E-learning is the use of information and communications technology (ICT) to enhance and/or facilitate learning in higher education. E-learning refers to both entirely online and campus-based or other distance-based offerings enhanced in some way by ICT, while maintaining a dominant interest in increasingly advanced applications (Eynon, 2005). The activities in the supplemental model range from the most fundamental use of ICT (such as using PCs for assignment word processing) to more advanced adoption (such as specialist disciplinary software, handheld devices, learning management systems, adaptive hypermedia, artificial intelligence devices, simulations, and so on).

With the intention of providing a platform for the knowledge-based development of today’s society, e-learning has emerged as a new essence and fundamental concept in educational and library services. Therefore, exactly what is e-learning? E-learning is all about computer-based learning, according to Farmer (2004). Studying with a computer today simply entails acquiring information offline via CD-ROM, for instance, or online via the internet. To put it another way, it refers to the utilization of network technology to produce, promote, distribute, and support learning at any time and from any location.

It has been discovered that e-learning students at higher education institutions performed better than those who took classes in person. Folley (2010) found that students who participate in online or e-learning receive higher grades than students who study through more conventional methods. E-learning is rapidly gaining popularity as a result of this discovery, and numerous higher education institutions are implementing virtual learning systems. Covenant University is just one of many colleges around the world that use e-learning a lot. The impact of e-learning on student academic achievement may not be evaluated by some universities because it does not significantly enhance their teaching and learning activities. The relationship between student academic achievement and e-learning use has not been extensively studied. Tingting, Ge, and Hui (2010) It has been discovered that e-learning students at higher education institutions performed better than those who took classes in person. According to Farmer (2004), students who engage in online or e-learning receive higher grades than those who study through more conventional methods. E-learning is rapidly gaining popularity as a result of this discovery, and numerous higher education institutions are implementing virtual learning systems. Covenant University is just one of many colleges around the world that use e-learning a lot. The impact of e-learning on student academic achievement may not be evaluated by some universities because it does not significantly enhance their teaching and learning activities. The relationship between student academic achievement and e-learning use has not been extensively studied.

1.2 EXPOSITION OF THE PROBLEM With the growth of e-learning technologies, academics now face the challenge of acquiring and utilizing IT skills for educational purposes. The internet, according to a number of well-known experts, is an ideal learning tool because it offers students flexibility and convenience as well as endless opportunities for innovative instruction (Eynon, 2005). By allowing access to resources and services, as well as distant exchanges and cooperation, the use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet in education is viewed as a method of improving accessibility, efficiency, and quality of learning. With the intention of serving as a knowledge-based growth platform for today’s society, e-learning has developed into a new educational paradigm and philosophy. According to Farmer (2004), it is evident that the concept of e-learning is viewed as a novel learning paradigm that has the potential to have a positive impact on the improvement of education in developing nations, particularly Nigeria. Current research on e-learning in Nigeria demonstrates that putting e-learning on the educational agenda in Nigeria still faces a number of challenges, despite the fact that little effort is put into its implementation (Folley, 2010).

The primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of e-learning on students’ academic performance at tertiary institutions. In particular, the study will 1. Examine the advantages that tertiary students receive from e-learning.

2. Determine whether students’ academic performance is significantly affected by e-learning.

3. Determine the limitations of e-learning in higher education institutions.

1.4 QUESTIONS FOR THE RESEARCH The following inquiries will serve as the research’s compass:

1. What advantages does e-learning offer higher education students?

2. Is e-learning a significant factor in students’ academic success?

3. When students use e-learning in higher education, what obstacles do they encounter?

1.5 IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY The findings of this study will demonstrate the significance of e-learning and its impact on students’ academic performance, making it crucial for all tertiary institutions. Additionally, it will demonstrate the issues associated with e-learning. The students will benefit from this study because it will demonstrate the various e-learning tools they can use and their effects. Last but not least, the data from this investigation will be used in subsequent research.

1.6 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The evaluation of e-learning and its impact on students’ academic performance at tertiary institutions will be the primary focus of this research. The study will only look at the advantages of e-learning for students at tertiary institutions, whether e-learning has a significant impact on students’ academic performance, and the limitations of e-learning at tertiary institutions. Students from two universities in Edo State will serve as the case study for this study.

1.7 Impediments TO THE Review

Throughout doing this review, the scientist encountered a few imperatives, which included time requirements, monetary limitations, language obstructions, and the demeanor of the respondents.

There was also the issue of researcher bias. In this instance, the researcher had some biases that may have been reflected in the manner in which the data were gathered, the kind of people who were interviewed or sampled, and the way the data were interpreted afterward. It could not be overstated how all of this could affect the results and conclusions. In addition, the study’s findings may not be applicable to other schools, local governments, states, or nations because they are limited to the sample population in the study area.

1.8 TERMS DEFINITION Evaluation: E-learning is the process of evaluating something or someone. Impact of computer-based learning: A significant influence or effect


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