Determining The Causal Relationships Between advanced maternal age and Down Syndrome


Chapter One






Background Of Study


Down pattern is a inheritable complaint caused when abnormal cell division results in an redundant chromosome 21.


This inheritable complaint, which varies in rigidness beget lifelong intellectual disability and experimental detainments and in some people it causes health problems.


Down pattern is the most common inheritable chromosomal complaint and cause of learning disabilities in children.


More understanding of Down pattern and early intervention can greatly increase the quality of life for children and grown-ups with the complaint and help them live fulfilling lives; although it has no cure( Mayo Clinic, April 19, 2014).


This pattern took its name from John Langdon Down, an English croaker who in the late 19th century was suitable to publish an accurate description of a person with this pattern hence the name Down pattern.


There are certain characteristics associated with this pattern similar as


· Low muscle tone


· Small elevation


· An upward slant to the eyes


· A single deep crinkle across the centre of the win


· smoothed facial profile


· Heart problem


· Respiratory problems among others.


It’s further than 75 times now, since motherly age effect in Down pattern was discovered and 50 times since the inheritable background in Down pattern involving an redundant chromosome 21 material was linked.


Down pattern is a inheritable pattern being in from 1 in 650 to 1 in 1000 live births. In 95 of cases, Down pattern is caused bynon-disjunction during cell division, with maters contributing the redundant chromosome in 85 cases. When this disjunction occurs after fertilization it leads to Down pattern where one line of cells in the developing fetus contains an redundant dupe of chromosome 21 and the alternate line of cells in the developing fetus does not.


threat for Down pattern is associated with motherly age. Children with Down pattern are bloodied in verbal processing and suggestive language( Fidler, 2008).


In recent times between the 19th century and the 20th century the number of babies born with Down pattern increased about 30. Aged maters are likely to have babies affected by Down pattern than youngish maters . In other words the frequence of Down pattern increases as the mama ’s age increases.


The factual cause of this pattern is idiopathic although, motherly age and paternal age are factors that have been linked to an increased chance of having a baby with this pattern. still due to advanced birth rates in youngish women which could also be a prepping factor, 80 of children with Down pattern are born to women who are advanced in age.


The fresh partial or full redundant chromosome 21 can appear either from the mama or father. roughly 5 of cases have been traced to the father. Down pattern is no respecter of race or frugality.


In Down pattern, only 1 of all cases do as a result of translocation( heritable) it occurs sporadically and motherly age can not be linked to the threat of translocation.


The threat of a mama having a baby with Down pattern rises dramatically after she reaches 35 times of age.


A woman is born with all of the eggs( ova) she’ll ovulate with for the rest of her life. So if one is 30 times when one conceives, also the egg( ova) one conceived with is also 30 times old; this is applicable to all age group over 35 times. As the eggs( ova) age, the more likely they’re to have crimes that can affect in trisomies including trisomy 21( Down pattern)( Kathleen, 2016).


Advanced motherly age is a threat factor for Down pattern. This threat factor reaches3.6 of live births when mama ’s age is around 44 times. It can not be averted but can be detected before the child is born.


A woman’s chance of giving birth to a child with Down pattern increases with age because aged eggs( ova) have a lesser threat of indecorous chromosome division( Mayo Clinic, 2014).


As a woman periods, her fertility that is, the chance she’ll get pregnant is reduced. On average, this decline begins sluggishly in the early thirties and pets over in the late thirties and forties( Rowe, 2008).


Statement Of Problem




The experimenter observed that more frequently than not, further children are coming down with trisomy 21, especially to maters who are senior( advanced in age). still, ignorance tends to play a major part. Hence the experimenter wants to probe on the relationship between advanced motherly age and Down pattern and the possible ways of creating mindfulness because this pattern predisposes babies born to advanced maters to multitudinous pathological diseases.


exploration QUESTIONS


· How knowledgeable are the residers of Busa Buji community about Down pattern?


· How knowledgeable are the residers of Busa Buji community about the causes of Down pattern?


· What’s the frequence rate of Down pattern?


· What’s the stylish means of propagating information on the cause of Down pattern?


· What are the ways of administering beforehand and elided child bearing?


objects OF STUDY


The main ideal of this study is to determine the unproductive relationship between advanced motherly age and Down pattern in Busa Buji community, Jos North, table state.


The main objects will be achieved through the following specific objects which include


· To assess the position of knowledge of the residers of Busa Buji community on Down pattern.


· To determine the position of knowledge/ mindfulness of the residers of Busa Buji road on the cause of Down pattern.


· To determine the frequence rate of Down pattern.


· To educate the residers of Busa Buji community to gain full knowledge of Down pattern and its relationship to advanced motherly age.


· To apply the need for early and elided child bearing.


Significance Of Study




To heighten the mindfulness of health itineraries in the community that have for a long time considered haemoglobinopathies to be the major inheritable complaint and that Down pattern is also a major inheritable complaint. In order to prepare the ground for help measures which will give a birth for farther exploration work.


This will produce mindfulness to all ambitious ladies n Busa Buji community, Jos, North, Plateau state; that while pursuing education to the loftiest position as well as other effects, child bearing should be put into consideration while one isn’t yet advanced in age.


Compass Of Study


This study is concentrated substantially on 100 repliers in Busa Buji community, Jos North, Plateau state on the Reationship between Advanced motherly Age and Down Pattern.


functional TERMS


Advanced motherly Age


A term used to describe pregnant woman over age 35 times.


Alzheimer’s Disease


Progressive degenerative complaint of the brain that leads to madness,( loss of intellectual capacities)


Brush Field Spots


Little white spots that are slightly arranged in a ring concentric with the pupils.




A carrier of inheritable information.




Having to do with genes which are the introductory natural unit of heritable.




dropped muscle tone and strength that results in slackness.



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