1.1 Background of the study

The world’s population is expected to reach 6.8 billion people by 2050. (Population Reference Bureau, 2010). Women constitute more than half of this total and more than 70% of the total. They are illiterate and impoverished (Haese & Kirsten, 2006). Those pursuing education at various levels, particularly higher education, are restricted or handicapped. Many people are unable to achieve good academic results due to a variety of factors. Many people live in a complicated web of many roles and duties that require the average woman to play “various roles” at different times in order to fulfill her obligations. the requirements of her family These roles have been theoretically classified as reproductive, productive, and communal (Bakare-Yusuf, 2003, Haese & Kirsten, 2006). Bakare-Yusuf, like many other female activists, academics, believes that women must be empowered now and in the future. had critical reproductive and producing responsibilities in the past, which aided patriarchal economic and productive dominance Women’s roles are changing all over the world, but not always for the better. Women’s contribution to economic development is the most visible example of this, but due to limitations resulting from stagnancy or little progress being made in women’s education, that is, enrolment rate and academic performance in tertiary institutions of learning, women, particularly married women, have yet to achieve self-fulfilment and achieve in all aspects of life. In this regard, Ossat (2005) sees higher education as both an accomplishment and a challenge for women. Nigeria’s federal government, in collaboration with In May 2002, UNICEF published the findings of a study on the status of women and children in Nigeria. Education and women’s development were two major topics that received a lot of attention and debate. Both are seen as complementary and inseparable. A separate study conducted in South Africa discovered that higher education – of any kind, including women – has been under significant pressure to be more market-responsive and to create new types of knowledge workers (Jansen, 2001). Women work at home, but the vast majority of them are underpaid for their efforts. Furthermore, Nigerian women are among the poorest in Africa and the developing world because they are underpaid in their various occupations. They are also less powerful. Because of the poorly linked variables: women, education, and development, it is more difficult for them to fulfill their duties and roles at home (Potokri, 2010), in the workplace, and in society as a whole efficiently and effectively. To be more specific, the importance of higher education for a married woman cannot be underestimated, quantified, or overstated. Given its significance, no African country can argue that it does not want to increase women’s educational participation in tertiary institutions of learning, or, better yet, improve their academic performance. Higher education is critical for women, and it cannot be overstated. Although most countries consider higher education for women to be a desirable development tool, its current under-provision is a significant impediment to economic, social, mental, and political development. As a result of this, low Female higher education participation and enrollment have been linked to low economic productivity, the prevalence of preventable diseases, malnutrition, population growth, and mass poverty (Bolarin, 2005). Similarly, Dike (2002) discovers that more education gives women a better understanding of how to reduce risks in life and change their behavior. Several studies have documented the numerous barriers that women face in terms of participation, enrollment, and academic performance, as well as completing their education (Howard, 2001; Jamil, 2003). Policy, infrastructure, household and family resources, and community beliefs and practices all contribute to these impediments. Many significant barriers to women’s education, according to Jamil (2003), are not legally within the boundaries or obligations of the government or the education sector. Examples include household conditions and community attitudes and practices. of barriers that, while unaddressed by government leadership and action, have a significant impact on women’s education. He continues by stating that the link is indirect and susceptible to influence rather than control. However, while policy, school-related infrastructure, and education and instruction may be difficult to change, they are subject to the government’s mandate and organizational authority (Jamil, 2003; USAID, 2000). Administrator J Brandy stated at the USAID Symposium on Girls Education (2000), “It is obvious to say that these barriers affect female students’ enrolment and completion rates; and each is related to the others, constituting parts of an interlocking social system that includes national and local, private and public, group and individual dimensions.” Lips (1999) (1999)

contends that in order to effectively address the challenges of women’s education and economic development, of educating women to take their proper place in society, a number of issues must be addressed, one of which is the significance of women’s higher education. She also claims that wage equality, the “glass ceiling,” work-family balance, and the feminization of poverty must all be addressed in order to encourage and inspire women to pursue higher education.

1.2 Research problem statement

Marriage is an important cultural, traditional, and religious rite in Nigerian culture.

Specifically designed for ladies and young girls. According to the findings of the CBN (2000) study,

86.6 percent of women in Nigeria are married, 3.7 percent are widowed, and 5.2 percent are divorced.

% of The majority of the population is divorced or separated. Furthermore, cultural differences divide a large number of people. advanced-degreed women In Nigeria, it is a common saying that “women’s education ends in the kitchen,” implying that education is not beneficial to them; in other words, education is not intended for them. Their situation worsens when they marry. At the time, women’s chances of furthering their education were slim. In Nigeria, women, particularly married women, are confined to the kitchen, where their primary responsibility is childbirth. As a result, Nigerian female infants are mentally programmed from birth to envision themselves as future housewives and mothers. In a nutshell, married women are confined to their homes, primarily because it is assumed that their husbands will abandon them.

would fulfill all of their needs. As a result, higher education for women is viewed as ineffective and, in general, a waste of time, money, and resources. Furthermore, elders and traditional chiefs see it as a gateway to prostitution and non-submissive behavior among women, as well as the loss of marriage opportunities. Simply put, some traditional chiefs argue that it pushes women beyond the boundaries of tradition and culture, thereby empowering them. They act and live in ways that contradict established traditions, norms, and beliefs. As a result, it is commonly assumed that women have no rights once married and living in their husband’s home.

They are eager to learn more and are capable of dealing with any situation. The type or style of education they received. before marriage Elders and traditional leaders (both male and female) believe that elementary and secondary education are critical. At most, education is sufficient for a married woman to manage her household’s business. expected from her In general, higher education, particularly universities, is now a place of equal opportunity. This was not the case a century ago, and anyone who advocated for a university education for women, let alone married women, was thought to be insane. It was widely assumed that increased education for women would cause brain fever, sterility, and even death, implying that they would be unable to handle such studies. Given the foregoing, most married women made little or no effort to enroll.The type or style of education they received. before marriage Elders and traditional leaders (both male and female) believe that elementary and secondary education are critical. At most, education is sufficient for a married woman to manage her household’s business. expected from her In general, higher education, particularly universities, is now a place of equal opportunity. This was not the case a century ago, and anyone who advocated for a university education for women, let alone married women, was thought to be insane. It was widely assumed that increased education for women would cause brain fever, sterility, and even death, implying that they would be unable to handle such studies. Given the foregoing, most married women made little or no effort to enroll. higher education; this became much more difficult for them as admission rules and procedures tightened. Some colleges and universities did not accept married women because their programs did not favor them. Ewha Women’s University, for example, Married female students in South Korea were barred from attending for 57 years until the restriction was recently lifted. Women were admitted to Makerere University in Uganda for the first time in 1945. Equal educational opportunities at all levels are one aspect of the Millennium Development Goals that must not be overlooked if women are to be truly empowered. The Nigerian government has made efforts toward this goal, but cultural traditions and religion, among other things, have stymied its efforts. At this time,

It is critical to examine not only the participation of married women in higher education, but also how those who are studying perform academically.

1.3 The study’s objectives

The study’s primary goal is as follows:

1) Determine whether married student women perform well academically.

2) To investigate the impact of marriage on married women’s academic performance.

3) Determine the factors that influence married women students’ academic performance.

4) To suggest possible ways to improve married women’s attendance at higher education institutions and academic performance.

1.4 Hypothesis of research

H01: Marriage has no effect on married women’s academic performance.

H02: There are no variables that

influence married women students’ academic pursuits

1.5 Importance of the research

The importance of this study cannot be overstated because:

l The purpose of this research is to look into the academic performance of married women students in Nigerian higher education.

l The research findings will undoubtedly provide much needed information to government organizations, the Ministry of Education, and academia.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

An Examination Of Academic Performance Of Married Women Students In Nigerian Higher Education will be investigated in this study. As a result, will be restricted to married women students in Nigeria’s south-eastern region.

1.7 Research limitations

A number of factors hampered this study, which are as follows:

just like any other research, ranging from a lack of required resources

Inability to obtain accurate materials on the topic under study.

The researcher faced financial constraints in obtaining relevant materials as well as printing and collating questionnaires.

Time constraint: Another constraint is time, which makes it difficult for the researcher to shuttle between writing the research and engaging in other academic work.

1.8 Term operational definition

Academic performance is the evaluation of a student’s achievement in various academic subjects.

Married women: a viscount’s wife or widow. Types include: better half, married person, mate, partner, and spouse. a person’s marriage partner

Higher institution: an educational institution of collegiate or more advanced grade.


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