Design And Implementation Of An Online Course Management System


Design And Implementation Of An Online Course Management System




The end of this study is to give online classroom that will be running alongside the traditional classroom system, felicitating and making up for all the areas in which it’s lacking, like in the area of space, effective communication of knowledge. It can go a long way to make provision to web operation also known as web software that will enhance literacy, like an online laboratory. Online classroom is an excellent system of tutoring the adult learners because it allows them to discover new chops, technologies and strategies on their own with or without the help of their speakers. The methodology espoused in this design was in line with the Object acquainted analysis and design system( OOADM) that simply means a way of organizing software as a collection of separate objects that incorporate both their data structure and geste . thus this methodology is developed into three aspects similar as Object- acquainted analysis, Object- acquainted design and Object- acquainted programming. During the course of this study, the experimenter applied the process ofe-learningsolutions which is suitable for developing surrounds characterized by technology constraints, in designing the design. Online classroom can go along way promoting the growth of education in seminaries with the use ofe-learning to give online videotape, online course material and enhancing easy communication between the speakers and the scholars.




In 1999, online courses came a new and new way of tutoring and literacy. And since also, the world of tutoring and literacy has changed significantly, and it’s still changing till date. Pallof and Keith( 2007) stated that online literacy communities would come an area of study, and it has. This area of study came necessary to in order to produce seasoned literacy process online. moment online literacy has come common place. The explosive growth of the Internet has contributed to the adding fashionability of this type of literacy, along with a desire to reach scholars at a distance to increase effectiveness in tutoring and literacy, and to give a type of education that will be veritably helpful to scholars. It’s emotional to see nearly everything being offered online, from calculation and wisdom courses to art and indeed dance. The emergence of new technologies has made nearly anything possible – a trend that will continue into the unborn Pallof and Keith( 2007). The world as we know is gradationally getting motorized, and scholars each over the country and the rest of the world spend a great deal of their time on the internet. thus there’s every need for educational institutions to use this development by making their course accoutrements available online. This will enable the scholars to carry on with their academic work online as well.


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