chapter One


1.1 Research background

The media has turned the world into a global village. It’s a great tool and the best means of one-way communication. Therefore, it is widely used for all purposes. Because of its power to influence public attitudes and behavior, and its prominent role in shaping planning and strategy at the national and international levels, it has an important role in almost all social, political, and development sectors. (Okafor, 2002). Media are widely used in all aspects of social, political and economic development. The media also play an important role in facilitating child development. The media have made children more social in Ed State, Nigeria and in all other cities where children are exposed to media activity (Ambrose, 2007). It is defined as a large-scale means of communication that reaches and engages virtually everyone.

Mass media, especially visual media (television, cinema, and now newer media), are widely considered to be uniquely effective due to their visual advantages, which are able to hold the attention of the viewer and “occupy” children in particular. It is Young people, even among some adults. Primary socialization occurs in children, so we cannot talk about socialization without mentioning children. Socialization causes helpless infants, called ‘biological beings’, to transform into normal thinking, acting, and speaking human beings called ‘social beings’ (Schramm, 2003).

Childhood, on the other hand, is a time of information seeking, and a child’s central concern is to define a coherent picture of the world. Accessible mass media, especially visual media, very easily expose them to a world far beyond the boundaries of their immediate surroundings. It is to show elementary and junior high school students wearing traditional costumes. But to TV viewers, children are actually portrayed as entertainers. “Unless new strategies are put in place to expose children to media use, I worry that children may grow up to be tradition-conscious, dance-oriented and violent adults,” according to Nnonyelu. , (2009, p. 21) Living In a media-saturated world, media has become an integral part of everyday life, with children spending 35 to 55 hours a week with various forms of media. But with this constant exposure to media content, it’s no surprise that the most common questions asked when children engage in certain behaviors are:
“What role did the media play in childhood socialization?” is the gist of this study.

Media reports on socialization of children should not be overlooked either. The term socialization is the process of learning interpersonal and interaction skills that correspond to the values ​​of one’s society (Nnonyelu, 2009).

Again, socialization is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and educators to inherit and disseminate the norms, habits, and ideologies that give individuals the skills and abilities they need throughout their lives.

1.2 Problem Description

The influence of mass media on children is insidious and can lead children to develop false ideals and negative social behaviors. Mass media influences the academic performance of Nigerian children. The mass media have contributed a great deal to the moral decadence in today’s society. This is the question that this study seeks to solve. The impact of media on children’s social and psychosocial development is profound. Therefore, it is important that professionals and physicians discuss children’s media use with parents and provide guidance on age-appropriate use of all media, including television, radio, music, video games, and the Internet. Today, television, especially movies, has become the primary sex education for Nigerian children. This is a difficult problem to control.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

Therefore, the purpose of this study is formulated as follows.

Me. I am investigating the influence of mass media on children’s social development. ii. explore the benefits and effects of mass media on children’s socialization;

iii. Researching the negative effects of mass media on children.

IV. Do children imitate movie characters, sing promotional songs, or show other impressions of what they have learned from the media?

1.4 Research question

This survey will attempt to adequately answer the following questions:

1. Do mass media have a direct impact on children’s social development?

2. What are the benefits of mass media in socializing children?

3. Is the mass media having a negative impact on children’s lives?

4. Are children with access to mass media more social? 1.5 Scope of investigation

Research is limited to children and mass media. In other words, we observe the role of mass media in the socialization of children in the context of the Ouchi Technical Elementary School.


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