The day when a teacher operated as a knowledge bank has long since passed. Technology has advanced to the point where the world is now traveling at the speed of light. Technology also includes information and communication, which are two concepts that can be defined as the handling and processing of information (including texts, images, graphs, and instructions, among other things), which is then made available to users via electronic and communication devices like computers, cameras, telephones, and other similar devices (Ozoji and Oleabhiele, 2015). Below are some of the key changes in our modern society that the quick growth of information and communication technology (ICT) has brought about.In the realm of educational research, the use of information and communications technology (ICT) is already seen as crucial. Technologies used to transport, manipulate, and store data electronically are known as information and communication technologies (ICTs). Additionally, they provide a range of potent tools that could help transform the present divided classrooms that are teacher-centered and text-bound into rich, dynamic learning environments that are student-focused and student-centered. Modern theories of teaching suggest that the instructional process should be learner-centered from the outset in order for teaching and learning to be successful.Because of the students’ inadequate conceptual understanding and the teacher’s dominance of just a few of them owing to a lack of meaningful contact, learning does not occur in the usual classroom (Duggan, Palmer & Devitt, 2007). The development of a strategy that promotes the use of a learner-centered approach to learning and interaction between instructors and students is the main objective of information and communication technology (ICT).The formative years of a child’s life are the most important for the growth of their brains, personalities, and social skills, among other qualities. One of the most crucial years in a child’s life in terms of impacting their learning is the year before they start kindergarten. As a result, modern civilizations place a high priority on their children’s education and provide them with the resources they need to succeed in school in the future (Ejieh, 2006). Most civilizations make provisions for early childhood education programs of various types for kids younger than the official school-going age (usually 6 years), mostly to get them ready for education in primary schools, which is a common practice in most countries.(Obidike, 2012)

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) recognized the significance of early childhood education in Nigeria and stressed its significance in the National Policy of Education (FRN, 2004), which listed it as one of the programs in the nation’s educational system.Mahuta (2007) added that the goal of early childhood education (ECE) should be to support children’s healthy development, identify and address issues that arise in their lives, tap into unrealized potential, develop character, improve learning, and prepare kids for life so that their actions are directed toward favorable individual, societal, and global development in all spheres of life. Information and communications technology (ICT) has become a vital part of our daily life in the world of today. In this context, internet usage and early exposure to video games, computers, and mobile phones are on the rise everywhere in the world, but especially in developing nations.Scholars and policymakers have taken note of this change, and investigations have been undertaken into the potential for information and communications technology (ICT) to significantly improve early childhood education through a variety of roles. Information and communications technology (ICT) has the ability to enhance school management and administration, student access to high-quality education, teacher professional development, and the creation of content that is pertinent to local communities, according to a number of academics.The question is, to what extent may information and communication technology (ICT) benefit young children (ages 0–6) as a learning tool. Information and communication technology (ICT) has been creatively and ingeniously used by parents and early childhood educators as key potential instruments to support young children’s learning at home and in early childhood settings. Many studies have shown that information and communication technology (ICT), when used responsibly, can actually support children’s learning by offering beneficial opportunities in the areas of language and communication, emergent literacy and reading readiness, mathematical thinking, creativity, and positive attitudes toward learning. Despite the fact that some people are against the introduction of ICT in early childhood education, there are those who believe it will not benefit young children.Aside from that, information and communications technology (ICT) can offer a technological solution to overcome some of a child’s impairment and be included in appropriate and meaningful learning opportunities, thereby facilitating the child’s integration into the community. This is especially true for many children who need extra support in order to participate effectively in classroom settings, such as children with disabilities or children from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds (UNESCO, 2010). Information and communication technology (ICT/AV) utilization may enable individualization and differentiation in education. With the aid of modern technology, it is now able to adapt the subject matter’s presentation and content to each student’s unique background, skills, and needs.Furthermore, audio-visuals “expand the range of possibilities by amplifying what teachers can do, by providing an entry point to content and inquiries that were not previously accessible through audio-visuals, by extending the range of products that students are able to produce as a result of their investigations, and finally by providing teachers with the opportunity to reclaim their status as learners,” according to Schiller and Tillett (2004). There is still room for empirical research into whether audiovisuals and information and communication technology (ICT) are harmful to or helpful for students’ educational development. This study’s goal is to identify the relative trends in ICT (Audio-Visuals) usage in early childhood education.


The incapacity of students in Nigeria’s Early Childhood Education to retain what they have learnt is one of the most frequent problems they face. This problem frequently results from instructors talking too much theoretically while the students just listen passively (Schiller and Tillett, 2004). Slide presentations, audio-visual presentation techniques, and other interactive information and communication technology (ICT) software facilities that allow a student to interact with and be guided by visual equipment aimed at accomplishing specific instructional goals can all be used to address these issues that the goal of early childhood education faces. Recent years have seen some heated debates on how information and communication technology (ICT) and early childhood education (ECE) relate to one another.Information and communications technology (ICT) is still a relatively new phenomenon that is excessively complex, according to many researchers. Organizations like the Alliance for Childhood (2000) have pushed for the removal of computers from American schools, arguing that their usage stunts children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development and that it is still unknown and difficult how it might enhance Early Childhood Education (ECE). Jones (2002), however, refuted these claims and claimed that his research showed that children spend significantly more time watching television than using computers. Investigating the use of information and communication technology (ICT) (audio-visuals) in early childhood education is crucial in light of this gap.


The general objective of the study is the use of ICT (audio-visuals) in early childhood education in Nigeria. Other specific objectives are:

  1. To examine teachers use of audio visuals on pupils early childhood education in Nigeria.
  2. To find out if the use of ICT contribute to pupils’ early childhood educational development.
  3. To investigate the benefit of audio-visuals on pupils’ retention level.
  4. To examine the challenges of ICT/audio-visuals on early childhood education in Nigeria.

1.4    Research Questions

This study will be guided by the following research questions:

  1. What is the relationship between teachers use of audio visuals and pupils early childhood education in Nigeria?
  2. Does  the use of ICT contribute to pupils’ early childhood educational development?
  3. What are the benefit of audio-visuals on pupils’ retention level?
  4. What are the challenges of ICT/audio-visuals on early childhood education in Nigeria?

1.5    Significant of the study

This study will be significant to the ministry of education as it will enable them see the importance of a pupils early childhood education thereby investing in audio visuals material in other for easy learning of pupils.

This study will also be significant to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study will examine teachers use of audio visuals on pupils early childhood education in Nigeria. The study will also find out if the use of ICT contribute to pupils’ early childhood educational development. The study will further investigate the benefit of audio-visuals on pupils’ retention level. Lastly, the study will examine the challenges of ICT/audio-visuals on early childhood education in Nigeria. Hence the study will be delimited to Osun State.

1.7 Limitation of the study

Just like any other research, unavailability of needed accurate materials on the topic under study, and inability to get data were among the constraints the researcher encountered in the cause of this study. Financial constraint was equally faced by the researcher, in getting relevant materials and in printing and collation of questionnaires. Furthermore, time factor pose another constraint because the researcher have to shuttle between writing of the research and engaging in other academic work which made it uneasy for the researcher.

1.8 Definition of terms

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