chapter One


1.1 Research background

Corruption is the unlawful use of public power or influence by a government official, at public expense, to enrich himself or to further his course or that of others.

Corruption is bribing to keep the truth from being told. This includes the misappropriation of public funds for personal use and acts considered criminal under the laws of certain societies.

Corruption is a powerful cancer that has mercilessly fed Nigeria to a stupored professor.

Corruption remains a major affliction in Nigerian society and despite the fact that it exists in all societies, there is a need to not tolerate it as it risks wiping out a country rife with corruption. there is. Similarly, it is established that a society plagued by corruption will not survive or develop properly.

Corruption is embedded in Nigerian politics. Its inhabitants see it as an inevitable part of the social system. Corruption is a cancer that has crept into the very fabric of Nigerian society. Sustained technological development and socio-political stability are not possible unless the battle against corruption is won. Institutions set up to improve the quality of life of Nigerian citizens, such as the Niger Delta Development Board (NDDB) and the Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission (OMPADEC), have largely failed due to corruption and mismanagement. Since 2001, Nigeria has consistently been ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the world by the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (TICPI). A report by the World Bank’s International Monetary Fund (IMF) classified 35 countries, including Nigeria, as corrupt or politically weak. According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, Nigeria is one of her eight countries with the highest level of corruption in government and administration.

One of the monsters that has ravaged the socio-economic fabric of Nigerian society over the years is corruption. It is not only a household name in Nigeria, but also a way of life. All efforts to tame this monster defied all strategy and tactics. “All societies, present and past, display a strong aversion to corrupt practices. Corruption exists in all societies, but they are unwilling to bear the stigma of being infamous for pervasive corruption. There is no country without ”(Amadife, 2007:
18). But even though the word “corruption” has become infamous, with devastating and despicable consequences for people’s lives and their respective societies, and celebrated around the world, Momoh (2009:
115) rightly states: If anything works efficiently, uniformly and smoothly throughout the country, it is…the engine of the machine of corruption…the phenomenon of corruption It seems to be our official ideology and our language Franca, the universal language spoken and understood everywhere in Nigeria. Due to the prevalence of, and in most cases large-scale, corruption in Nigeria, a significant portion of the population is in need of respect for patriotism, the sanctity of life, basic values ​​and other shared values. We are deprived of the wisdom of recognizing sexuality. and practice

Corruption disproportionately affects poor people in developing countries. It affects their daily lives in many ways and tends to further impoverish them by denying them their fair share of economic resources and life-saving assistance. Corruption makes it impossible to provide basic public services to those who cannot pay bribes. By diverting scarce resources allocated for development, corruption also makes it difficult to meet basic needs such as food, health, and education.It creates discrimination between different groups in society. , fosters inequality and injustice, discourages foreign investment and aid, and stunts growth. This has therefore become a major obstacle to political stability and successful social and economic development.

It is therefore clear from the foregoing that corruption and its harmful nature and effects pose a grave threat to the survival of Nigeria as a free, independent and united state. The pandemic and pervasive corruption are products of the actions of those entrusted with power and leadership. This increases poverty in the country and portends a bleak future for the unborn living Nigerians. According to Abebe (1999:
25) “Anyone who can say that corruption in Nigeria has not become alarming is either a fool or a crook or does not live in this country.” This eminent scholar and people like him Such outspoken statements and strong accusations from is probably one of his in Nigeria. Berlin-based Transparency International (TI) stated in its Perception Index (1995-2005) that “Recently, Nigeria has an enviable record among respondents to be considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world.” The reason why I discovered that. In a brief report, the Politburo set up by General Ibrahim Babangida’s government summarized the extent of corruption in Nigeria:
It [corruption] permeates every layer of society. From political and business elites at the highest levels to commoners in villages, its various manifestations include government-contracted inflation in exchange for bribes. fraud and tampering with public sector accounts; and exam errors at educational institutions, including universities. Bribery and perversion of justice by police, judicial and other judicial bodies. Various heinous crimes against the state in the business and industrial sectors of our economy in collusion with multinational corporations. B. Overbilling of Goods, Currency Fraud, Hoarding, and Smuggling. At the village level, corruption manifests itself in the form of market distortions

Me. against corruption in Nigeria.

1.4 Research question

Me. What is the extent of corruption in Nigeria?

ii. What are the causes of corruption in Nigeria?

iii. To what extent is the print media reporting on corruption in Nigeria? IV. What factors fuel corruption in Nigeria?

v. What challenges do the print media face in fighting corruption in Nigeria?

1.5 Validity of research

There is no doubt that this research will benefit various individuals and institutions. In the meantime, this research paper titled “Public Perceptions of Print Media in Curbing Corruption in Nigeria” will serve the public, journalists, governments and future generations.

The results of this study will educate the public about the ill effects and consequences of corruption in the nation.

Both author and editor journalists will, by the end of this work, realize the importance of their work in investigating economic crimes and exposing corrupt officials in Nigeria.

Governments at all levels will understand why they will provide the media with the full support, materials and capabilities they need to curb corruption. The media lack the independence and confidence to ask the right questions or expose corruption and other arbitrary acts to hold governments accountable. And those seeking to escape the heavy hand of the state consider it wise self-interest not to “interfere” in government activities.

Future researchers, those involved in this or related research, will find the work interesting and informative.

1.6 Scope of investigation

This survey explores audience perceptions of the role of print media in curbing corruption in Nigeria. The scope of this study is limited to the Ouchi community in Etzako Nishimachi, Edo.


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