In African tradition, medical health care is considered a sacred practice. It’s a way of ensuring that people’s lives are protected. Life is viewed as holy by all African communities. Every person’s life is seen as a gift from God to the community and family.

The Ihiala Local Government Area in Anambra State is home to a population of people that cherish and believe in African traditional worldviews and institutions.

This project aims to learn about African traditional medical health practices, as well as its application and concept in Anambra State’s Ihiala L.G.A. More than ever before, Africa has a diverse range of medical health practices.




African is a vast continent with numerous countries, each with its own tribes and civilizations. Nigeria is an African country in the western section of the continent. There are 36 states in Nigeria, with Anambra being one of them. Ihiala L.G.A is one of the local government areas in the Anambra South Senatorial Zone. It consists of nine (9) autonomous cities.

Medicine is a significant aspect of many African indigenous religions. In this section of the world, disease is usually attributed to a spiritual source. African traditional medicine has been known and used by Africans for the health needs of their people from time immemorial. It plays an essential role in the delivery of health care in Africa.

According to Obiaofo, it was thought in Ihiala L.G.A that African traditional medicine had the power to prolong the lives of everyone in the community, and that it was utilized to resist the powers of destruction and evil spirits. It is helpful to man and essential to people’s religious and social lives.

Medicine is a vital part of any religion, but it is especially so in African traditional religion. Many people in Ihiala L.G.A seek out diviners on a regular basis. There are no laws prohibiting the practice in most cases. Those who make a profession telling fortunes are often sought out for their advise and expertise of herbal medicine. Traditional African medicine is an essential element of African culture. The healer offers guidance in many areas of life, including medical, psychological, spiritual, moral, and legal issues. They also comprehend the relevance of ancestor spirits and witchcraft (hence the colonial term witch-doctor). Traditional African medicine, according to the Ihiala people, is a holistic discipline integrating indigenous herbalism and African spirituality, and is primarily practiced by diviners, midwives, and herbalists. Traditional African medicine practitioners claim to be able to treat a wide range of ailments, including cancer, psychological problems, high blood pressure, cholera, most venereal diseases, epilepsy, asthma, dermatitis, fever, depression, and wound and burn healing.


Despite its importance and strengths, African Traditional Medicine has several drawbacks, particularly in the way it is now practiced. These issues have practically tainted the historical significance of the site.

The first of these issues influencing African traditional medical practices today is that there are misconceptions about the notion of African traditional medicine in African countries, including among Ihiala L.G.A. residents. A typical Ihiala youth, particularly those who live outside of the community or outside of Africa, learns about African traditional medical health practices from films or stories. These films or movies frequently portray African traditional medical health practices as demonic, diabolic, and inhuman activities that should be abolished since bad and primitive people practice them. According to Omonzejele (2003), another issue with African traditional medical health practices is when they resort to spiritual explanations for the cause of ill-health, which is linked to a variety of mystical entities. This issue limits African traditional medicine to the point that, even when the therapy is effective, providing explanation and evidence in accordance with basic epistemology for the curing of a disease is quite difficult. In Nigeria, for example, everyone understands that traditional practitioners are best suited to handle orthopaedic cases, but the link between a hen’s broken leg and the treatment of a human with a broken leg is difficult to explain. Again, the consequences of Africa’s economic hardships have exacerbated the difficulties faced by African traditional medical practices. Many traditional medical practitioners exist, but the majority of them are charlatans who, like the ancient sophists, profit handsomely from the trade. Traditional health practitioners used to think of what they did in terms of services to their communities, where there was no room for doubt. The current generation of African traditional practitioners go from rural to urban regions solely to enrich themselves. Patients who aren’t aware of their existence patronize them. These mobile African traditional medicine practitioners are not always well-versed in the art of African traditional medicine. Furthermore, in African traditional medicine, the methods and processes for employing or testing novel drugs prior to their administration on humans are lacking. That utilizing the bark of a certain tree, which was beneficial in treating animals, does not prove that the same bark will be effective in treating humans with a comparable condition. Traditional African healers have little awareness of the botanical qualities of the medications they utilize. They are unable to predict the drug’s effect on humans during the trial stage, which he should educate the subjects about in order for them to make an informed consent or refusal decision. They can only hope that the drug “works” without causing any negative side effects. This type of behavior is unacceptable.


The purpose of this research is to look at African tradition, with a focus on traditional medical health practices. As a result, to define Ihiala L.G.A’s social position in African Traditional Medical Health Practices.


This research is significant for a variety of reasons, including:

This research is significant because it has the potential to influence other researchers in this area.


African traditional medical health practices will be revealed to the entire globe, not only Africans, as a result of this research.


The notion and concept of African traditional medical health practices in Ihiala L.G.A is further expanded via this study.


This study will also show the operations of numerous African traditional medical health practitioners, directing their patrons to use discretion.


In Ihiala L.G.A., this study focused on the notion and belief of African Traditional Medical Health Practices. Uli, Ihiala, Okija, Azia, Mbosi, Isekke, Orsumoghu, Uburuisiuzo, and Lilu are among the L.G.As in the Anambra South Senatorial Zone, and they are made up of nine (9) autonomous towns: Uli, Ihiala, Okija, Azia, Mbosi, Isekke, Orsu


The following are some of the study’s limitations:

Lack of funds imposed a limitation: In this example, the researcher did not have enough funds to complete the study, therefore she had to borrow the majority of the time.

Lack of time imposed limitation: In this circumstance, the researcher did not have enough time to conduct this type of investigation. As a result, the growth of this study project was hampered by a lack of time.

Lack of materials in the study area: The researcher in this study did not have adequate materials with which to conduct a study of this nature. This is due to the fact that the topic is relatively new, and the literature on it is quite limited.

The issue of distance:


Given that some of the terminology and concepts used in this article may have more than one meaning, the researcher has provided the following definitions for such terms as they are used here:

Traditional: This refers to a group of people’s beliefs, practices, or way of life that has remained unchanged for a long period. Older methods and ideas are preferred over modern or novel ones.

Medical: This refers to methods of treating illness that do not require the body to be sliced open.

Health refers to a person’s physical and mental well-being.

A habit or a custom is a way of doing something that is the typical or expected approach in a certain organization.

Belief: Something in which you have faith, especially in yourself.

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