The main goal of the Facilities Management Procedures application is to help you extend the life of your building. The type of maintenance and practices utilized are said to aid in the preservation of historical structures. The study uses Tafawa Balewa Square as a case study to investigate the extent of use of Facilities Management Procedures in historical buildings. The study used a survey design and self-administered questionnaires, which were distributed to 133 case study participants. A total of 88 responses were received. The information gathered was evaluated via descriptive and inferential statistics. According to the findings, the best technique for maintaining equipment and systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications is carried out by Facilities.

This ongoing research aims to determine the efficacy of using a multidisciplinary approach to the conservation of Heritage Sites and their contents, such as Facility Management (FM). FM has developed rapidly over the world as a developing worldwide business management profession. It consists of a number of interconnected specialised areas that set it apart from more typical methods to building maintenance. Although the technique can be described in a variety of ways, the interpretations of two of the field’s top professional groups are strikingly similar. (T J Francis, A J Greens, and J Littlewood) (2010)

According to the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), FM is “…a multidisciplinary profession that integrates people, places, processes, and technology to assure the functionality of the built environment.” By extension, historical building maintenance management entails the effective and efficient use of resources in the ongoing care and protection of building elements in order to keep them in good working order, maintain the building fabrics and services, and extend the life of such elements, and thus the entire building, for as long as possible. Where these properties have tourism potential, it is critical to preserve these structures by continuously caring for and protecting them from destruction in order to extend their life span and functions; it is only natural that as buildings age, they will be subjected to serious structural defects and deterioration. Today, it is a truism that no structure is maintenance-free. As a result, every structure, whether old or new.

To preserve the integrity and significance of such properties in the face of aging, this thesis focuses on the application and challenges faced by the custodians or facility managers of such properties in terms of the necessary actions to prevent deterioration and extend the life and basic functions of historical buildings. Continuous maintenance and protection will undoubtedly entail minor and substantial repairs to building elements in order to preserve them in excellent working order, hence extending the life of such elements and the entire building for as long as possible.

To achieve the stated goal of conserving the historical identity and significance of such properties, extensive administrative and managerial expertise would be required.

Dr. (Mrs) Ihuoma P. Asabaka has conducted study on the importance of effective facility management in Nigerian schools.

The Management of Hotel Properties in South-Western Nigeria — Facility Management Perspective is a study by Durodola (2009).


Buildings that were developed and designed before facilities management became a full-fledged practice are known as historical buildings. Cost of maintenance, government policies, age, kind of construction, degree of proximity or dispersion of the facility, size and function, and other variables could make the task of facilities managers a major challenge. The study’s necessity stems from the fact that most historical structures are deteriorating and losing their worth. These research questions are the source of these statement issues.


In contrast to more developed countries such as Europe and the United States, where facilities management has been practiced since the 1980s, Nigeria is still in the early stages of development. Although some corporate organizations in Nigeria have embraced facilities management for increased productivity, others, including as the healthcare, manufacturing, educational, and historic sectors, have yet to investigate the benefits of effective facilities management on their performance. (2009, Durodola)

In Nigeria, there has been little research into the facility management of historical sites. (Adoni Abigo, Della Madgwick, Kassim Gidado, and Stephen Okonji) conducted study on ‘Embedding Sustainable Facility Management in the Management of Public Buildings in Nigeria’ (2012).


The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which facilities management is used in Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS) in Lagos.



To determine the scope of Facility Management’s application on Tafawa Balewa Square.


To assess the effectiveness of the Facility Management application on Tafawa Balewa Square.


To determine the issues that Facility Management apps face on Tafawa Balewa Square.

What is the scope of Facilities Management’s application to historical structures?
What is the level of performance of Facility Management’s application to historical buildings?
What are the difficulties in implementing Facility Management on historical structures?
All historical structures are one-of-a-kind in terms of design, structure, building elements and textiles, and purpose of existence, among other things. It was unable to quantify, analyze, and evaluate the applicability and challenges of historical building facilities management in Nigeria. As a result, the research was limited to Lagos State, which is home to the majority of Nigeria’s historical buildings; the study was also limited to a single historical building in order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the subject and because the history behind the building (Tafawa Balewa Square) was chosen as the case study. The Tafawa Balewa Square was the site of Nigeria’s declaration of independence on October 1, 1960. It was named after Nigeria’s first Prime Minister, Olusegun Obasanjo.
This research will aid in articulating the mindset that underpins the idea (concept) of applying facilities management techniques to historic structures. It will outline the current issues in this burgeoning industry as well as those that are projected to emerge in the future, as well as the many challenges that the facility custodian may face. It will also contribute to the corpus of knowledge in the field of FM by providing data for future research. The study is expected to provide important information to Nigerian policymakers on how to establish a proper maintenance culture for our National Treasures.

I have a hypothesis.

H0: Facility management principles are not being applied to the management of Tafawa Balewa Square in a major way.

H1: The management of Tafawa Balewa Square is heavily influenced by facility management principles.

Hypothesis No. 2

H0: The contribution of the elements that provide barriers to the application of the Facility Management concept in the case study is the same.

H1: The contribution of the elements that provide barriers to the application of the Facility Management principle in the case study is different.


1. Facility Management: Facility management is defined as the proactive management of built facilities and organizational assets in order to increase efficiency and provide value to their performance and services.

2. Management Style: This refers to the method of property asset preservation used in the operation of the facility, which could be maintenance management, property management, or facilities management.

3. Facilities: The structures, services, building features, and equipment that support the building’s effective use are referred to as facilities.

4. Historical structures. These are historic structures that play an important role in a community or country.

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