
In this study, as a case study, we examined viewer perceptions of female models in commercial messages related to a television commercial for Lux Soap. Her three research questions were proposed to guide her research.
What is the effect of using female models in TV commercials? How do viewers perceive the use of female models in Lux Soap? To what extent can female models influence consumer purchasing decisions? 150 people in Greater Wari A survey study design was adopted for the study, using a 16-item questionnaire distributed to the respondents. Data were sampled by non-probabilistic random sampling. The data generated were presented in frequency tables and analyzed using simple percentages. In this study, we found:

The effect of using female models in TV advertising is to attract clients or potential clients
The effect of using women/women in advertising is to persuade consumers to buy the advertised product
Audience awareness of LUX Soap TV commercials using female models as sex idols
Female models in advertising influence consumers by influencing the customers of the products advertised.
Respondents like female models used in LUX soap ads
Based on the findings of the study, researchers recommended the following: This is to ensure that potential customers are not distracted by the product. You should focus on models that look moderate and natural. Advertisements for men’s products should use attractive female models sparingly. This is to ensure that the target group’s attention is focused on the product rather than the model. Improving the quality of ad copy is critically needed to change the current trend of eye-catching models over products. The copy should be such that the product being advertised is very bold and more graphically penetrating than the model. , you should consider using other types of advertising. finally. Constant research must be conducted to keep up with changing consumer needs. A new emphasis on what consumers want in a product and effective marketing and product promotion is expected to turn around.

chapter One


1.1 Research background

Media and advertising in the 21st century are indispensable to consumers. A number of research studies (Mullen and Johnson, 1990; Bauer and Greyser, 1968; Mehta, 2000; Hawkins et al., 2001, etc.) have demonstrated the profound effects of advertising on attitude change, emotion arousal, and attitude change. We have examined the impact of advertising on creation. Consider lifestyle

Whatever the product, from shampoo to beer, when you bring in a beautiful person, the audience is tricked into thinking they could be that beautiful person. The use of women and their poses is actually a very precise art, starting with human biology. There are gorgeous models…Graphic designers are the beneficiaries of this technological age.
By splicing and stretching, any woman can be transformed into a “goddess”. Baudrillard (2004) correctly recognizes that ‘advertising takes over the role of women’. He claims that Advertisers give what they want. ”

The benefits of using physically attractive models in marketing communications are not limited to increasing attention and interest in your ads, but they can also provide other benefits such as: B. Continued use of advertised products. Research has revealed a common “beauty is good” stereotype in which attractive female models are unconsciously associated with other unrelated traits (Eagly et al., 1991). B. Advanced social competence. Ad effectiveness is also positively affected by the attractiveness of the models used (Halliwell and Dittmar, 2004). When manipulating the attractiveness of a model, there is a big difference in the effect of an average height model or a skinny model. Designing your advertising message to elicit the desired response is essential to persuade your audience to like and purchase your ad. When it comes to portraying women in commercials, it all depends on what kind of portrayal your audience prefers. The media seems to make the image of women more equal, and female models are increasingly featured in advertisements to sell products they are not directly related to (Kang, 2002). The media are generally accused of portraying women as “sex objects” who can capture the attention and interest of their viewers. (Catalina, 2004). Sex is another of her emotions that advertisers have successfully exploited to promote jeans, perfumes, alcohol, watches, personal items, and automobiles (Chatterji, 2006). Many psychologists believe that manipulating sexual stimuli with visual images, replicas, or both can evoke unconscious desires that manifest themselves in the purchase of products and services. In other cases, such advertising has been found to be harmful or simply ineffective, but is still used because there are few stimuli in advertising that match its attention value. Attraction is interpreted differently by people, sometimes by regions, countries, and societies. The same person will react differently at different stages of their life cycle. Advertisers must therefore ensure that their product, advertisement, target, target audience, and use of sexual themes and elements are all consistent to ensure that their call is effective.

Sources define an advertising model as one that is hired to drive consumer demand for a product, service, brand, or concept through direct interaction with potential customers. The most important feature of most advertising models is that they usually tend to have an attractive appearance. Their main function is to provide information about a product or service and make it attractive to customers (Wikipedia).

Ad News (2006) reported that “advertising makes people compare themselves and their situation to that presented in the ad”.

Cognition, by definition, is the act of perceiving ‘their’ environment through bodily sensations and represents an individual’s ability to comprehend. However, many social psychologists tend to revolve around one of its most important features: the notion that the world around us is not psychologically uniform for all individuals. . This is probably the cause of differences in opinion and behavior among individuals/groups exposed to the same social phenomenon (Durojaye, Hammed, & Godwin, 2009).

In this regard, her Asemah, cited in GistArea (2013), sees viewer perceptions as the views, expressions, and feelings of ordinary members of society regarding problems, events, happenings, and happenings in society. , in this sense Delta considers her soap ad.

His APCON Policy on Ethical Advertising

APCON remains committed to its vision of promoting responsible and ethical advertising practices, acting as a public conscience and consumer watchdog on commercial communications issues. The Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) was established by the issuance of Decree No. 55 of 1988. APCON’s responsibilities are summarized in “Control and Regulation of All Aspects and Effects of Advertising”. APCON requires a certain level of authority to do this. The Council later gave itself a Code of Conduct for Advertising to provide guidance on the expected approach to dealing with advertisers’ products. These two elements represent the primary tools APCON uses to carry out its legal mandate. According to the APCON (2015) Code of Conduct:

All advertisements must be legal, decent, honest, truthful, respectful and in Nigerian language.
They should have a high level of social responsibility and avoid misinformation.
All advertising must comply with generally accepted principles of fair competition in business and fair comment expected in free human communication.
It aims to increase public trust in advertising and should always be in the interest of consumers and society as a whole.
1.2 Problem Description

Advertising is an important marketing tool that enables organizations to communicate directly with consumers. As such, advertisements are delivered with the goal of capturing the attention and reaction of viewers. Designing your ad message to evoke the desired response is essential for audiences to love your ad and drive purchases. This led to the use of female models in advertising. When women are portrayed in advertisements, consumers are seduced by the information to seek advice and, as a result, make purchasing decisions.

It is therefore important to investigate the extent to which these effects change people’s attitudes towards the products and brands being advertised. When female models appearing in advertisements evoke a positive response and boost consumer self-esteem, they are more likely to purchase products and brands. However, some scholars of Smeesters, Mussweiler, and Mandel believe that the continued use of highly feminine models by advertising agencies has several negative effects on consumer self-esteem, resulting in the promotion of advertising agencies believes that it damages brands because of the negative perceptions that people have (Smeesters, Mussweiler, & Almond, 2010). With this in mind, this survey tends to examine audience perceptions of female models within her message on television in relation to her commercial for LUX Soap.

Purpose of research

The purpose of this research is as follows.

Studying the effects of using female models in television advertising
Understanding audience perceptions of the use of female models in LUX Soap TV commercials
Discover the influence female models have on advertising

Research Issues

The following are the goals of this research:

What effect does the use of female models have on television advertisements?
How did the audience react to the use of a female model in a LUX Soap television commercial?
How much influence do female models in advertisements have on consumer purchasing decisions?
1.5 Importance of the Research

The research findings will benefit both advertisers and manufacturers/companies, including those in the advertising profession, by allowing them to understand how the use of the feminine gender is perceived by the audience.

Similarly, the study’s findings will aid in providing feedback, as well as a framework for business organizations to use in measuring the effectiveness of their product advertising. It will also provide them with a


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