The construction process looks to be a well-ordered, linear process that is simple to organize, plan, and oversee. The high number of failures in construction projects that are supposed to be completed on time and on budget demonstrates that the construction process is not as well-ordered and predictable as it appears. The construction process is a complicated, nonlinear, and dynamic phenomenon that can occasionally veer dangerously close to anarchy. As a result, building projects are more prone to plan failure, delays, and expense overruns than they are to achievements (Bertelsen, 2002). Some practitioners consider a project successful if it meets all three legs of the triple constraint specification: cost, time, and scope. This definition, however, does not fully encompass the meaning and factors. Higher costs and delays must sometimes be tolerated in order for the deliverables to be accepted by the stakeholders (Toader et al., 2010; Prabhakar, 2008). This clarifies that project success and failure criteria vary depending on participants, scope, project size, technology consequences, and a variety of other factors (Jari, 2013). As a result, it is critical for project managers and academics to get a deeper understanding of construction project success and failure, as well as to identify all of the elements that may obstruct project success and lead to failure. Finally, agree on a set of criteria to be used to evaluate the success of various projects.


According to Nwachukwu et al. (2010), in most emerging economies, the rate at which infrastructure construction projects fail or are abandoned, some even under construction, is retrogressive. As a result, it is clear why Nigeria has a problem. In Nigeria, project failure is a major issue. Aside from the large number of abandoned projects that are blighting the landscape. Recently, a very GH rate of privately owned building projects collapsing has been observed, with the resulting fatalities. As a result, a study of the success and failure reasons in the Nigerian construction business is required.


The goal of this study is to create a framework for analyzing the elements that influence success and failure in the Nigerian construction industry. The following objectives must be met in order to achieve this goal: • First, establish a thorough understanding of the research issue by discussing the nature of the construction business, its stages and players, as well as identifying project failure factors and their consequences. • The second step is to categorize the components and their effects that were discovered during the literature review. • Outlining the research findings and recommendations that construction professionals can use to help them deliver successful projects.


(1) What are the most important factors for a project’s success in Nigeria?

(2) Is customer commitment more important than the availability of required technologies for project success?

(3) What factors contributed to the project’s failure?


The research could lead to the development of indices that can be used to improve project delivery in Nigeria. This can aid policy creation in the field and project assistance to experts participating in construction projects by the Nigerian building industry, from design to implementation. It can also establish a clear need for professional project managers in the Nigerian construction industry. Given the scarcity of literature on project management principles and practices in Nigeria, empirical studies like this one are hoped to contribute to the country’s indigenous literature on the subject.


The study focuses on the success and failure factors in the Nigerian construction industry.


S. Bertelsen, S. Bertelsen, S. Bertelsen, S (2002). The IGLC championship puts complexity-construction in a new light.

E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camilleri, E. Camill

A. J. Jari and P. Bhangale (2013). The International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering was established to research crucial variables that are required for a successful construction project.

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