1.1 Introduction
The British colonial overlords devised social, economic, and political strategies after conquering the Katsina Emirate in 1903 in order to advance their goal, which was not far far from economic exploitation. The Native Authority System, the Katsina College policy from 1921, the Native Authority Treasury, the Native Authority Agric Department, the Native Authority Health Department, and the Native Authority Police Department are only a few of these regulations. It is crucial to remember that the British government undertook all of these attempts to support political tyranny and economic exploitation in Katsina city.
So, the purpose of this study is to investigate Katsina’s history before the arrival of colonization. The study also examined the political climate at the time of the British conquest and occupation of the city of Katsina significant adjustments to the economy that occurred throughout the colonial era. Nonetheless, the study’s main focus was on Katsina Metropolis’s History of Colonial Infrastructures, 1903–1960. 9
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The term “colonial infrastructure” refers to the fundamental infrastructure that the colonial administration provided or created during the colonial period in order for a community or society to function. Native Authority, Treasury, Central Prison, and Katsina College are only a few examples. Many studies on colonialism in the Katsina metropolis have been conducted, although little is known about the colonial infrastructure there as of yet. Given the rarity of colonial infrastructure-related literature, it became essential to investigate the history of the colonial infrastructure in Katsina Metropolis from 1903 to 1960. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze this colonial infrastructure in Katsina. So, based on our area of expertise, it is vital to define certain key questions based on our area of study.
a. What led the Brits to occupy and conquer Katsina?
b. Why did the British build this infrastructure?
c. What effects did the infrastructure have on the population of Katsina?
d.  Is the infrastructure still in place?
In order to produce a clear and comprehensible research, this study will seek to critically evaluate the aforementioned questions.
1.3 significance of the study
A colonial infrastructure assessment in Katsina metropolis is crucial because it describes the nature and relevance of any existing colonial infrastructure. The knowledge of colonial activities that were utilized to support the consolidation of colonial power in the Katsina metropolis is provided by this research, which is equally significant. Most of these colonial infrastructures were also built using local labor and resources from Katsina. The study also advances our understanding of colonial infrastructure in the Katsina metropolis from a pedagogical standpoint.


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