This study used the Lagos State Ministry Of Health as a case study to assess the omicron form of covid-19 in Nigeria. Significant research objectives were created to accomplish this. In this study, the survey design was used, as well as simple random sample procedures. Staff from the Lagos State Ministry of Health make up the majority of the population. The researcher readily chose 56 responders while selecting the sample size, while 55 were received and 50 were validated. Data was collected using a questionnaire that was self-created and validated. Frequency tables and mean scores were used to assess the questionnaires that had been gathered and validated. The data suggest that the omicron form of covid-19 has a significant frequency in Nigeria. The findings also revealed that the Omicron variant of covid-19 has a significant impact on Nigeria’s economic activities, with travel bans, movement restrictions, strict quarantine laws, and mandatory vaccination among the measures put in place to combat the spread of the omicron variant of covid-19 in Nigeria. In light of the findings, the study suggests that all laboratories implement an effective PCR kit capable of detecting the new B.1.1.529 variation; a quick testing kit at the entry point that can detect the new B.1.1529 variant for every suspected case; and effective contact tracing (using technology)




The coronavirus illness 2019 (covid-19), which was detected in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, has quickly spread to almost every part of the globe Lorfa (2020). Coronavirus 2, a novel and severe type of coronavirus (sarscov-2)[1] causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome. Because of its extreme contagiousness, the coronavirus has caused not only disruptions in routine socioeconomic activities, but also sickness and mortality. Because no widely acknowledged pharmacological remedy exists, other than the development of vaccinations, the most effective technique of prophylaxis may be prophylactic measures that warn against illnesses and limit illness transmission [2].

Despite the fact that vaccines have been developed and distributed, the virus continues to evolve. On November 26, 2021, WHO identified the variety b.1.1.529 as a variant of concern, designating it Omicron, on the recommendation of WHO’s technical advisory panel on virus evolution. This result was reached based on data supplied to the tag-ve, which showed that omicron had a variety of mutations that could affect how it behaves, such as how easily it spreads or how sick it makes people. Researchers in South Africa and around the world are working to better understand various aspects of Omicron, and the findings of these studies will be shared once they are available[6]. However, it is unknown whether Omicron is more transmissible than other variants, such as Delta. The number of people who have tested positive for this new variety is worrying, and it has prompted responses from countries all around the world, including travel bans, mobility restrictions, and harsh quarantine regulations. To protect against potential injury and limit transmission, precautionary measures are essential during the early phases of the variant[2]. As a result, the Nigerian government has undertaken various containment measures, such as mandatory vaccination before to travel, international visitor testing and quarantine, and travel restrictions. This has disrupted people’s daily life, resulting in significant economic losses and social unrest (World Health Organization 2021).


Omicron, on the other hand, is more transmissible than other variants, such as Delta. The high number of people in Nigeria who have tested positive for this new variety has sparked international outrage, with governments imposing travel bans, restricting movement, and establishing severe quarantine laws[3].

As a result, the situation in Nigeria is being driven by a lack of understanding about the infectious disease, which has led to people acting in ways that may prevent infection[7]. As a result, people may need to be warned about the potential dangers of this new variation so that they can take the appropriate precautions. Given the important relevance of understanding preventive methods in limiting the development of COVID-19 and its variants, research on people’s health is essential.


The major goal of this research is to evaluate the covid-19 omicron version in Nigeria. The following are some of the study’s other goals:

The goal of this study was to find out how common the omicron form of covid-19 is in Nigeria.

To see if the omicron form of covid-19 has a major impact on Nigerian economic activity.

To learn about the efforts taken in Nigeria to stop the spread of the omicron strain of covid-19.


The following questions will lead the research:

In Nigeria, how common is the omicron form of covid-19?

Does the omicron form of Covid-19 have a substantial impact on Nigeria’s economic activities?

Iii. What actions have been taken in Nigeria to combat the spread of the omicron form of covid-19?


The conclusions of this study will illustrate the consequences of the omicron variant on residents’ lifestyles and social gatherings, which will be very important to the general public. This study will also benefit the health industry because it will reveal the public’s level of awareness of the omicron variant, allowing further efforts to be made to educate the public about the variant.


The goal of this study is to assess the omicron form of Covid-19 in Nigeria. The study focuses on the prevalence of the omicron variation of covid-19 in Nigeria, the impact of the omicron variant of covid-19 on Nigerian economic activity, and the steps taken to combat the spread of the omicron variant of covid-19 in Nigeria. The Lagos State Ministry of Health will provide the study’s respondents.


The researcher ran into some minor roadblocks while conducting the research, as with any human endeavor. Insufficient funds hamper the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process, which is why the researcher chose a small sample size. Moreover, the researcher was involved in other activities at the same time.


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