The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of nutritional knowledge on the health of pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State. The study looked at pregnant mothers’ knowledge of maternal nutrition, the extent to which pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State practice nutritional practices, the effects of malnutrition on the health of pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, and the nutritional challenges that pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State face. The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The survey yielded a total of 141 valid replies. The Pender’s Health Promotion Model was used in the research. Obstructed labor, premature or low-birth-weight babies, postpartum haemorrhage, and anaemia are among the findings on the consequences of malnutrition on the health of pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, based on the responses gathered and analyzed. Furthermore, most pregnant women are educated with maternal nutrition, according to the research. The data also found that pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, engage in a wide range of nutritional habits. Health conversations should be promoted on each antenatal day, according to the report, and nurses should place a greater emphasis on nutrition.




Nutritional knowledge has been shown to be extremely important in adopting optimal nutrition habits in the health of all pregnant mothers. In fact, the health and nutritional state of a nation’s people is a significant indicator of the country’s development (Taleb, Kaibi, & Deghboudj, 2011). According to an Indian nutrition survey, the nutritional health of pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as babies, is poor. According to L.M. (2010), this is likely owing to a lack of fundamental nutrition understanding and incorrect community customs, as well as a lack of food availability and consumption. There are certain unfavorable socio-cultural and economic variables in Nigeria that have negative implications and limit women’s access to quality ante-natal care. The most significant of these are women’s low socioeconomic status, which prevents them from making informed decisions about their reproductive functions, high female illiteracy, which is a leading cause of poor health seeking behavior for maternity services among Nigerian women, and a high rate of poverty, which disproportionately affects women and leads to inadequate dietary intakes, a high rate of pregnancy complications, and women’s limited access to evidence (Obionu, 2006). Before and during pregnancy, maternal nutrition is a key factor in determining birth weight. Poor maternal nutrition has been linked to a high rate of Low Birth Weight (LBW) in impoverished nations (Obionu, 2006). Pregnancy causes significant physiological changes, necessitating good food and lifestyle choices. The growing foetus requires a lot of energy and nutrients from the mother to help it develop physically and mentally (Oni, &Tukur, 2012). Low birth weight is mostly caused by the mother’s poor health and nutrition, and inadequate nutrition during pregnancy accounts for a major share of growth retardation in underdeveloped nations like Nigeria (Igbokwe, 2012). Malnutrition has been identified as a contributing factor in maternal death throughout the reproductive process. Malnutrition has many causes that are multifaceted and multi-factorial, with poverty, food insecurity, and maternal illiteracy being the main culprits in poor nations. Because of the biological ties, the mother’s health and nutritional state might have an impact on the child’s health and survival. There is a significant element in nutrition that contributes to high infant mortality, maternal mortality, and low birth weight in newborns. Appropriate nutritional practice, on the other hand, is critical in determining an infant’s optimal health and growth (Fasola, Abosede, & Fasola, 2018). Poor prenatal nutrition predisposes the offspring to problems later in life, according to epidemiological studies. Inadequate nutrition is the most common cause of malnutrition, which can manifest itself as either under or over nutrition. Undernutrition, according to Corsi, Kyu, and Subramanian (2011), arises when there is not only insufficient energy but also a shortage or imbalance of specific food components and nutrients. In addition to enough energy, proper macronutrient supply, The proportions and quantity of these nutrients may vary depending on the stage of development. In recent decades, there have been significant changes in human lifestyles all throughout the world. The lifestyle has dramatically evolved, particularly in recent years. Diet, food varieties, cooking time, and other factors all changed. Processed foods are gradually displacing organic foods today. Another shift is the rapid growth in the number of eateries and the public’s preference for quick food. One of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition (Daly, Azefor, & Nasah, 1993). Epidemiological research indicates that disorders such as (cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and cancer) are on the rise, which can be ascribed to changes in lifestyle. Nutritional education is another important aspect that contributes to nutritional knowledge by raising awareness and, as a result, improving society’s health (Awosika, 2001). It is necessary to obtain and apply good nutritional knowledge in order to remain healthy and physically active and to live a healthier lifestyle. In order to increase society’s health, expectant moms’ knowledge, attitude, and practice must be considered. According to Awosika (2001), pregnant and lactating women have long been recognized as one of the most nutritionally vulnerable segments of the population; the negative effects of maternal malnutrition affect not only the mother but also her offspring.


Even among the educated in our society, there is a strong connection to beliefs and cultural traditions (Arimond, & Ruel, 2004). While we agree that some of these ideas and behaviors are beneficial, we believe that others are not. Despite recorded advancements in medicine and medical services, the majority of pregnant women appear to prefer receiving nutrition and antenatal healthcare education from traditional birth attendants (Awosika, 2001). This plethora of information has an impact on pregnant women’s health, necessitating the completion of this study on the impact of nutritional knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors on the health of pregnant women.

Understanding what they consume and what they avoid will help the health worker design a balanced diet for them.


The primary goal of this research is to determine the impact of nutritional knowledge on the health of pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State. Other aims of this study include, but are not limited to:

To determine pregnant women’ understanding of maternal nutrition.

To evaluate the extent to which pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, engage in dietary practices.

To investigate the impact of malnutrition on pregnant women’s health in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State.

To investigate the dietary issues that pregnant women in Taraba State’s Mayo-Dassa Jalingo experience.


This study will answer the following research questions that are related to the objectives:

Are pregnant women aware of the importance of maternal nutrition?


To what extent do pregnant women in Mayo-Dassa Jalingo, Taraba State, engage in dietary practices?


What impact does malnutrition have on the health of pregnant women in Taraba State’s Mayo-Dassa Jalingo?


What are the dietary issues that pregnant women in Taraba State’s Mayo-Dassa Jalingo face?


It is anticipated that the findings of this study will be of great advantage to all pregnant women, as they will serve as a means of reducing the negative effects of malnutrition on their health. The findings will also be very useful to the Ministry of Health.


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