPAD is trying to make Africa’s soliciting coliseum more seductive by espousing colorful fashionably and political correct spin to a fatigued patron community.12


Although Africa leaders themselves feel to suppose else because they believe that

In this regard, we aren’t asking for favors, but for fairness and justice, a better life for Africans and secure future for humanity. This programme is presumed on African power, African control of the systems and programmes, with African leaders accepting openly and unequivocally that they will play their part in ending poverty and bringing about sustainable development( Africa Forum 2003).13


The donation of Olokun, an economist can not be overlooked although the work concentrated in the hunt of the Journey so far of the Organization of African Unity to African Union, his donation through a material. ” The part of Nigeria in the New Partnership for African Development( NEPAD) the material gives us an occasion for this exploration because he preciselyx-rayed some of the core aims and objects of the NEPAD docket therefore;


1) Readdress AU/ NEPAD perspective for effective knowledge.


2) Take another look at the status of the integration in Africa in terms of progress so far.


3) Present some crucial challenges faced and explore possible results.


4) Impact of relationship between the Europe and Africa Regional Organization on pastoral livelihood on the mainland.


5) A call to Europe to write towards effective cooperation with African especially its indigenous bodies.14


Another review to be considered then’s the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa( ECA) in its two reports on assessing Regional Integration in Africa( ARIA 1 & 2) issued in 2004 and 2006 15 independently, give a deep analysis as well as a detailed picture of what constitutes the current situation of indigenous integration in Africa.


Kusa is a political scientist who, in her book “ Nigeria and the Challenges of the Africa Peer Review Medium( APRM) 16also addresses about the significance of( NEPAD) in the growing of the African Union( AU) and the medium for review which give the means of covering progress toward good profitable, cooperate and political government in Africa including challenges.

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