Analysis Of Academic Performance Of Boarding And Day Students In Secondary Schools (A Case Study Of Some Selected Secondary Schools In Lagos Island)


Analysis Of Academic Performance Of Boarding And Day Students In Secondary Schools (A Case Study Of Some Selected Secondary Schools In Lagos Island)


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Anyhow of its natural talent, no country can thrive unless it prioritizes mortal capital development, which may be achieved via a solid academic foundation geared to secondary academy performance. Nigerian culture puts a high value on education, believing it to be the sole path to public growth. still, this can only be fulfilled if scholars at the stronghold of literacy’s boarding and day seminaries get laboriously engaged in academic conditioning that will ameliorate their academic performance. As a result, the country’s specialized progress will accelerate.


Education is seen as a worthwhile investment for public development in numerous nations throughout the globe. Education in Nigeria is a” par excellence” tool for achieving public development, and it’s largely regarded since it’s a system that’s anticipated to give qualitative and quantitative mortal coffers, which are essential for any nation’s profitable progress, by combining the correct inputs. Nigeria’s Federal Government( FGN, 2004). On the base of the below new exploration, contemporary boarding seminaries serve a different body of motivated and well- rounded scholars who study and live in probative, inclusive academic communities where they learn about independence, responsibility, and traditional values that help them achieve success at advanced rates in the classroom than private and public day academy scholars.


Small class sizes at boarding seminaries let preceptors engage every pupil in the classroom, and the settings are frequently structured to promote pupil engagement and eye contact among all scholars. construcción( 2007) Children from insulated and pastoral locales, as well as ethnical and verbal nonages, may be exposed to new ways of life, routines, liabilities, technology, preceptors, and classmates from outside their community, which helps to fraternize and mainstream them.


scholars and preceptors dine together in boarding seminaries, which are tone- contained communities. They spend their free time together watching television and playing games. This is because at a boarding academy, preceptors and staff take the position of parents. They virtually and symbolically assume the part of parents. While their charges are in academy, they’ve a significant part in moulding and directing them. Because pupils aren’t permitted to leave the classroom at the end of the day, they’re unfit to escape the professors’ important influence. This is one of the main reasons why numerous parents shoot their children to boarding academy.


scholars may gain chops that will help them live in a larger community while attending a boarding academy. Boarding provides scholars with the chance to support one another with their academics during and after academy hours, to unite and admire other people’s habits and beliefs, and to ameliorate social and communication chops via contact with other scholars and staff.


Boarding seminaries, according to UNESCO( 2010), offer a centralized literacy and living terrain that may serve as an effective connection between distant communities of origin and the lesser community. The maturity of boarding scholars read on a regular base since reading is a part of their education, and they occasionally use the library and library books. People who have attended a boarding academy have further independence, tone- confidence, and responsibility since they’re less reliant on their parents.


Because scholars are needed to study according to a defined schedule before and after academy hours, boarding seminaries give structure and discipline. scholars learn to admire regulations, perform tasks on time, go to bed on time, and awaken beforehand. Day- academy pupils and preceptors show lower respect for regulations and are less responsible, since they’re more irregular and less timely in academy, which leads to a lack of discipline and belatedness.


In boarding institutions, overcrowding in dormitories may sometimes quadruple the number of scholars who were originally anticipated to be accommodated. Overcrowding in the scholars’ caravansaries , as well as insufficiency of the nutrition, attainability of water, and noise from class or neighboring classrooms, were among the issues endured by boarding scholars. Other issues include a lack of acceptable illumination, interruption from classmates in the same or other classrooms, and interruptions caused bynon-human exertion similar as insects. Despite these issues, the ordinary boarding pupil has exceptional living and literacy circumstances compared to the difficulty and declination endured by numerous day scholars.


Academic Performance, according to Kail, Robert, and John( 2007), refers to the repliers’ Grade Point Average( GPA) at the conclusion of the semester. It’s the approach used by the academy to estimate and assess how effectively pupils grasp what they’ve been tutored, as well as to demonstrate what they’ve learned by their academic performance throughout the course of the term.


numerous day- seminaries, according to Urban and Daad( 2007), give further than just education, similar as food and clothes. still, in the case of boarding institutions, this backing is frequently more substantial( including casing). This’ full help’ may encourage parents to shoot their children to academy, despite the fact that boarding academy is rather expensive, and it’s only available to those whose parents or guardians can go it. Laterally, this backing adds to bettered educational issues. It’s tough to learn on an empty stomach.


On the other hand, Ebenuwa- Okoh( 2010) believes that if there’s a prospect of attending or establishing a academy hard, day- seminaries are preferred. A deficit of seminaries, convinced by a lack of backing, is generally the reason of distance to academy. Because day seminaries are less precious, more seminaries( nearer to home) may be constructed. The applicable blend of home and academy life might be set up at a day academy. The youth may attend to academy to study and develop social chops while still spending time with his or her family at home.


Statement Of The Problem


The academic performance of scholars is a veritably important factor in determining the success of individualities. In the educational system, a lot of factors impact the academic performance of scholars, both internal and external factors. One of which include being a day or boarding pupil.


In moment’s largely competitive world, boarding or day academy has come a hand for assessing scholars’ academic achievement in the educational process. The decision made by educational stakeholders, similar as governments, educationist, parents, headliners, preceptors, and guardians, is considered critical in society, and experimenters have lately discovered that certain factors are responsible for the academic performance of lodgers and day scholars, leading to exploration on the analysis of boarding and day pupil seminaries.


This study seeks to assay the academic performance of both boarding and day scholars in order to understand which has the stylish affair in performance.


Ideal Of The Study


1. To probe whether academic performance is advanced among lodgers than day scholars in Secondary seminaries in Lagos Island.


2. To probe whether manly boarding differs from manly day scholars in academic performance.


3. To probe whether womanish boarding differs from womanish day scholars in academic performance.


Exploration Thesis


The following null suppositions are formulated to be tested in this study


HO1 There’s no difference in academic performance of lodgers and day scholars in Secondary seminaries in Lagos Island.


H02 There’s no difference in academic performance of manly boarding and manly day scholars in Secondary seminaries in Lagos Island.


H03 There’s no difference in academic performance of womanish boarding and womanish day scholars in Secondary seminaries in Lagos Island.


Significance Of The Study


Stakeholders in the educational system will profit from the findings of this exploration as it’ll produce mindfulness on the differences in academic performance of day and boarding scholars. The study’s findings will be useful to scholars considering which sort of academy to attend, whether boarding or day, particularly those who have the option to choose. This exploration will also help parents decide whether to shoot their children to boarding or day academy, since it’ll give them with information on both kinds of seminaries’ structures. It’ll also help parents figure out which gender does more in boarding academy than in day academy. It’ll also help parents decide whether their manly or womanish children should attend boarding or day academy.


Compass Of The Study


This study only covered named private seminaries located in Lagos Island, public seminaries were barred.


Limitation Of The Study


The experimenter was limited by inadequate finances to carry out this study in depth.


Description Of Terms


1. DAY STUDNENT A pupil who attends regular classes at a council or introductory academy but doesn’t live at the institution.


2. BOARDING Pupil A pupil who attends regular classes at a council or introductory academy and lives at the institution or in a structure handed for the pupil to house him her.


3. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE it’s the dimension of pupil achievement across colorful academic subjects.


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