This project examines how efficient advertising might boost cosmetics sales in Enugu Metropolis ( A case study of petals cosmetics). Advertising in this context refers to activities carried out to identify the means for communication that will optimize sales for every naira spent on advertising. The study only included cosmetics manufactured and sold in Enugu Metropolitan. The main goal of the was to ascertain the relationship between advertising and sales of the company’s products, as well as the most efficient way to advertise the products of the petals cosmetics company by figuring out whether other factors, like price, have any impact on its sales turnover and, as a result, whether neighbors, friends, and family members have any influence on the brand of cosmetics they choose to buy. The banks and any additional factors, such as product policy or quality. In addition to advertising, design, packaging, and the company’s prior image all have a role to play in boosting sales. A well-structured questionnaire was also employed to achieve these goals. To obtain the accurate information needed, hypotheses for the will and alternatives were properly investigated. Customers and employees of the company mostly made up the respondents for the study, and primary and secondary data sources were used. The data was examined using frequency and percentage tables. It was discovered through investigation that advertising. The cosmetics industry engages in a lot of aggressive and competitive advertising. The most effective methods for reaching customers with cosmetics advertising are radio, television, and billboards.

The study suggests that Ration and television advertisements should receive the majority of the advertising budget expenditures. The billboard should be placed in a prominent location in the town so that it can draw people’s attention with its colorful display. In conclusion, these should include continual project quality improvement and advertising through a variety of channels.







Advertising is one of the most popular promotional tools that businesses use to inform and persuade people about their products. Businesses target their advertising to their target market, channel companies, and the general public (Graw 1982:319).Advertising seems to enjoy greater awareness than other promotional methods, making it the most aggressive marketing tactic employed over the years by PETALS Cosmetics Company in Enugu. They do utilize other promotional tools, but they are not quite as effective as those described above.

Budgets on advertising. Even though a significant amount of money was invested in this promotional tool, the business does not seem to care. This mindset tends to convey the idea that the benefits of advertising on sales and profit are quite satisfactory.

Yet, it doesn’t seem like Enugu State’s cosmetic company, PETALS, has the time to research the connection between its promotional efforts and sales and earnings. It’s also conceivable that the organization’s management is unaware of the need for the development of this relationship or is unsure of how to go about it. Actually, Simon (1970:871) maintains that “it is likely that manufacturers take the ability to measure the effects of advertising and lack methods of calculating its run valves.

The failure to measure the outcome of advertising on the sales of cosmetic is the not peculiar to PETALS cosmetics company in Enugu alone. It is a problem common to all manufacturers in Enugu state. Advertising seems to enjoy a band wagon effects in industry with every company embarking on the because other are into it but none of them spending time to calculate the effects on the companies sales, profit or even good will. This appears to be understandable because since all cosmetic company sell. Their product at almost the same prices, they are left with concentrating on advertising as a means of beating their competitors.  It is in the light of the foregoing that the researcher has decided to study the effects of advertising on the sales of cosmetics and the profit using PETALS cosmetics as a case study.

It is however, necessary to point out that PETALS cosmetics company does not only manage in product advertising, but also in institutional advertising product according to Stanton ( 1981:414) is a means where by advertiser inform and stimulate the market for the product over a longer period of time, that is, it is aimed of getting a long firm effect.

Institutional advertising, on the other hand is designed to create a proper attitude towards the seller and to build good will rather than to sell a specific product or service. It’s long-run objectives is creating and maintaining awareness of the company and it’s products on the consumer rather than increasing it’s daily sales. It company making the products or services.

This makes it obvious that when we advertise, our goals are to present the company as a good one with items that are worth buying rather than only to raise sales in the near term.

1. How effective are the constant barrages of advertising?
2. How much does it contribute to the expansion and development of the business?
3. Does it cause a shift in people’s perspectives?
4. Does it cause previous customers to switch to new ones in terms of patronage?
5. Does it result in higher sales?
Due to this, the makers of other cosmetics turned to advertising to increase their market shares, but PETALS persisted despite its guarantor status in the sector.

The PETALS cosmetics company sells more than 2 million cartons of cosmetics every day, making it the top cosmetics marketer. With the company’s expansion effort to improve its capacity, this number is rising daily. Seven operational cosmetics significantly hampered the company’s efforts to carry out its desired expansion program, but with the help of expatriate workers from the various plants, the company was able to succeed with the launch of yet another new brand or category of cosmetics (Black Current) onto the market. So, the challenge is not in introducing the new, but in persuading customers to acquire the product.


The principal queries listed above are those that have frequently been posed to the researcher and propelled him to start this research project. The researcher was motivated to start this research project because cosmetic industries do not devote enough time to studying the relationship between advertising efforts or, more specifically, the impact of advertising on the sale of their products. This is because it is difficult to distinguish between the effects of advertising on a company’s performance.


1. To ascertain the connection between PETALS Cosmetic Company’s advertising and sales of cosmetics.
2. To ascertain and know the most efficient ways to promote PETALS Cosmetic Company’s products. Providing it really does increase the sale of cosmetics.
3. To ascertain the impact of advertising on customer rankings of PETALS Cosmetic Company’s various goods in comparison to those of its rivals.
4. To assess the impact of advertising on the PETALS cosmetics company’s reputation.
5. To assess how much of a contribution advertising makes to product sales.


In an effort to address the problem under study adequately, the following hypothesis were developed for testing.

H01: There is no significant relationship between the amount of products consumed and rate of advertising.

H1: There is no significant relationship between the amount of products consumed and rate of advertising.

H02: There is no signifant relationship between advertising and the choice of a given type of products.

H03: There is no significant effect of advertisement towards product quality and product availability on the sales of the product availability on the sales of the products.

H3: There is significant effect of advertisement towards products quality and product availability on the sales of the products.


The necessity to ascertain whether the millions of naira invested in advertising has been accomplishing the goals for which they were intended is vital given the disparity between manufacturers and their market’s size. It will not only help organization in the cosmetics industry to programme their promotional efforts well but also, support existing studies on advertising agencies to know how best to package their advertising and add new insight into the study.

The study will also help marketing firms understand how to bundle. Students studying marketing will also greatly benefit from it because it will further their theoretical understanding of advertising. Because it will aid in the creation of a more effective communication mix, this study is significant because it will help in designing more effective communication mix and choice of media that will enhance sales, reduce cost and create more awareness of produce to the consumers.

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