Teachers are central to providing a high-quality education to children. They assist students in studying and succeeding academically so that they can achieve their full potential and find rewarding employment. Teachers and the quality of their instruction are now widely recognized as the most important of several important factors that contribute to overall educational excellence (Darling, 2004). A substantial positive relationship exists between teacher training and student test results, according to a Jerusalem study of in-service teacher training. According to the study’s cost-benefit analysis, teacher training may be a less expensive way of improving students’ grades than reducing class size or increasing class hours. The manner in which a teacher imparts knowledge/delivers a lecture is unaffected by the training he or she has received (Pascal, 2008). Students’ When they have a skilled teacher, their performance improves because they have a better understanding of the subject matter. Teacher education is also required to keep up with the changing needs of the profession, especially in today’s climate (Hammond, 2000). Teachers who have received additional training are better able to instruct children. Training may improve a teacher’s subject matter expertise, teaching approach, and other skills. Teacher education, training, and development is a professional development method that includes all developmental activities aimed at maintaining and improving professional competence (Leu, 2006). The effectiveness of teachers in a given educational system contributes to improved school learning outcomes. Teachers’ performance is influenced in part by their pre-service and in-service training. They are given training. Pre-service teacher training programs (PSTP) are essential for improving teachers’ abilities, knowledge, performance, and effectiveness. In-service training programs (ISTP) must reorient instructors to new goals and values, train them in new teaching and learning techniques, prepare them to deal with curriculum changes, and provide them with the knowledge and skills to teach new learning areas (Al-Zoubi, 2010). Training and development has become the most important aspect in the business world today because it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of both individuals and companies (Raja, 2011). Employee development and training are critical components of any organization’s economic performance, and educational institutions cannot afford to ignore the need to generate the necessary talent. people to support both the manufacturing and service industries (Sarbeng, 2013). (Shaheen, 2013) defines training as the systematic development of personnel’s knowledge, abilities, and behavior required to perform properly on a specific activity or job. Amin (2013) defines training as “learning delivered to improve performance on current work.” Employee development is the process of preparing people for future jobs and tasks. Training focuses on current work, whereas development prepares people for future careers (Sims, 2002). Training and development can be defined as practices that aim to improve educators’ professional knowledge, abilities, and attitudes in order to help students learn better. Training and development are important components of teacher preparation programs. for those aspects of teaching that are more skilled in nature, but there are many other critical aspects of teaching that can only be developed through reflective tactics and experiences (Rahman, 2011). In-service teacher training tends to strengthen the characteristics of a successful teacher, which improves a teacher’s performance. The effects of teacher education on teacher value added were studied by (Sass, 2001). The findings revealed that a teacher’s education was related to higher productivity in middle and high school arithmetic. According to the findings, more experienced teachers were more effective in teaching elementary and middle school reading. In-service training is an important component of educational advancement in today’s society. Trainees’ responsibilities and capacities can be enhanced.

via in-service training to satisfy the institutional demands in terms of skills and knowledge. Only qualified teachers can set instructional goals and plan programs to achieve them (Schunk, 2002). Effective teachers have numerous methods for assisting students (Zeidner, 2000). Training acts as a catalyst, causing a dramatic shift in the function of a teacher, broadening their vision and enhancing their abilities. Through in-service teacher training, teachers can become more methodical and rational in their teaching approach (Mumtaz, 2011).


There have been numerous complaints over the years about a steady decline in student academic performance. According to WAEC data from 2015, 25.29 percent of students passed math (A1 to C6), 23.63 percent passed integrated science (A1-C6), and 50.29 percent passed integrated science (A1-C6). English (from A1 to C6) (Doozie, 2015). Furthermore, students who took the 2016 exams failed the main disciplines of Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studies. In core courses, approximately 32% of students received an A to C6, 19.82 percent of students received D7-E8, which most higher education institutions consider a fail mark, and approximately 38.10 percent of students received an F9. This has sparked widespread public outrage about the quality of the school system. Although a lack of educational infrastructure and teacher motivation may be to blame for some of the drop, Khan (2014) claims that a large portion of the problem is due to a lack of frequent in-service training for teachers. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has shifted its focus from providing

Instead of providing in-service training to teachers, particularly senior high school teachers, infrastructure is provided, ignoring the fact that equipment is meaningless without competent educated instructors to operate it. As a result, the primary goal of the study is to investigate the impact of teacher training on job performance in Irepo LGA, Oyo State.


The primary goal of this research is to determine the effect of teacher education on job performance. The study’s specific goals are as follows:

i. Determine the type of training required by instructors to improve their performance.

ii. Investigate the effect of teacher education on job performance.

iii. Look into the impact of teacher education on student achievement.


i. What kind of training do instructors need?

to boost their performance?

ii. How does teacher education affect job performance?

iii. What effect does teacher education have on student achievement?


This study will help to improve teacher effectiveness while also having a significant impact on student achievement. It will also advise school administration, the government, and teachers on the training needed to improve teachers’ academic performance. The research was also intended to be a resource for future business and social scholars interested in the same subject. This research will also help the current private sector make educational investments. Finally, the findings of this study are intended to broaden the application of the Government’s Secondary School Educational Policies.


This study will be conducted in the Irepo LGA of Oyo State, and the literature and concepts on teacher training and job performance, as well as the relationship between the two, will be investigated.


Over the course of the studies, obtaining funding for general research activity will be difficult. Correspondents may also be unable or unwilling to complete or submit questionnaires sent to them. However, these constraints are expected to be overcome by making the best use of available resources and devoting more time to research than is necessary. As a result, it is strongly believed that, despite these constraints, their impact on this research report will be minimal, allowing the study’s purpose and significance to be realized.


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