1.1    Background to the study

The days of a teacher serving as a repository of information are long gone. The world is currently moving at warp speed as a result of technological advancements. More importantly, technology includes information and communication, which can be defined as the handling and processing of information (texts, images, graphs, and instructions, among other things) and making it available to users via electronic and communication devices such as computers, cameras, telephones, and other similar devices (Ozoji and Oleabhiele, 2015). The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT) has resulted in significant changes in our current society, which are discussed further below. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is already regarded as critical in educational research. Technologies of information and communication (ICTs) are technologies that use electronic methods to transmit, manipulate, and store data. Furthermore, they provide a variety of powerful technologies that may aid in the transformation of the current segregated teacher-centered and text-bound classrooms into rich, dynamic knowledge environments that are student-focused and student-centered. Modern teaching theories suggest that the instructional process should be learner-centered from the start in order for teaching and learning to be successful. Learning does not take place in the typical classroom because students lack adequate knowledge of concepts and because a few students dominate the teaching process due to a lack of meaningful interaction (Duggan, Palmer & Devitt, 2007). The overarching goal of information and communication technology is to devise a strategy that promotes

the application of a learner-centered learning approach, as well as interaction between instructors and students (ICT).

The first years of a child’s life are crucial for the development of his or her intellect, personality, and social behavior, among other characteristics. In terms of influencing a child’s learning, the year before he or she enters kindergarten is one of the most important in a child’s life. As a result, modern civilizations place a high value on their children’s education, providing them with the resources they need to succeed in school later on (Ejieh, 2006). Most civilizations have provisions for various types of early childhood education programs for children who are younger than the official school-age (typically 6 years).

to prepare them for primary school education, which is common in most societies (Obidike, 2012). The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) emphasized the importance of early childhood education in the country’s National Policy of Education (FRN, 2004), which included it as one of the programs in the country’s educational system, in recognition of its importance.

According to Mahuta (2007), the purpose of Early Childhood Education (ECE) should be to promote children’s proper development, identify and address issues in their lives, harness untapped potentials, mold character, enhance learning, and equip children for life so that their actions are channeled towards positive personal, communal, and global development. in all aspects of life. Information and communications technology (ICT) has emerged as a critical component of our daily lives in today’s society. In this environment, internet access and early exposure to video games, computers, and mobile phones are increasing all over the world, particularly in developing countries. Scholars and policymakers have noticed this shift, and efforts have been made to investigate the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) to successfully enhance early childhood education through a variety of roles. Several academics believe that information and communication technology (ICT) has the potential to improve school administration and management, student access to high-quality education, teacher professional development, and the creation of relevant educational materials. Local communities. To what extent, however, can information and communication technology (ICT) be beneficial as a learning aid for children in their early years (0-6 years old)? Parents and early childhood educators have used information and communication technology (ICT) in creative and innovative ways to promote children’s early learning at home and in early childhood settings. Despite some opposition to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in early childhood education, a number of studies have shown that, when used responsibly, ICT can actually support children’s learning by providing beneficial opportunities in the areas of language and communication, emergent literacy and reading readiness, mathematical thinking, creativity, and positive attitudes toward learning. Aside from that, Many children who require additional support to participate effectively in classroom settings, such as children with disabilities or children from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds, can benefit from information and communications technology (ICT) as a technological solution to overcome some of their impairment and be included in appropriate and meaningful learning opportunities, facilitating their integration into the community (UNESCO, 2010). The use of information and communication technology (ICT/AV) may enable individualization and differentiation in education. This technology enables the ability to tailor both the content and the presentation of subject matter to the specific background, experience, and needs of students. Furthermore, according to Schiller and Tillett (2004), “audio-visuals broadens the range of possibilities by amplifying what is possible.”

teachers are able to do, by providing an entry point to previously inaccessible content and inquiries via audio-visuals, by broadening the range of products that students can produce as a result of their investigations, and, finally, by allowing teachers to reclaim their status as learners.” The empirical investigation of whether information and communication technology (ICT) and audiovisuals are detrimental or beneficial to students’ educational growth continues. As a result, the goal of this research is to determine the relative trends in ICT (Audio-Visuals) use in Early Childhood Education.

1.2 Problem Identification

One of the most common issues that students in Nigeria’s Early Childhood Education face is Their inability to remember what they have learned. This problem is frequently caused by professors who express themselves too theoretically, while students remain passive listeners to what they are saying (Schiller and Tillett, 2004). These issues confronting the goal of Early Childhood Education can be addressed by using slide presentations, audio-visual presentation processes, and other interactive information and communication technology (ICT) software facilities in which a student interacts with and is guided by visual equipment aimed at achieving specific instructional goals. In recent years, debates over the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and early childhood education (ECE) have erupted. Many academics argue that information and communications technology (ICT) is still a relatively new phenomenon.

Too complicated. Organizations such as the Alliance for Childhood (2000) have advocated for the removal of computers from American schools, believing that computer use is harmful to children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Jones (2002), on the other hand, disputed these claims, claiming that his research revealed that children spent far more time watching television than working on computers. In light of this gap, research into the use of information and communication technology (ICT) (audio-visuals) in early childhood education in Nigeria is required.

1.3 The Study’s Objective

The study’s overarching goal is to use ICT (audio-visuals)

in Nigerian early childhood education. Other specific goals include:

i. To investigate teachers’ use of audiovisuals in early childhood education in Nigeria.

ii. Determine whether the use of ICT contributes to the early childhood educational development of students.

iii. To investigate the impact of audio-visuals on student retention.

iv. To investigate the impact of ICT/audiovisuals on early childhood education in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Concerns

The following research questions will guide this study:

i. In Nigeria, what is the relationship between teachers’ use of audiovisuals and students’ early childhood education?

ii. Does the use of ICT aid in the early childhood educational development of students?

iii. What are the advantages of audiovisuals in terms of pupil retention?

iv. What are the difficulties?

What is the impact of ICT/audio-visuals on early childhood education in Nigeria?

1.5 The study’s significance

This study will be significant to the ministry of education because it will allow them to see the importance of a pupil’s early childhood education, allowing them to invest in audiovisual materials to facilitate pupil learning.

This research will also be useful to the academic community because it will add to the existing body of knowledge.

1.6 The scope of the research

This study will look at how teachers use audio visuals with their students in early childhood education in Nigeria. The study will also determine whether the use of ICT contributes to the early childhood educational development of students. The study will look into the impact of audio-visuals on student retention. Finally, the research will look into

The impact of ICT/AV on early childhood education in Nigeria. As a result, the study will be limited to Osun State.

1.7 The study’s limitations

As with any other research, the researcher encountered constraints in the cause of this study, including a lack of needed accurate materials on the topic under study and an inability to obtain data. The researcher faced financial constraints in obtaining relevant materials as well as printing and collating questionnaires. Furthermore, time is a constraint because the researcher must shuttle between writing the research and engaging in other academic work, which makes the researcher uncomfortable.

1.8 Definitions of terms

Audio visual: the use of both sight and sound, usually in the form of images and recorded sounds.

music or speech

Early childhood: the period between birth and the age of eight years is one of remarkable growth, with brain development at its peak.

Education is the process of receiving or imparting systematic instruction, most notably in a school or university.


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