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A History Of Western Education In Dutsin-ma Town, 1976 TO 2015



Education is the bedrock and key to any nation’s public development. still, with the general standard of education in Nigerian Public Primary and Secondary seminaries, there has been the demand for further seminaries to come in to congratulate government sweats in the education sector through provision and delivering of high standard, quality and quantitative education. thus, this design work sets to dissect and explore the literal and educational reasons behind the History and establishment of Western Education in Dutsin- Ma, Katsina State with particular reference to Dutsin- Ma Town and its environs, as the study is from 1976 – 2015. therefore, effective system of exploration was applied to come up with a dependable result, in the form of conducting interviews with resource persons, as well as consulting journals, magazines, archival and government documents, internet among others. Accordingly, all the necessary measures and proper results to all the stakeholders are handed in the recommendation section.

Chapter One

Background Of The Study


The part of education in the development and metamorphosis of mortal societies each over the world in the course of history can not be overemphasized. This is because it’s the wheel and mecca which have propelled development and converted the world to in all spheres. Education is important and central for societal development. Education has been the force behind the progress of all societies and societies. still, western style of education came to “ Ma ” in the 20th century. This led to series of changes and development that converted the society of “ Ma ”, indeed though it has its own limitations.

The preface of Western style of education in Nigeria with the appearance of Wesleyan Christian Missionaries in Badagry in 1842.( i) It played an active part in the provision of formal education for the people. Between 1842 and 1914,( ii) about ten different Christian operations arrived in Nigeria, and began ferocious missionary and educational work. seminaries were erected for the purpose of propagating education and conversion of people to Christianity. The operations began to struggle for pupils members similar that there was a proliferation of primary seminaries established by different operations. The education entered was limited to 4Rsi.e reading, jotting, computation and religion.( iii) This new missionary education prepared the philanthropist for new job openings in social service similar as preceptors, clerks, runner and practitioners. Emphasis was placed on character training, utmost of the operations established primary seminaries with little emphasis laid on secondary and advanced education, at the original stage.( iv)

Before 1940, Western education spread in seminaries through organized literacy programs. Informal education is the literacy which occurs outside the academy programs in the south. Western education reached the northern part of the country when a missionary academy was established at Lokoja in 1865. In 1865 the Bishop Crowther LGA Primary School was established in Lokoja, Kogi State by the Anglican missionary. It was also extended to other corridor of northern countries.( v)

Following the emergence of Katsina Kingdom in the 15th century, the capital was noted as a stronghold of literacy. This development is associated with the preface of Islam in West Africa around the 14th century or much before. still, according to some oral traditions and Henry Barth, Katsina Kingdom came into being during the early part of 13th century with a ruling dynasty at Abuttai( when the seat of power was at Abuttai) where Katsina is presently positioned.( vi) therefore the history of Katsina Kingdom can be completely understood when we look at the coming of Islam in Katsina indeed though the precise date of it isn’t known i.e. when Islam was first introduced.( vii).

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