The study examines efficient marketing tactics for healthcare services in the city of Enugu ( a case study of Bethsaida hospital). Primary and secondary data were gathered to address the research question in Primary Metropolis (a case study of Bethsaida Hospital). As a tool for the research, questionnaires were used. The client (patients) and the pertinent staff made up the study’s population.

The following goal was developed in order to properly conduct the research activity. To determine the degree to which the idea of marketing management is utilized in the Nigerian healthcare system, specifically with regard to Bethsaida hospital.

v To determine the causes of patients’ ongoing dissatisfaction with medical facilities.
v To identify the advantages and disadvantages of marketing management for the hospital.
v To determine whether Bethsaida’s services are consistently used
Frequencies and percentages were utilized to organize and show the data collected table, and chi-squares were employed to test the hypothesis.
v In light of this, the researcher made the following observations.
Consumers are delighted with the hospital’s services in terms of accessibility, hence it is constantly open.

The hospital’s services do not improve client retention rates.
The hospital operates without using efficient marketing techniques. The hospital fees are rather expensive. The hospital performs better than usual, and the staff members are motivated.
The researcher issued the following advice in light of these findings.
The hospital needs to come up with innovative ways to provide its services. More training needs to be offered to the staff.
To match the high cost of services, the quality of services should be raised.
In the researcher’s honest opinion, if the study’s recommendations are implemented, the hospital will not only provide excellent patient care but will also experience sustained growth and increase its profits. A customers (patients) forum should be set up.





Understanding the marketing of health services in Enugu is important because this sector of the economy focuses on performance, improvement, and productivity growth. Its goal is to carry out a variety of actions that will draw people in and keep them interested. meets client needs and, if done well, does so profitably.

However, it should be noted that because this is a service product, it is intangible, so the need must be accurately determined before a corresponding product (service) can be created to meet the patient’s needs.

Being a form of service that does not advertise, the (Bethsaida hospital) should cultivate a positive reputation and environment to survive and thrive in society.

Speaking of efficient marketing plans for healthcare providers in the Enugu metropolis, health care has historically received little attention because the majority of our ancestors perished from ignorance and many illnesses were thought to have been caused by historical events or folklore. Researchers developed medications as a result as a solution to this issue.

Nonetheless, given the current competitive environment, the majority of hospitals are looking for ways to set themselves apart from the competition. The services provided and the outcomes of those services contribute to the perception of the service’s character. Bethsaida hospital is here to help. The service and outcome can assist patients in making pre- and post-purchase decisions about the healthcare facility.

Consequently, Bethsaida hospital should adopt agile and effective strategies that focus on the need to constantly and promptly meet the demand of the patient, motivated by the spirit of enterprises and creativity, in handling the needs and responsive and responsible to the change in its environment and customers needs.

For promotion, they do not advertise, but they may use other tools like (public relation) that can facilitate awareness of message or information to reach the targeted patients. Relating this to the way Bethsaida hospital market their health service to their customer (patient). The hospital was established in July 1970 by late Professor F.C Ada Rtd. Chief consultant UNTH Enugu as an out – patient hospital in Kayaita Enugu and was relocated to independent Layount in the Year 1983.

The Hospital as at date is a ten – bedded hospital the service they render include. Diagnostic, laboratory test, maternity, and humanitarian. There are currently five certified nurses, three auxiliary nurses, one doctor, and two midwives working at the hospital. The late professor F.C. Ada’s wife, Dr. (Mrs.) M.N. Ada, a physician, is in charge of the hospital. Today, Bethsaida Hospital must not only offer effective treatments but also employ a range of marketing strategies to protect their market share from the intrusion of several fierce competitors. They must provide new, improved services and have the ability to persuade clients that their product would best meet their needs.


One of the service sectors, the health institution, has been rattled. Due to a lack of equipment, personnel, and medications, Bethsaida Hospital has received numerous complaints. Several of their patients have responded negatively to their charges, and in Bethsaida, there are issues with the lengthy wait times for patient admission and the unpleasant demeanor of some nurses. Most of the time, patients are not attended to by medical personnel. Patients have complained about the Bethsaida hospital’s level of care.

The reason why Bethsaida Hospital isn’t performing as effectively as it should currently remains a mystery. What will the Bethsaida Hospital do to draw in more patients? The emphasis of this and numerous research.


v Determining the extent to which the management idea is applicable and used in the Nigerian healthcare system, with a focus on Bethsaida hospital.
v Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the hospital’s marketing management in order to make marketing suggestions and recommendations for improvement.
v Determining the impact of service quality on increased patronage
determining the causes of ongoing patient discontent with medical facility services
v To determine whether Bethsaida Hospital’s offering (service) is constantly available.
v To ascertain whether patients are happy with the Bethsaida hospital’s charges bill.


Ho: the quality of the service rendered by Bethsaida hospital has not helped bo increased customer patronage

Hi: the quality of the service rendered by Bethsaida hospital has helped to increase customer patronage
Ho2: the patient are not satisfied with the pricing system adopted by bethsaida hospital
Ho2: the patient are satisfied with the pricing system adopted by bethsaida hospital
Ho3: the service of Bethsaida hospital are not always available
Ho3: the serices of bethsaida hospital are always available
Ho4: Bethsaida hospital does not apply effective marketing strategies in there operations

Ho4: Bethsaida hospital applies effective marketing strategies in their operation


In addition to finding the most efficient and effective marketing ideas and tactics, this study seeks to assure Bethsaida Hospital’s economic expansion and development.

The findings of the study will teach readers and the general public who are curious about what hospitals and healthcare are all about. It will also give health institution staff members insight into how to effectively serve their clients (patients). Also, it will be useful for researchers conducting additional research on the subject.


The scope of this study covers mainly on the Bethsaida hospital independence layout Enugu. The choice of the hospital in Enugu therefore attempts to justify a good reason being that it is located in the town where the research institution (school) is located.

The scope is designed to examined the place of marketing in the present day health institution.


Any action or performance that one party can provide to another that is essentially intangible and does not lead to the acquisition of any property is referred to as a service. Its creation may or may not be connected to a tangible good. Edition of the millenium (Kotler 2000, 428). Public relations refers to a range of initiatives created to enhance or safeguard a business’s reputation or that of a specific product. Edition of the millenium (Kotler 2000: p605).

Public relations is a broad category of programs created to enhance or defend a company’s perception of its unique offerings. Edition of the millenium (Kotler 2000: 605).

Competition: in this perspective, many hospitals are attempting to differentiate their facilities from those of competitors. The services provided and the outcomes of those services aid in the development of the  nature of the service.

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