Material Management Concept

This project is about an appraisal of material management concept as a strategy for achieving higher productivity in an organization. The purpose of this chapter of the research effort was to review the various literature in relation to the study issue. It includes all of the information found in specific journal articles as well as books authored by various authors on the subject.

Diverse persons and authors have different interpretations of the phrase materials management, and some professional writers have defined materials management in distinct authors. Materials management has been defined in a variety of ways by professional writers.

Material management, as described by Cook and Rubbel (2002), is a confederacy of traditional materials operations connected by a shared idea of an integrated management approach to planning acquisition, conversion flow, and distribution of production materials from raw materials to finished product state.

The Importance of a Materials Management Strategy
According to Iornum (2001), all definitions of materials management imply that the concept advocates the coordination of semi-autonomous functions such as purchasing, store stock control, transportation and distribution, and so on, in order to avoid potential conflicts that may arise when they are performed independently. According to him, the approach also aims to prevent sub-optimization because managers of individual material functions, as indicated earlier, tend to consider narrowly in terms of the special obligations connected with their specific role. Each of them has a proclivity for excelling in his own area of responsibility while ignoring business concerns. A material manager, on the other hand, considers the interests of the entire company. Not only that, but by combining material costs,

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