Design And Implementation Of An Electronic Patient Management System


This project title is written to assist hospitals, particularly SHONAHAN HOSPITAL, NSUKKA, Enugu, in areas where they encounter problems in keeping their patient attendance scheme and the solution given to address problems such as transforming the existing manual attendance scheme for patients system in which the existing problems involved at the time were laziness of the doctors to work, misplacement of files, excessive loitering around of patients for their files and loitering around of patients for their files and loitering around of patients for their
Our pilot evaluation of AN ELECTRONIC PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and their Doctors is reported in this software. The goal is to improve the quality of patient care and information, as evidenced by increases in the effectiveness and efficiency of care. This study demonstrates that a thorough examination of users’ needs using qualitative research methods prior to building the system is critical because it can prevent data mismatch and increase the likelihood that the final management system achieves its most important goal: to increase patient empowerment and improve the quality of care services.
In order to deal with this, I decided to implement a new electronic patient management system. The focus of the project is on the computer duty schedule. For effective data storage, this is implemented using the Visual Basic programming language 6.0 and Microsoft Access.




Any tool used to help in the delivery of clinical care from the point of commencement to conclusion is referred to as an Electronic Patient Management System. To eliminate data mismatching, tools include a computer-based patient attendance scheme, payment processing software, and information technology systems, as well as blood group and genotype. The hospital uses an electronic based attendance system for patients to design, process, and record their attendance scheme for patient information. This approach is used to determine when a nurse should arrive at work on time. In the hands of hospital management, it’s a powerful instrument.
A sense of moral commitment to someone or something is conveyed by the term duty. When someone realizes a responsibility, he or she commits to the cause without considering self-interested alternatives that may have been available previously. This is not to say that doing one’s duty prevents one from living one’s best life, but it does include some sacrifice of immediate self-interest. Cicero, a Roman philosopher, was one of the first to recognize this potential. In his work “On Duty,” he addresses the concept of duty. He proposes that responsibilities can arise from four different places:
1. It is a natural consequence of being human.
2. It is the outcome of one’s personality’s position in life (your family, country, and job)
3. One’s own moral standards for oneself can lead to responsibilities.

Various derivative applications of the word have emerged from the root idea of responsibility to serve or offer something in return, which is incorporated in the conception of duty; thus, it is used of the services performed by a church minister, a soldier, or any employee or servant. Nurses today have a wide range of responsibilities as health-care providers, which necessitates the use of autonomous professional judgment in various situations. Nurses may be held accountable if they use their judgment in a careless manner because courts hold them to a greater standard of accountability. Nurses have been held accountable for failing to monitor and/or respond to patients in a timely manner by telling physicians of major changes in their condition.

Nurses have an affirmative duty to use their professional judgment in these situations to ensure that all necessary actions are done to treat patients effectively.
Despite having greater potential, the use of information technology (IT) in the health industry has remained relatively low. The health-care industry, as a vital sector, should support the use of technology to improve productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and economics, resulting in improved health care for everybody. This paper describes the success of using ICT (Information Communication Technology) to monitor medicine in a health facility. The system is based on low-end resources and data transfer via E-mail (Electronic mail) from the District Head Quarter to the State Head Quarter. The implementation of Med-Centre in all of Enugu’s districts has resulted in a reduction in pilferage. A certified automated payment processing program is the Electronic Patient Management System. It is used by hospitals to input, process, and display information on their patients. This system manages and maintains electronic medical records, patient information, prescriptions, and lab reports, among other things. In the hands of the hospital administration, it is a powerful tool. The case study, Shonahan Hospital in Nsukka, Enugu, includes patients whose money must be collected following treatment.
Shonahan Hospital in Nsukka, Enugu, is one of Nigeria’s largest and best-equipped hospitals. The hospital has nine (9) training schools/programmers. According to the researcher’s research, the hospital’s initial method of recording was manual, then automated, then electronic, however it lacked some characteristics such as patients and nurses. The hospital is a vital aspect of our society, and it is critical that healthcare providers do their duties efficiently and effectively. Hundreds of thousands of patients visit healthcare institutions every day, putting pressure on the administration to keep things running smoothly. Employees must handle and integrate clinical, financial, and operational data that is constantly changing practice. Information technology has had a major impact on the healthcare industry. Several information systems and their associated products have made their way into the hospital setting over the last decade. The number of computer investments and healthcare system kinds has expanded. This is due to the fact that paper medical records are inconvenient to use, heavy to store, and complex to manage. The ultimate goal is to create a network of interdependent facilities, such as a clinical laboratory, radiology department, pharmacy, and so on, in order to successfully service the hospital’s demands. Despite the fact that these centers are autonomous, they are interdependent in terms of providing services and ensuring that care is delivered effectively. All of this is possible because to hospital information systems, which are the foundation of today’s contemporary hospital.
Any person who receives medical attention, care, or treatment is referred to as a patient. An inpatient is a patient who has been hospitalized for 24 hours or more and requires treatment by a physician or other medical professional, whereas an outpatient is a patient who has not been hospitalized for 24 hours or more and does not require treatment by a physician or other medical professional.

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