
This study, an assessment of low-income housing in Nigeria, analyzes the prospects and challenges of low-income housing in Nigeria and provides recommendations for efficient low-income housing in Nigeria. The purpose is that.


Housing is of paramount importance to human existence, as it ranks her one of her three most important human needs. That provision has always been a great need for man.

As an environmental unit, housing has a significant impact on health, productivity, social behavior, well-being, and the general well-being of communities. It reflects a society’s cultural, social and economic values ​​and is one of the finest historical evidences of a nation’s civilization (Olotuah, 2000). Providing adequate housing is very important in any country. Because housing stimulates the national economy. Housing is a set of durable assets that make up a large portion of the country’s wealth and on which households spend most of their income. For these reasons, housing has become an integral part of economic, social and political debates, often with highly emotional content (Agbola, 1998).

In Nigeria, like many other developing countries around the world, the housing problem is complex. The problem of population explosion, the continued influx of population from rural to urban areas, and the lack of basic infrastructure necessary for a good standard of living have exacerbated the housing problem for many years. For the poor, who make up the largest proportion of the world’s population, access to this basic need remains a mirage and must be approached critically. Ogieto (1987) found that the discrepancy between housing price and quantity on the one hand, and number of households and money at their disposal on the other, is a central housing problem. The cost to bring a home to market has a large impact on its affordability. Where housing unit prices are unusually high, few people can afford to buy a home. According to Okupe and Windapo (2000), there is a large gap between income and housing costs in Nigeria. This has nearly shut out low-income earners from the housing market. The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment of Nigeria’s low-income housing supply, its prospects and challenges.

Chapter 1


1.1 Research background

Adequate housing shortages are acute in virtually every country, especially in developing and third world countries. Quantitative and qualitative shortages are more severe in urban areas. Omojinmi (2000) observed that in Nigerian urban areas, the number of people sleeping in lewd houses outnumbered those sleeping in decent ones. Therefore, it is clear that housing is inadequate to accommodate Nigeria’s growing population (Arayela, 2003). There are many reasons for this housing shortage. All countries have high construction costs, albeit to varying degrees (Adedeji, 2007). Afolayan (1987) attributed soaring construction costs to high building material costs, economic inflation, high levels of space and designer quality, fees charged to design and build homes, and excessive profits for contractors. I believe there is. His 10% interest payment of the Nigerian National Housing Fund (NHF). An example of the high cost of housing compared to the low salaries of civil servants in Nigeria can be seen in the sale of a two-bedroom bungalow at Lagos’ Otedra Estate.Bedrooms – LSDPC (Lagos State Development and Property Corporation) ), the N1.7 million Ikorodu Apartments study aims to explore the provision of low-income housing in Nigeria, its challenges and prospects.

1.2 Problem Description

The inability of many Nigerian workers to afford good housing is a big factor, resulting in lower morale and lower productivity. However, given the importance of housing, it is important to address housing issues appropriately. The research intends to investigate the delivery of low income housing in Nigeria; its prospect and challenges


1 What is the nature of low income housing delivery in Nigeria

2 What constitute the challenges and prospect of low income housing delivery in Nigeria


1. To appraise the nature of low income housing delivery in Nigeria

2 To determine the nature of the challenges of low income housing delivery in Nigeria

3 To appraise the prospect of low income housing delivery in Nigeria


The research shall provide an assessment of the challenges and prospect of low income housing delivery in Nigeria and shall serve as a veritable source of information on low income housing delivery.


1 H0 The delivery of low income housing in Nigeria is low

H1 The delivery of low income housing in Nigeria is high

2 H0 The challenges of low income delivery in Nigeria is high

H1 The challenges of low income delivery in Nigeria is low

3 H0 The prospect of low income delivery in Nigeria is low

H1 The prospect of low income delivery in Nigeria


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