Every community in the world has its own problems and threats. Nigeria is not an exception to this rule. As a developing country, she has national, political, economic, and cultural issues that have a significant impact on people’s well-being. This includes unemployment and an increase in violence, both of which have negative effects for national economy. Nigeria’s unemployment rate continues to climb, despite the country’s abundant human and natural resources. Young people in Nigeria suffer from persistent insecurity. Thousands of graduates are produced each year, but the majority of them are unemployed. Nigerian roads are littered with hawkers who would otherwise have found lucrative jobs in a company (Okafor, 2011). The enormous number of unemployed teenagers can jeopardize democratic practice since they pose a serious challenge to the political class’s illegal and criminal actions (Adepegba, 2011; Ibrahim, 2011; Lartey, 2011; Olatunji and Abioye, 2011; Okafor, 2011).

Youth are also a vital participant in society and a significant component of the workforce due to their artistic and inventive ability. However, in the absence of daily pay and subsistence, the jobless young’s anger could be channeled into criminal activity in society. In today’s Nigerian workplace, there is a large number of unemployed youth. According to official labor and statistics bureaus, Nigeria has an estimated 80 million young people, accounting for around 60% of the country’s overall population. Of these, 64 million are unemployed, while 1.6 million are underemployed. Iwuamadi and Awogbenle.

Many of these young people are active and have work potential, but many live on the streets and look for jobs that are scarce (obaro,2012). Nigeria’s present situation of youth unemployment reflects the country’s long-term general decline due to a variety of factors. Furthermore, reliance on oil income due to a lack of agricultural sectors, the simplification of sounding but unsustainable policies, high-profile corruption between politicians and bureaucrats, and schooling in secondary and tertiary institutions that is aimed at salary-employment and devoid of entrepreneurship development (Awogbenle and Iwuamadi 2010; Murphy 2008; Alanana 2003 and Fapohunda 2003). In attempt to reduce criminal behavior, successive governments in the country have implemented numerous programs to combat unemployment. According to reports, no government intervention had a significant impact on unemployment (Osmorodion 2010). As a result, the immunity of the Commission of Crime is linked to juvenile unemployment, given the economic destitution and working life in which most youth have found themselves in this region. Given the severity of adolescent unemployment and a surge in crime in Nigeria, it is interesting that just a few studies have documented the link between the two social phenomena.

Statement Of The Problem

This is why it is critical to evaluate the causes of unemployment, the reasons for its persistence, and the essential recommendations for creating jobs for young people and those who are currently employed. Nigeria has long struggled with the issue of persistent young unemployment. Every year, thousands of students graduate from tertiary and higher education institutions with no job prospects. As a result, Nigeria’s streets are bustling with young hawkers who have either found work in certain enterprises or demonstrated their competence and capability when the conditions are favorable.

The result is the “model” step (money opportunity) that has turned a large number of young people into cyber criminals, also known as the “419,” and Internet fraud, such as yahoo-yahoo, dating fraud, and so on. Despite the proper use of mechanical construction, the consequence is the following available alternative for teenagers and young school leavers, as well as more experienced individuals who have been unemployed for a long time, without regard for the effect or risks associated. The issue is that the majority of Nigerian working graduates are underemployed or unemployed in their chosen subject of study. As many unemployed young graduates work as manufacturers, sell on the street, serve mom and pop shops, and small-scale vendors, all of whom seek to fulfill their objectives. Graduates may pursue careers in deception, aggression, anger, and, ultimately, unyielding mentalities. It’s no surprise that blatant fraud and online dating are popular choices. As a result, the goal of this study is to investigate the impact of unemployment on Nigeria’s crime rate experimentally.

Objective Of The Study

The fundamental goal of this research is to

  1. To look into Nigeria’s crime rates.
  2. To look at the factors for Nigeria’s rising unemployment rate.
  3. Determine whether creating work possibilities may be used to reduce crime rates.

Research Questions

  1. What is Nigeria’s crime rate?
  2. What are the causes of Nigeria’s rising jobless rate?
  3. How may expanding job opportunities help Nigeria reduce its crime rate?

Significance Of The Study

This analysis is critical in a world like ours, where unemployment and crime rates are continually rising. This study will aid policymakers in formulating sound policies. Crime detection and regulation can also be helped. provides an overview of the value of creating and empowering jobs. Scholars and academics will benefit much from this research.

Scope Of The Study

The purpose of this research was to empirically investigate the impact of unemployment on Nigeria’s crime rate. As a result, this work is limited to unemployment and crime rates in Nigeria, and it focuses on youth and criminal activities linked to unemployment.

Limitation Of The Study

The significant problems encountered over the course of this investigation were time constraints and financial constraints.

Definition Of Terms

UNEMPLOYMENT: Unemployment is a phrase used to describe persons who are prepared to work and are actively involved in the workforce but are unable to find work. Employees who live but do not have a suitable job fall into this category.

CRIME: An act or omission that constitutes a criminal offense that is prosecutable by the state and punishable by law.




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