An Evaluation Of Interpersonal Communication And Its Impact On Awareness Level Of Family Planning Among Rural Women In Imo State


Chapter One




Background of the study


Acceptance and operation of family planning among wedded women in Nigeria has come a sensitive subject, since married women in Nigeria tend to have a large number of children, overlooking the applicability and benefits of family planning. individualities and couples can use family planning to anticipate and achieve their asked number of children, as well as the distance and timing of their births. It’s fulfilled by using contraceptive ways and treating involuntary gravidity( Ofonime J, IkobongE.2016). The capacity of a woman to space and circumscribe her gravidity has a direct influence on her health and well- being, as well as the outgrowth of each gestation, according to NgwuC.( 2014). Family planning/ contraception minimizes the need for revocation, particularly unsafe revocation, lowers child mortality, aids in HIV/ AIDS forestallment, empowers individualities and improves education, decreases adolescent gravidity, and slows unsustainable population increase.


As a control fashion, family planning may be extremely salutary in limiting the number of children a woman can have. Condoms, oral contraceptives, implants, injections, intrauterine contraceptive bias( IUCD), womanish sterilization( hysterectomy), cervical cap, commerce intrude, and lactational amenorrhea system( getaway) are only a many exemplifications of successful contraceptive treatments. Family planning necessitates geste change, which may be done by IEC advocacy sweats in society, particularly among women, to raise knowledge and encourage operation, which is a delicate task. This can prop in the vacuity of knowledge, as well as safe, provident, effective, and accepted contraceptive ways( Tilahun T, Coene G, Luchters S, Kassahun W, Leye E, Temmerman M, 2013). People can make educated opinions regarding their reproductive health if they’ve the necessary knowledge and information about the new geste and its counteraccusations .


In terms of reproductive health, communication is pivotal. The process of communicating information, generally via a participated protocol, is known as communication. Interaction, transactivity, purposeful or unintentional communication, as well as verbal and verbal communication, are all possibilities. It simply encourages women to quit their dangerous habits and borrow a healthier life. According to UmohA. and AbahM.( 2011), in family planning, Behavior Change Communication( BCC) is one of the programs or conditioning that can help people exercise a healthy geste by raising reproductive health mindfulness and performing in actions that ameliorate women’s health and affiliated long- term issues. It also encourages people to seek treatment and ensures that they’re suitable to use their preferred form of contraception successfully. BCC programs constantly employ interpersonal communication( IPC) to raise mindfulness through tutoring women about contraception operation and fornication enterprises. It also builds on IEC, emphasizing the significance of strategic communication guided by methodical procedures and behavioral propositions. As a result, interpersonal ties must have an impact on an existent’s decision to transition to a healthier geste .


In his exploration on raising mindfulness about family planning, NgwuC.( 2014) claims that interpersonal communication( IPC) entails a direct face- to- face commerce between the sender and the communication philanthropist, who’s in an interdependent relationship.


IPC occurs between a pollee and a experimenter and includes both verbal and verbal communication. Telephones, one- on- one communication similar as comforting, training, and informal discussion groups amongst consorts, musketeers, and family are among the IPC communication channels used to convey the communication. A high feedback element between individualities characterizes its propinquity( it’s passing right now) and precedence( it’s passing right now). As a result, it’s particularly successful and effective in health communication since it aids in impacting, aiding, discovering, and participating information among those concerned.


Statement of the problem


The adding population problem is one of the most serious issues defying numerous countries in the early phases of demographic change. National family planning programs, which began in themid-twentieth century, have evolved fleetly to meet the information and service requirements of target groups, including women living in pastoral areas, according to experimenters like Etokidem A, Ndifon W, Etowa J, and Asuquo E( 2017). This is due to factors like as ignorance, African artistic beliefs and customs, and hubby domination, among others, which have made family planning delicate for wedded women in pastoral regions. likewise, because utmost of these women don’t hear to radio or TV news, it’s necessary to engage them in interpersonal discussion. Due to the long- standing gap between contraceptive knowledge and operation, sweats have been made to raise mindfulness, move, and endorse contraception use. According to IkechebeluJ. Joe- Ikechebelu N, ObiajuluF.( 2005), global dispatches juggernauts have been shown to increase contraceptive use, but it’s unclear whether exposure to contraceptive dispatches through multiple media sources has a lesser impact than exposure to dispatches through one medium. Much more important is that much further has to be learned about the relative efficacity of colorful types and channels of media, similar as whether mass media or interpersonal communication has a advanced influence. As a result, the experimenter felt impelled to probe the influence of both and determine in which situation this is the case. As a result, this study uses Imo State as a case study to try to understand the discriminational influence of interpersonal communication on contraceptive operation geste in Nigeria.


Ideal Of The Study


The broad ideal of this study is to critically estimate the impact of interpersonal communication on mindfulness position of family planning among pastoral women in Imo State. Specifically the study seeks to


1. Determine the benefit of family planning to wedded women of travail age.


2. Ascertain the factors hindering the practice of family planning among pastoral women


3. Establish if lack of mindfulness and ignorance is the reason for lack of acceptance of family planning by pastoral women.


4. probe if interpersonal communication will have any significant impact on the mindfulness position in family planning of pastoral women.


Exploration Thesis


The exploration question is guided by the following conditional statement


HO1 Lack of mindfulness and ignorance isn’t the reason fornon-acceptance of family planning by pastoral women.


HO2 Interpersonal communication won’t have any significant impact on the mindfulness position in family planning of pastoral women.


Significance of the study


Findings from the study will be helpful to pastoral women, healthcare practisioners and academia body. further It’s hoped that the findings of this study will give necessary information that will enhance conditioning and programs towards the practice of family planning to be meetly conducted in pastoral areas. Eventually the study will contribute to the general body of knowledge and being literature on this subject indeed as it serves as reference material to both scholars and pupil who wishes to conduct farther studies in affiliated field of study.


Compass Of The Study


5. The compass of this study borders on the evaluation on the impact of interpersonal communication on mindfulness position of family planning among pastoral women. It’ll further ascertain the factors hindering the practice of family planning among pastoral women and establish if lack of mindfulness and ignorance is the reason for lack of acceptance of family planning by pastoral women. still the study will be demarcated to pastoral women in Aboh Mbaise Original government of Imo State.


Limitation of the study


Like in every mortal bid, the experimenters encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. The significant constraint was the skimp literature on the subject owing that it’s a new converse therefore the experimenter incurred more fiscal charges and important time was needed in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the experimenter resorted to a limited choice of sample size. also, the experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. still in malignancy of the constraint all these constraint were played down to give the stylish.


Description Of Terms


Interpersonal communication- refers to a face to face verbal ornon-verbal exchange of information between two or further people.


Family planning- a process of limiting or distance children by using contraceptives. Contraceptive frequence rate- This id the proportion of women of reproductive age who are using who are using a particular contraceptive system at one point in time. Mortality rate- a measure of number of deaths in a population.


Total fertility rate- number of children that could be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her child bearing times in agreement with current age specific fertility rates.


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