A computer is an automatic device made up of mechanical and electronic components that can accept, store, and retrieve large amounts of data in various formats, as well as perform operations such as (arithmetic, logic) at high speeds under the supervision of a programmed program and provide useful results. It can also retain and analyze data that is sent into it, allowing it to calculate and control machinery autonomously. Dos Santos is a fictional character (1993)

It can also be defined as an electronic device that can accept data through an input device, process the data, and then output or store the useful and meaningful result known as output or information through output devices. D.C. Mauer (1993).

In most cases, a computer is made up of two parts: hardware and software.

A computer’s hardware component is a physical component of the system.

i.e. the part that can be kicked around and touched. The software component of a computer system, on the other hand, is a collection of instructions (program) that allows the hardware component to do particular tasks. Akin.F.A is an abbreviated form of Akin.F.A. (1996).

Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), Tele-banking, Remote access, interest banking, Global System Mobile (GSM), and other computer accessories are utilized in banking operations. Some problems that need to be answered include how to trust these channels, our personal data, and technology-driven transactions.

Are they dependable and precise? Is there a way to independently verify the information’s integrity? When we examine why there is a lack of trust, we can see that the main difficulties are around the following component of information security. Dos Santos is a fictional character (1993).

Computers are employed extensively in the banking business in a variety of ways. If the banks, it may be utilized to carry out tasks ranging from simple to complex. For example, rather than keeping manual records and subsequently storing the files, all data is now stored on a computer via storage devices. It is more efficient and straightforward. This method allows for the storage of more data. Furthermore, data from computers may be conveniently saved and accessed.

Online banking also demonstrates the overuse of computers in the banking sector. You may recover all of your prior transactions in your accounts in a matter of seconds. Erik Brynjofsson (1993). Various computer devices play various roles in making banking operations easier. The use of a computer minimizes the amount of stress that Public Relations Officers are subjected to (P.R.O). There is no need to start looking for records of loans and advances given to any consumer with the use of a computer. The time spent executing this operation was reduced thanks to the use of a computer. Erik Brynjofsson (1993).

Computerization in banking operations is beset by a slew of issues, including:

1. A power supply that is insufficient.

2. Literacy proficiency.

3. Additionally, computers that are installed will require less human labor to operate.

carry out the desired action This means that it causes people to become lazy and, as a result, lose their jobs. It also leads to money-laundering fraud.

As a result, bank computerizations have a larger customer base and more profitability, as the goal of any business is to produce money. In this regard, the researchers are interested in looking into the benefits and drawbacks of computerization in banking operations.


The following are the identified challenges that the banking sector faces in achieving its objectives, which will be investigated in relation to computerization in this research.

Most banks are unable to prevent and detect fraudulent activity.

Inability to save extremely important and secret information for later use.

The problem of being unable to perform extensive calculations without making mistakes (accurately). Because workers perceive computer systems as an attempt to replace them, resulting in widespread retrenchment or job loss, modern technology has brought about the usage of computer systems in all areas of our human endeavors in Nigeria (particularly in banking operations). K.G. Peffers (1993).


The following are the identified challenges that the banking sector faces in achieving its objectives, which will be investigated in relation to computerization in this research.

Most banks are unable to prevent and detect fraudulent activity.

Inability to save extremely important and secret information for later use.

The problem of being unable to perform extensive calculations without making mistakes (accurately). Because workers perceive computer systems as an attempt to replace them, resulting in widespread retrenchment or job loss, modern technology has brought about the usage of computer systems in all areas of our human endeavors in Nigeria (particularly in banking operations). K.G. Peffers (1993).


The researchers are looking for answers to the following questions.

I. What is the meaning of the term “computer”?

II. What are the many accessories that are employed in banking operations?

III. What are the uses of computer accessories in baking operations.

IV. What are the functions of computer accessories in banking operations?

V. What are the issues with computer accessories in baking operations?


The following people will greatly benefit from the findings of this research project.

1. Employees who work in the financial industry.

2. Operational management in the banking industry

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