Communicative Functions Of Nigerian English And Their Consequences For The Teaching Of Writing Skills At The Sss Level
Chapter One
Background Of The Study
Language is a pivotal element of the educational process. It’s an essential element of communication. It has extremely solid foundations for creative study, and without it there would be no significant advancement in civilization and culture. Makinde( 2022). This citation examines the capabilities of language as a tool for communication and creative study. Through the act of study, language is employed to transmit ideas, which are also converted into speech or jotting.
thus, a country’s primary language is essential to its academic development and advancement. Nigeria is a multilateral and multiethnic nation with around four hundred and ten( 410 languages)( Mackey 2022). With the appearance of English in 1842, still, these multiple languages have altered or, if you will, obtruded with the way Nigerians communicate on the verbal, grammatical, and phonological situations. Although English is Nigeria’s sanctioned language, a distinct variety of English has developed to meet the country’s socio- verbal and communication conditions( which is to an extent a divagation from standard British English). This has redounded in domestication or localisation. Since English has been impacted by our native speeches, our jotting will likewise reflect this metamorphosis. We appertained these these diversions as” unique Nigerianisms.”
On the phonological position, Adegbite( 2022) notes a dropped vowel system, reduced accentuation systems, venting ofnon-voiced consonant ends, and venting of speechless consonants. illustration thumb, song, angel, vowel insertion in syllabic consonants, etc. In everyday speech, we constantly hear someone inaptly stretch or touch words. For case, thepost-vocalic/ L/ is dropped in coda position” bulk” is pronounced( bÉ), whereas” help” is pronounced( hep). also,” sit” is pronounced( sit),” boat” is pronounced( ip), and” beat” is contracted to( bit). thus, it’s doable for these incorrect pronunciations to convert into poor jotting and spelling.
The grammatical position focuses substantially on the Nigerianization of certain corridor of the English language. For case, the following expression is frequent among Nigerian English speakers” He’s shamefaced, is not he?”( Wrong)
” He’s shamefaced, correct?”( Correct)
contrivances( biting stick, cash doxy , go- laggardly, elderly family,co-wife), hybridizations( kiakia machine, bukateria), and direct restatements( eran igbe) describe the verbal position”” backcountry/ mea!”,” ese gigun” means” long leg.”
All of these relate to communication and the processes of communication. Its primary ideal is to convey a communication. All variables and characteristics of Nigerian English contribute to our verbal and communication capacities. constantly, verbal capability refers to the native speaker’s command of his language. Communication capability, on the other hand, is the aptitude and capability of an individual to make and comprehend utterances that may not be grammatically correct but are acceptable in the sociolinguistic environment of its use. This implies that the manner in which Nigerians use language will impact communication. The emphasis of this course will be on writing as a way of communication.
Writing, according to Maduekwe( 2022), is a” It’s a particular expression of the tone. It employs suspicion in addition to logical thinking on experience and emotion, data and meaning”. As stated preliminarily, language is the foundation of creative study and communication. As what’s in the mind is transmitted into jotting, the way Nigerians suppose in their lingua franca will define the quality of their written communication. According to study conducted by Olatunji, Felicia & Funsho( 2022), some university professors sometimes decode exchange for the effect and for fun. While instructing, they employ expressions like as” Oyinbo” and” Ogbanje.”
still, their pupils will surely mimic them and include these diversions into their own work, If a schoolteacher law switches or law mixes because they don’t know the English restatement of particular expressions or for fun.
According to her exploration, several English Department professors tried not use law exchange in class so that their scholars would not imitate them. Others, however, conceded to doing so periodically in order to illustrate the distinction between English and Yoruba( Adegbite 2022).
still, we know that preceptors at this position aren’t free from creating similar curricular variations, If this is taken down to the Junior Secondary position. In reality, expressions like” mommy water” and” ogbanje” are acquired throughout the early times of introductory education, which includes the SSS courses. Children’s books are appertained to using these titles in literature and English handbooks containing reports and African tales. scholars would also use the word” mommy water” while writing about nymphs. The substance of the situation is therefore that when preceptors speak this” Nigerianized interpretation of the English language,” their pupils catch up on these effects and it oppressively impacts the quality of their work.
Writing is an art that indicates a specific quantum of moxie, as stated in the conclusion.’ putatively,” Nigerianisms,” law switching, and law mixing are ubiquitous in our Junior Secondary classrooms; similar mastery may noway be achieved. scholars at the Junior Secondary position are still veritably impressionable and can be supported in enhancing their jotting capacities( Adegbite 2022). In light of this, the purpose of this study is to determine the counteraccusations of the communicative functions of Nigerian English and how it affects the tutoring of jotting chops, with a focus on the Inferior Secondary academy position scholars who use English as a alternate language( L2), as well as the counteraccusations for preceptors of English who use Nigerian English in the classroom.
Statement Of The Problem
” It has been stated that learning to write easily and expressively is the most grueling of themacro-skills for all language druggies, anyhow of whether the language in issue is their native lingo, alternate language, or foreign language Madueke( 2022). It’s apparent, grounded on the relative difficulty of jotting, that factors similar as hindrance from mama lingo and our” peculiar Nigerianisms” pose a trouble to the quality of writing produced by our youth, particularly the SSS scholars who are still in their constructive times and can be helped to ameliorate their jotting chops.
In addition, we must fete that hindrance factors and” Nigerianisms” impact not only scholars but also preceptors, and preceptors much more so because they’re the bones who educate writing to their pupils, which is a critical concern.
Objects Of The Study
The main end of this study is to assess communicative functions of Nigerian English and their consequences for the tutoring of jotting chops at the SSS position. Other objects of this study are
To determine the extent language/ native language affect tutoring and appreciation of writing in both preceptors and scholars in alternate language situation.
ii. To determine whether Nigerian English has an effect on scholars writing chops.
iii. To determine the consequences of Nigerian English on scholars.
Exploration Questions
The following exploration questions will guide this study
To what extent does language/ native language affect tutoring and appreciation of writing in both preceptors and scholars in alternate language situation.
ii. Does Nigerian English have an effect on scholars writing chops?
iii. What are the consequences of Nigerian English on scholars?
Significance Of The Study
This study will help English language preceptors in relating areas in which they may enhance their tutoring chops and how they can modify their current styles. It’ll increase the quality of jotting among SSS scholars and enable parents and society in general fete the significance of jotting as one of the four language chops needed for academic performance and societal advancement.
In addition, class contrivers will benefit from this study since it’ll give information on variables similar as the educator, pupils, and society.
Compass Of The Study
This study focuses on communicative functions of Nigerian English and their consequences for the tutoring of jotting chops at the SSS position. Specifically, this study focuses on determining the extent language/ native language affect tutoring and appreciation of writing in both preceptors and scholars in alternate language situation, determining whether Nigerian English has an effect on scholars writing chops and determine the consequences of Nigerian English on scholars.
scholars in named secondary seminaries in Akure, Ondo State will be the repliers for this study.
Limitations Of The Study
Like in every mortal bid, the experimenter encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. inadequate finances tend to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the experimenter resorted to a limited choice of sample size. More so, the experimenter contemporaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the quantum of time spent on exploration will be reduced.
also, the case study system employed in the study posed some challenges to the investigator including the possibility of impulses and poor judgment of issues. still, the investigator reckoned on respect for the general principles of procedures, justice, fairness, neutrality in observation and recording, and importing of substantiation to overcome the challenges.
Description Of Terms
Communicative functions Communicative functions relate to the purpose of gestural, oral, and verbal acts intended to convey information to others. Some communicative functions include opining, requesting, protesting, directing attention, showing, and rejecting.
Writing chops Writing chops include all the knowledge and capacities related to expressing ideas through the written word.