1.2 Background Of The Study

Throughout the years of Nigerian political independence, little was known about the violent crimes that occurred at Nigerian tertiary institutions. Even in a large society, violent criminal activity is uncommon. Universities, in particular, are authentic “citadels of learning.” Those who cannot afford to attend these colleges are envious of the students. Graduates were well-regarded in society, and many jumped at the chance to find decent work. They were regarded as the pinnacle of knowledge and integrity, in part because they were educated in the manner of a “white man,” and in part because they were trained in a less violent environment; they lacked criminal inclinations (Adeyemi, 2009).

Today’s scenario at higher education institutions is very different from what it was three or four years ago.

Almost four decades ago. Undergraduates at colleges and universities are physically or ostensibly besieging their campuses with a slew of indiscipline. Their enraged rebellious yells, loud protests, and occasionally destructive deeds demonstrate a growing sense of despair and hopelessness.

In Nigeria, violent crimes germinate and thrive in institutions of higher learning. Universities and polytechnic campuses in most parts of the country, according to Agbola, Olatubara, and Alabi (2001), are now battlegrounds for all types of violent crimes. Robbery, murder, violent rape, stealing, burglary, assault, violent demonstration, assassination, car snatching at gunpoint, and the dreaded activities of cultists are examples of violent criminal acts. Agbola et al. also observed that the majority of violent crimes in our tertiary institutions are primarily the work of students.

Cultists on campus.

Homicide, rape, office, house, and store-breaking have reached alarming proportions at academic institutions, according to Alemika and Chukwuma (2000). He went on to say that these violent criminal activities harm both the academic and social growth of the University communities as well as the wider community. Against this backdrop, the purpose of this research is to look into the nature and pattern of violent crimes in Nigerian tertiary institutions, with a particular focus on the University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus, in order to identify the causes and social implications for the institution in particular, and for Nigerian society in general.

1.2 Problem Description

According to Aluede (2005), teachers from various faculties are murdered even in their own homes. an unknown person (s). He went on to say that on campus at major Nigerian institutions, there have been numerous recorded incidents of robbery, rape, duping, automobile and mobile phone snatching. Even at the time of this study, the university had witnessed a slew of crimes, including mobile phone snatching, robbery with masks, illegal possession of firearms, office breaking and theft, rape, and so on. This danger is still present. In his own work titled “Varsity students injured as robbers raid female hostel,” Adisa (2004) claims that female students of the Cross River State University of Technology (CRUTECH) were injured, some of them seriously, when a gang of armed robbers attacked the institution’s female hostel. Some of the females were Others were physically assaulted and raped. As the robbers stormed the hostel, they shot indiscriminately, breaking some people’s limbs. However, the robbers carted away money and property belonging to these girls, while expanded cartridges were discovered. He went on to say that some of the robbers were later discovered to be students at the same university. According to Adeyemi et al. (2009), the number of violent protests on tertiary campuses is increasing. In his work titled “Violent Demonstrations at Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria,” Adeyemi also observed that property worth millions of Naira has been destroyed over the years. He did, however, mention the April 1998 violent protests at the University of Lagos, as well as the June 1998 protests at the Kogi State Polytechnic.

Students went on a violent rampage, torching school facilities, including the library, in 2002. He went on to say that the majority of the kids involved in the violent activities were members of cults. He also stated that cult members are frequently aggressive and engage in a wide range of violent criminal activities both on and off campus.

As a result, it appears that Nigeria’s higher education institutions are under threat. Regrettably, this scenario has had a negative impact on both faculty and student social and academic life on campus. As a result, there is a need for research into violent crimes at Nigerian tertiary institutions in order to find potential solutions.

1.3 The Study’s Objectives

In general, the purpose of this research is to examine students and

Lecturers’ perceptions of violent crime in Nigerian tertiary institutions. The study’s specific objectives are as follows.

1. Determine the nature of violent crimes committed in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

2. To determine the causes of the apparent increase in violent crimes in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

3. Determine the impact of violent crime on Nigerian tertiary institutions.

1.4 Research Issue

The following questions were developed for the purposes of this study:

1. What is the nature of violent crime in Nigerian tertiary institutions?

2. What are the causes of the apparent increase in violent crimes in Nigerian tertiary institutions?

3. What are the ramifications of violent crimes in Nigerian tertiary institutions?

1.5 The Study’s Importance

This research will be useful.

use by the Nigerian government and relevant authorities in Nigerian tertiary institutions. The authorities will be in a better position to address the problems of violent crimes in tertiary institutions in Nigeria if they obtain more information on the nature, patterns, and causes of violent crimes in tertiary institutions. Similarly, the data will help the government develop effective crime prevention measures for Nigerian tertiary institutions. Studying will be extremely beneficial for staff and students who are potential victims of violent crimes in tertiary institutions. This study will also serve as a resource for researchers, students, and other academics.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

This study is limited to identifying the nature of violent crimes in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions, as well as the reasons for these crimes.

for the apparent increase in violent crimes in Nigerian tertiary institutions and the impact of violent crime on Nigerian tertiary institutions. As a result, respondents for this study will be drawn from the Federal University of Awka in Anambra State.

1.7. Study Restrictions

The following are some of the study’s limitations:

Finance: Due to people’s, including the researchers’, economic difficulties, a larger sample size, which would have allowed the study to reach a larger region, has become impossible. As a result, this work will be limited to manufacturing companies/industries in Nigeria’s South Eastern region.

Time: It was not surprising that the researcher was constrained by time constraints, as this posed a direct challenge to the effective coverage intended in the study.

the course of this report. The researcher intends to interview all employees of the selected manufacturing companies, but due to the researcher’s numerous activities, which include academics, work schedules, and other social activities, it has become difficult to explain the intention.

1.8 Terms Definition

Students’ crises are defined in this paper as a rampage by students to press for their demands on specific issues with authorities of various tertiary institutions of learning.

A violent crime, violent felony, crime of violence, or crime of a violent nature is one in which an offender or perpetrator employs or threatens to employ force against a victim.

This is a tertiary institution.  The Employer recognizes a university or other tertiary education provider that offers degrees, diplomas, or teacher education courses.



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