Everyone here supports communication. We continue to say this. We also claim that any management that supports effective internal and external communication is enlightened. The researcher is baffled as to why someone might be considered enlightened for merely promoting and outlining their own policy or point of view. Working in the dark or following a persistent line of thought that is rife with clichés while hiding your light beneath a bushed, as Henry James phrased it, must be done without paint.

One of the marketing promotional strategies is public relations, which is becoming a crucial component of contemporary business management. But for a variety of reasons, management is unaware of its true value due to the perception that PR is frequently questionable  of some members of the public within attempt to deceive to ‘full the wool over our eyes’.

But, this is the exact reverse of what it’s really there for, which is to clear up misconceptions and prejudice based on ignorance of the acts by explaining what might not be immediately clear.

But simply being moral is insufficient in the fiercely competitive society we live in. PR takes into account the requirement to draw attention to all the positive elements of a company’s operations. By doing this, we further our goals to improve the climate.

So, the job of a PR is to make sure that the company is viewed as having a valuable and effective impact on the health of the trade or industry in which it works.

A positive public perception does not happen by chance. To be effective, it needs conscious ————- and that effort seed must be channeled. Effective communication and good PR go hand in hand. This calls for the use of knowledge-based communication channels, particularly the press, radio, and television.

This study focuses on exports in Enugu State in an effort to examine the issues that prevent the use of PR at the worldwide marketing level. It is done in consideration of the marketing executive’s face.

The job of public relations in a modern commercial organization is frequently crucial. This is because it is as much as fast of management as human resource management or financial management. It should be noted that for an organization to attain its main objectives well – managed public relations activities is required.

We can probably all think a organizations which management PR well. It is obvious that they are the organization we trust are familiar with, with which we feel comfortable and would want to do business with. For a marketing executive, the  interesting question is, how do these organization win respect and convince or persuade people they are organization to support? Mr. E.O. Adirika will simply tell you that “show me who you are”. By this answer we can find out that people will go back to organisations which have made them selves and their products and services reliable. But there is more to it then performance. The must worthy company may find it self without support at time or crises, because it has filled to build and sustain important relationship for occasions when they are needed. Attempts also, will be made to exposure the ways to which PR is used to establish and maintain relationship in international business. “Relationships do not necessarily develop along satisfactory lines, rather their development has to be managers to support the interest, objectives, aspirations products, and services of the organization”.  In recent years, exporters companies in Enugu State are increasingly doing business with overseas partners and associates in their own capacity. They have thus become strong factors in the projection of the national image abroad. The implication is that they are compelled to deal with people of different nationalities, languages, customs, senses of value, social and economic views. The questions that may arise from this is how do they win the support of all these people (public)?

PR as a means of marketing communication parallels all aspects of our socio – economic life. The meaning is conceived by various organisations in different ways.

Several organizations defined the term as “image mater,” “hidden persuader,” etc. from a functional point of view. To achieve the goals of the marketing idea, it is necessary to influence the relevant public opinion or attitude at the international marketing level in a positive manner. This is the purpose of everything that is referred to as PR in this specific context.

Last but not least, the strategy for public relations used in this study is meant to be useful and to offer exporters in Enugu State direction for making wise marketing choices about the efficient management of international marking operations.


International marketing faces numerous challenges both globally and in Enugu State specifically. Recent events show that these challenges have been impeding international marketing’s ability to maximize its goal of generating enough foreign exchange to raise per capital income and national reserve of the nation.

Every country wants to be successful; as we look around the world, we can see how quickly the economic, political, and social landscape is changing. Do some seasonal activity in order to be successful. We witnessed the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) transition to capitalist reforms, as well as South Africa’s transition to a policy aimed at fostering goodwill and understanding with the outside world.

“No matter how large or small, however, every nation in the world including our own (Nigeria) must take very much into account what” foreigner are doing and, if it wishes to accomplish more than it can be its own limited resources if must gain their co-operation”. So, is need to gel other nations to know more about us, which we are doing and what we have to offer.

No nation could sustain a significant portion of its own citizens through the aid of foreigners. In light of the current state of the international economy, it is known that Nigeria, the great “Grant” of Africa, is ranked as the thirteenth (#13) poorest nation in the world.

Once more, the current “419” phenomenon makes us appear awful to international tourists and potential business partners. Things are made worse by the nation’s political unrest. Some overseas suppliers have reportedly complained that these political crises could lead to civil upheaval.



These are the study’s primary goals:
a) To ascertain the degree of knowledge about international PR tactics and techniques among exporters in Enugu State.
b) To gauge the depth of their understanding and use of foreign PR in their marketing initiatives.
c) To ascertain these exporters’ attitudes about the use of foreign PR in global marketing.
d) Furthermore ascertain the issues they ran into when implementing foreign PR approaches and strategies in international marketing.
e) To assess the extent of their understanding of global political topics , difficulties and challenges.

f) To assess their understanding of and attitude toward how international PR (IPR) might assist in resolving these global political issues in  their business. To appropriate recommendations.


Hi: The value of international PR (IPR) tactics and techniques to the global market is not sufficiently understood by exporters in Enugu State.
Ho: 1 The necessity of international PR (IPR) strategies and approaches for the global market is not sufficiently understood by exporters in Enugu State.
The use of international PR techniques and strategies is not viewed negatively by Ho: 2 Exporters.
Hello: 2 Exporters do not view the use of foreign public relations techniques and initiatives negatively.
Ho: 3 Exporters can overcome global political issues in their business by implementing worldwide public relations (PR) strategies and tactics.
H1: 3 Using international public relations (IPR) methods and approaches won’t aid exporters in resolving their company’s political issues on a global scale.


the traditional marketing strategy. As previously mentioned, consumers will favor goods that are readily available and inexpensive. These days, such a system would be suicide.

A nation, state, or organization that has access to the best technology and has a stable political, economic, and social environment nonetheless needs the cooperation and understanding of others in order to survive. No man is an island, as the saying goes. No nation or institution can be self-sufficient in every way; even when they are economically stable, they still need people to speak well of them, to react to them favorably, and so forth. The current commercial reputation of Enugu State needs a serious face-lift.  In order to achieve and maintain the understanding, sympathy, and support of those we are and may be concerned with now and in the future, we can down led through management functions of an ongoing and planned character up – lifement through public and private organizations, individuals, and institutions.


This study was carried out in Enugu State. The study was limited to Exporters, whom the researcher presume have more international dealings and connection.


1. Exporters: Those involved in selling a nation’s goods and services abroad.
2. International marketing: A management strategy for determining, predicting, and gratifying clients’ needs and wants internationally.
3. International Public Relation: Often referred to as “beyond the border public relations,” this term refers to international public relations.
4. Public Relations: The majority of authors and writers frequently utilize this abbreviation for public relations in their writing.

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