A man’s life is obviously his most prized possession and the most fundamental of all fundamental human rights. Nobody has the right to hammer or even take another person’s life unless it is a last resort in self-defense.

Henry Thomas Buckee (1893), a well-known English advocate, once stated that society prepares the crime while the criminal commits it.

According to Richard Under (1902), all humans are criminals, but the difference is in the degree. In any case, it should be noted that crime is as old as society itself, and no country, advanced or not, can absolve itself of crime. Furthermore, the fact that we do not engage in violent crimes does not mean that we are immune to them.

They have no effect on me.

Because humans are dynamic in nature, it is important to note that the punishment for a crime can also change as crimes change over time. At least eleven offenses carried the death penalty under Decree No. 20 of 1984. Arson, tampering with oil pipelines, importing or exporting mineral oil, attempting to defraud the Federal Military Government, dealing in cocaine, dealing in petroleum products, treason, kidnapping, lynching, and possession of arms and ammunition are among the charges (News watch magazine Jan 20.1986). However, events have surpassed these decrees. As a result, it was withdrawn and more appropriate ones promulgated to suit the sophistication of crime commission, question, and because of the varied nature of crimes, the relevant question bother

on how to determine the punishment that is proportionate to the crime, because both our conscience and social justice should be considered here.

As a result, one might want to define crime as an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it or an act committed in violation of a law ordering it, which is punishable by death, impoundment, or the imposition of a fine or restrictions.

The rate at which crimes are being reported in Enugu State today requires immediate attention. We hear on the radio, in the news, and on television about various cases of house burglaries, cars being snatched at gunpoint, houses being burned, properties being destroyed, people being massacred, and so on. Some of the things that come to mind are

The questions that come to mind are: what factors are responsible for these atrocities, and how can we reduce the rate at which these crimes are committed?

We can’t reach a conclusion unless we divide crime into different categories.

There are three types of crime:

Simple crime
Felony: An offence for which a person can be sentenced to death or imprisonment for three years or more upon conviction, even if he has never been convicted of an offense.
Some examples of felonious crimes and their punishments are:

Burglary is the crime of breaking into a house with the intent to steal or commit another felony. The offender is sentenced to life in prison. Housebreaking is a type of burglary.

Breaking that occurs between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. If, on the other hand, the offense is committed during the day, the offender is sentenced to fourteen (14) years in prison.

Murder is defined as the unlawful, malicious, or premeditated killing of one human being by another. A person who commits murder is sentenced to death.

Manslaughter is the intentional or unintentional killing of a human being. The offender faces life in prison or fourteen (14) years in prison.

Arson is the intentional setting fire to another person’s building or property, or to one’s own property, in order to collect insurance. The person who commits this crime is

Depending on the property in question, you could face seven years to life in prison.

Slave Dealing: One who deals in the purchase, sale, transfer, or taking of any person in order for that person to be held or treated as a slave. The offender faces fourteen years in prison.

ii. Misdemeanor: This is an offense that has been declared as such or is punishable by imprisonment for not less than six months but not more than three years.

Assault and kidnapping are two examples.

Assault is defined as an unlawful threat to physically harm another person or an unsuccessful attempt to do so. A person who commits the offense faces imprisonment for six months to less than three years, depending on the severity of the assault.

is. Because Enugu is an educational state, this type of crime is common. Rape is a punishable offense that can result in imprisonment with or without whipping.

Kidnapping is the act of forcibly removing a human being. The penalty for the offense is two years in prison.

Suicide: An act of self-destruction committed by a person of sound mind and moral responsibility. The offender is sentenced to one year in prison.

A simple offense is one that is neither a felony nor a misdemeanor. A simple offense is one that carries a sentence of less than six months in prison if convicted. If an offense is classified as simple, the court must

As a matter of right, grant bail to the offender for both misdemeanors.

There are approximately 1,000 causes of crime in Enugu State, but due to time and space constraints, only a few will be addressed in this project. They are as follows:

Unemployment: “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” A person without a job has a difficult time surviving, especially in Enugu, where the standard of living is deteriorating on a daily basis. With the high rate of unemployment and inflation in the country, and Enugu State as a case study, many people see little or no alternative but to commit crimes such as armed robbery, stealing, burglary, and so on, in order to survive.


This factor has a significant impact on the rising crime rate in Enugu State today. Despite the economic problems, you can find all kinds of wealth, including the latest brands of cars, massively built dings, and people wasting money on parties. Those things are done by a small group of people, and the unfortunate ones are jealous and influenced as a result, and as a result, they resort to committing various crimes in order to be rich as well.

Difficulties: Due to the current economic situation in Enugu State, the majority of employed people cannot afford two square meals per day. As a result, some of them believe that the only way for them to live up to expectations is to commit crime.


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