An Evaluation Of Production Scheduling And Control In Manufacturing Industry


An Evaluation Of Production Scheduling And Control In Manufacturing Industry


Chapter One


Background Of The Study


For any assiduity operate successfully there’s need for it to be knowledgeable in the field of product, what it intends to achieve models, process, areas of operation in product.


This design looks into two different aspects of producti.e product scheduling and control. product scheduling and control as a part of the function of operation deals with the scheduling and controlling of physical resource to be used by an enterprises to produce goods and services. By( AlejeA.B. Strategic Planning and control 1996) it’s a design process through which input or raw accoutrements are converted or converted into affair of useful product or service. Before product could be achieved, there must be a plan to that effect, this plan involves before product of goods or services to satisfy mortal wants is the major hold that keep every association going easily.


The association also divided the choice of accoutrements from which to start product with, the choice of installations needed the choice of route or services of work/ task to be applied the choice of running and storehouse system to be used for moving accoutrements within the demesne.


Statement Of The Problem


utmost association product exertion are slow and the time give to complete a given tasks always exceed the anticipated given time. The experimenter wants to probe and know the reasons behind lower productivity among workers. The problems of product scheduling and control are bandied in this work and results suggested. At times the use of quantitative ways in assigning jobs in an association isn’t done well, the experimenter want to see the reasons behind this. The force situations of association aren’t duly maintained they get short of accoutrements due to lack of good control of stock. Incipiently, the experimenter want to know the problems associated with exertion of scheduling in relation to polls product and result suggested.


Ideal Of The Study


For the successful accomplishment of any work, there must be a reason or purpose of setting similar task. The objects of the study are as follows.


To find out how product scheduling and force control is actually carried out in the association.

To numerate the degree of consumption of goods and service produce in the association by the consumers.

To find out whether Indomise Company is using quantitative ways in planning product process.

It’ll show us the significance of scheduling and control conditioning in the process of producing or manufacturing a product.

To find out the problems facing in product scheduling and control and also suggest on how to palliate the problem.

Statement Of Thesis


In the course of the exploration work, the following thesis shall be tested.


HO force control done not affect the product performance in an association.


Hi force control affects the product performance in an association.


Significance Of The Study


The significance of the study of the design work can not be over emphasized, it’ll help directors and association to know which of the styles to apply at any given situation or circumstance they find themselves. It’ll also help association to maximize profit through effective use of factory and machines and by taking corrective measure. The association will see its own setbacks and ameliorate on them so as to meet its own objects other association in the same line can prompt correction on their colorful productive systems.


Compass Of The Study


This design work covers certain areas of the said association. The major areas covered are the noodling line where the factual product scheduling and control conditioning substantially take place, it covers other departments in relation to product because they’re all interrelate. It also looks at the use of fine ways applied in the product of polls. It also looks at the problem of scheduling exertion to machine and the compass and conception of control in product operation and its significance.


Limitation Of The Study


In the course of writing this work, some limitations were encountered. For case, due to high cost of transportation it has not been easy in conducting this exploration. Also time constraints or limited time is another factor. Another problem is that some of the workers shows incurious station toward this work. Despite these problems faced the experimenter was chanced to gather effective accoutrements necessary for the successful completion of the design.


Literal Background Of The Case Study


The literal background of Indomie Company Kaduna. Northern Noodles Limited is the third and the most recent state of the robotization pate manufacturing plant commissioned in Kaduna in 2011. Northern Noodles Limited entered in the runners of history of her group not only for being the quickest in completion of a design but also for being the first ever completely automated factory from launch to finish i.e. flour handling silo system to bus tinderbox covering.


The company doubled its product capacity within a span of six month and processes to further add to it by the end of time 2013. The ideal of the company is to give fresh and quality product to the consumers of northern and central part of Nigeria.


Description Of Terms


Before going into the major part of the design we should understand some introductory languages in this piece of work.


product This can be defined as the creation of good and services for mortal consumption or uses.


Scheduling Means assigning of a particular task to someone, in other words, it means planning.


Control Can be seen as the act of process of icing conditioning conforms with planned in an association.


Product Mean manufactured goods on the other hand, product can be seen as commodity that’s palpable as being able of satisfying a need( i.e. any palpable effects that give satisfaction).


Monitoring Is a process of nonstop examination to insure that task carried out are in agreement with specification.


Cost Are financial value of good bought.


Material These are element, corridor raw material that’s kept in store.


Specification Can be seen as a statement furnishing description list of characteristics laid down for accoutrements factors processes or service.


Quality Is defined as anything that conforms to one destined standard or specification.


Planning Means vaticinating the futurei.e looking ahead.


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