The Rivers State Library in Port Harcourt was used as a case study to investigate alternative funding for public libraries. The study’s specific goals were to investigate the need for alternative funding sources for public libraries, investigate the various alternative funding sources for public libraries, investigate the challenges of alternative funding for public libraries, and propose possible solutions to the identified challenges of alternative funding for public libraries. The survey descriptive research design was used in the study. The survey yielded a total of 30 valid responses. The findings revealed that the need for alternative funding sources for public libraries is that it helps to improve service delivery, allows for the provision of necessary infrastructure, and allows for the provision of current books. Aids in the maintenance of staff and the library, as well as the overall performance of library services. Fees for services, private donations, government grants, and corporate and foundation grants are also alternative funding sources for public libraries. Furthermore, the challenges of alternative funding for public libraries include: librarian’s attitude, insufficient philanthropic culture of Nigerians, insufficient structures for effective and efficient accountability and transparency, uncooperative attitude of those involved in the fund-raising process, insufficient time to plan due to head librarian’s tenure in office, and government attitude towards library development in Nigeria. As a result, the study recommends that public libraries seek other sources of funding to supplement the traditional sources, which are insufficient to provide modern facilities. The libraries are technologically advanced. This they can accomplish by commercializing the services provided by private individuals or organizations within their premises. Photocopying, document printing, and card production are examples of such services. Furthermore, there is a need for more advocacy and public awareness in the media about the critical role of libraries in the operational efficiency of their states. Profit-oriented corporate establishments and non-governmental voluntary organizations could be mobilized to provide financial assistance to Nigeria’s libraries through such awareness programs.




A library is a learning institution that houses treasures of knowledge that are maintained, organized, and managed by trained personnel in order to continuously educate children, men, and women and assist in their self-improvement through effective and timely dissemination of information embodied in the resources. This is a self-educational tool, a source of knowledge and factual information, a center of intellectual recreation, and a beacon of enlightenment that provides accumulated preserved knowledge of civilization, thereby enriching one’s mental vision and elevating one’s habit, behavior, character, taste, attitude, conduct, and outlook on life. (Islam, 2004).

The public library is a social institution inextricably linked to the political and social realities of the communities in which it is located. As the name implies, this is a public library.


According to UNESCO, “those that serve the residents of the community or region for free or at a low cost” (1966). It is a public library that is open to the general public.
According to Oduagwu, “public libraries that serve the public are supported by government subvention, municipal rates, or levies” (2002). He went on to say that a public library can be compared to a poor man’s university. Its clientele is diverse, with no regard for ethnicity, position, or rank in determining who would not use its services. It transports everything imaginable that contributes to society’s knowledge, education, research, information, and cultural needs. Today, each of Nigeria’s 36 states, including Abuja, has a public library board. The library board of states in Nigeria is established by edit or laws made by the states legislators, rather than by the public library act as in the United Kingdom (UK).
Oparaku et al (2005) defined a public library as “an institution that is set up by the government through enabling law, funded and mentioned expected to meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its community”.
Making money available for the day-to-day operation of the library is referred to as public library funding. Funding is the process of making money or funds available to public libraries. Finance is the lifeline of any establishment, including labor, capitals, and entrepreneurs, as well as information. The capital here refers to finance, which can be used to acquire other factors of production. Making it more important than others. Obviously, money is the most important aspect of any business. It is also an establishment’s working capital. In general, public library funding refers to the various methods by which public libraries obtain funds for capital and recurring expenses.
According to New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (1991) public libraries is “a library usually run by a municipality from which books may be borrowed freely”.
A library, according to the Encyclopedia of Librarianship (1958), is “concerned with all material. Individual and community values, as well as the obligation not only to meet existing demands, but also to encourage and facilitate wider demands from more people.


Many public libraries’ budgetary allocations are not released when they are due, which delays the implementation of their programs when funds are scarce, as is currently being experienced by people and researchers in need of the material. The state government, which provides approximately 80% of the funds required by public libraries, provides insufficient funding. Materials are in short supply due to a lack of funds. Inadequate funding has prevented public libraries from providing current materials needs to staff and clients. Also, poor appreciation of the library’s service by those in charge, as well as low societal ratings of public libraries Library by those in charge, low societal ratings of libraries in public libraries in Nigeria pose challenges to funding public libraries.


Objectives in research are just as useful as they are in most other aspects of life. According to Torty, “research objectives give the researcher a wonderful sense of aim and direction” (2021). The overall goal of the study is to look into alternative funding for public libraries.

The study, on the other hand, was designed to achieve the following specific objectives:

Investigate the need for alternative public library funding sources.

Examine the various alternative funding sources for public libraries.

Investigate the difficulties associated with alternative funding for public libraries.

Provide potential solutions to the identified challenges of alternative public library funding.


A study in scientific inquiry is structured and directed by research questions. As a result, “research questions should truly constitute an enlargement of the research problem,” according to Torty (2021).

In accordance with the study’s objectives, the following research questions were posed and analyzed using mean and standard deviation:

What is the need for alternative public library funding sources?

What are the various public library alternative funding sources?

What are the challenges of alternative public library funding?

What are the potential solutions to the identified challenges of alternative public library funding?


This study will help the government and policymakers in Rivers State and other Nigerian states understand the importance of alternative sources of funding for public libraries in their respective states. This research will also help librarians follow the rules of accountability and transparency when managing the various funds that will be coming to public libraries. This study will also assist the government in identifying and addressing the challenges of alternative sources of funding for public libraries. This study will add to the existing literature on this topic and serve as a reference material for future research on this or related topics.


This research looks into the need for alternative funding sources for public libraries. This research will also look into the various alternative funding sources for public libraries. This research will also look into the difficulties of alternative funding for public libraries. Finally, this research will propose potential solutions to the identified challenges of alternative public library funding. This research will be limited to the Rivers State Library in Nigeria. As a result, the Rivers State Library in Port Harcourt will serve enrolled participants in this study.


The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in sourcing relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher chose a moderate sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.


A library is a collection of materials, books, or media that are easily accessible for use rather than just display. It is in charge of storing up-to-date information in order to meet the needs of the users on a daily basis.

Fund – Money that has been served or made available for a specific purpose.
Alternative Fund: another option for obtaining funds from other sources.



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