An Appraisal Of The Internal Control System In Commercial Bank
An appraisal of the internal control system in marketable banks in Nigeria have attracted the experimenter to probe those strengths and weakness, of these study.
After everything the experimenter concluded that the internal control system in marketable bank is sound in principle and effective in operation.
Chapter One
Background Of The Study
Trade in Nigeria before the appearance of the Arras and Portuguese, trade before the early 18thcentury was rigorously by trade. But in 1870 when those trade arrived, a mixed trade plutocrat frugality was introduced during this period, marketable and profitable conditioning among African’s were trucks where as similar conditioning between Africans and Arras Portuguese were commodity plutocrat or the other, similar commodity mouse used include particulars like coral viands, cowries, brass and bobby , rods, bottles cases of gins, beast and indeed Slaves who by also, served more as beast of burden.
The Portuguese, who where said to be the first Europeans to visit the west African seacoast ultimately vulgarized the use cowries as financial instrument in their trading conditioning in the Ancient area of Benin. The Portuguese there after sewed up trading conditioning in the west African seacoast, including Nigeria, African seacoast.
Just a many times after the appearance of those British dealers, they conquered the Portuguese dealers and took over the monopoly of all marketable and profitable conditioning in four different nations on the West African seacoast videlicet golden seacoast( now Ghana) Gambia, Sierraleon, and Nigeria. It wasn’t long when it was discovered that those British dealers didn’t only come to trade, but in the factual sense to rule. This how ever lead to the colonizer( Administration striation. With the posterior setting up of a British colonizer Administration in those countries, the use of currency a videlicet but British Sylva coins was greatly encourage. This still was the first step in thec. of monetising those economics, which in factual sense facilited exchange greatly discourage trade.
The early period of social administration back dates Nigeria in banking idea. The British dealers day banking in Nigeria basically for the proper prosecution and transmission of finances to effectively serve the British social government and their pot.
Statement Of The Problem
The base ideal of utmost business include serval and growth Fulfillment of social responsibility and the timber of satisfactory profit sound and effective system of central are established in order to carry on the business of the enterprises efficiently and orderly and means in sina guenon( important) to the achievement of the below ideal. A sound system of internal control also helps in checking the accurate and trustability of records, free inflow of operation information and adherence to operation polices in order to reduce practicable destruction, pilferage losses and theft.
Ideal Of The Study
The end of the study is to examine the internal control system as established and operated in the banking assiduity of Nigeria in performance of this ideal we shell
1. Examine the internal control system of marketable banking in Nigeria as regard loan and advance investment and deposit.
2. Ascertain the extent of compliance with laid down programs.
3. Critically examine why there’s patient increase in the banks blob doubtful debts.
4. Make recommendations in the night of the finding from the below ideal.
Significance The Study
In the marketable banking assiduity control are exercise of all situations from the area officer to credit control and also the examination departments this elaborate system of control is necessary in the area of loans and advances, it thus makes it imperative that acceptable internal control measure like advancing limits of manger, examination and Constance review of overblown account must be placed on loan and advances if the banks is to completely realize it earning and avoid high bad doubtful debts.
Limitations Of The Study
This study will be limited to the ensuing areas loan and advance, stipend and hires, fixed means and investment and marketable bank deposit.
Any short coming that may arise in this exploration design is a result of factors which are beyond the experimenters control similar as limited quantum of time available to the experimenter and the extent to which the information attained from bank is correct.