Transportation is a basic and indispensable component of all human endeavour, and has strong influence on the interrelations that exist when people with common interests live together. It is critical to the survival of urban communities because it provides a foundation for interaction, employment, leisure, and residence choice (Oluwaseyi, Edward, Eyinda, &Okoko, 2014). When a country decides to embark on a large-scale transportation system development, it must ensure that it not only improves access to citizens’ places of employment and residential areas, but that it does so in a safe and healthy manner, with the risks of death and long-term disabilities eliminated or reduced to the bare minimum (Lukasik and Szymanek, 2012). Nigeria has attempted to create its own transportation system that meets international standards. Buses, minibuses, and taxi cabs were among the motorized modes of transportation used. These conventional means of public transportation were besieged by recurring and worsening problems such as rapid industrialization, poorly planned urbanization, collapsing infrastructure and road networks, population explosion despite progressively decreasing number of vehicles leading to congestion, prolonged waiting and travelling times at bus stations, and inadequate security. As a result of this need, many commuters who previously struggled to get to and from their residential or official quarters increased their demand for motorcycles (Olubomehin, 2012). The failure of traditional modes of commuting from one location to another resulted in the birth of the underground transportation system. The spread of the commercial motorcycle vocation has also been aided by the relatively lower costs of spare parts, maintenance, and fuel economy, all of which have increased patronage and helped to make it a thriving vocation (Olubomehin, 2012). Every year, motorcycle accidents add to the rising number of fatalities and lasting disabilities. Motorcycle accidents result in around 1.2 million deaths and 50 million injuries worldwide each year, with pedestrians, motorcycle operators, and commuters on motorbikes accounting for over half of those killed in fatal road traffic incidents (Oluwaseyiet al., 2014). The increasing number of motorcycle operators in the country appears to be directly proportionate to the occurrence of motorcycle-related traffic crashes. Motorcycles also cause considerably more fatal and serious injuries per unit of miles traveled. Risky behavior is defined as a set of actions and lifestyle choices that put a person at risk of damage, which can result in temporary or permanent impairment or instant death, depending on the degree of the injury. It could also indicate putting oneself in danger or putting oneself in danger of injury or death. Because to the reckless behavior of motorcycle users, the motorcycle has been dubbed the most dangerous of all motorized modes of transportation. Because of the high rate of unemployment and underemployment among young people in the country, as well as the relatively lucrative nature of the business, it provides an easier and non-formal source of income for many unemployed youths who are struggling to make ends meet in the face of poverty and inflation. As a result, the struggle for economic and social survival has compelled. Commercial motorcycles have also grown in popularity due to their ease of maneuverability in often-chaotic road environments and low cost compared to four-wheeled vehicles. It is now one of Nigeria’s most important modes of transportation, providing citizens with a low-cost transportation network. Motorcycle operators arrive at regular intervals in even the most isolated settlements, and are used by people of all ages and all groups (Abdussalam&Wahab, 2014). However, as the commercial motorcycle industry has grown, so has the frequency of accidents, some of which have resulted in fatalities and severe disability for those who survive. Every year, motorcycle accidents add to the rising number of fatalities and lasting disabilities. There were around 1.2 million fatalities and 50 million injuries worldwide.

In a study in south-western Nigeria (Ogunmodede, Adio, Ebiejuwa, Oyetola, & Akinola,2012), it was discovered that significant contributing factors to the causes of road traffic accidents among motorcycle operators in Nigeria were over-speeding, wrong over-taking, bad roads, sudden mechanical defects, ingestion of alcoholic beverages, non-compliance with road safety highway codes, over-loading by carrying more than one passenger, skidding off a bend due to excess speed or under-cornering, absence of functional horn and headlamps, riding without crash helmet, and riding against the traffic. 95 percent of the causes of permanent disability and death in motorcycle accident victims are due to these factors (Ogagaoghene, 2011, Ogunmodedeet al., 2012).

When a motorcycle accident occurs, the head violently collides with the ground or other objects, potentially causing brain injury or serious trauma.


Nigeria ranks 191 out of 192 countries with inadequate and dangerous roads, with a record fatality rate of 162 people killed in traffic accidents per 100,000 people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over one million people die in road accidents every year, with at least 50 million individuals suffering varying degrees of injuries as a result of such incidents (FRSC, 2011).

Motorcycle riders had a 35-fold higher risk of death and an 8-fold higher risk of injury than passenger car occupants. In addition, whereas the majority of motorcycle accidents result in injuries to the lower extremities, fatal accidents are commonly related with head injuries. Alcoholism, smoking, and drug misuse are all substantial contributory factors in motorcycle fatal crashes (Lin & Kraus, 2004).

Motorcycle operators’ usage of locally made intoxicants, according to Oluwadiya and Fatoye (2012), is another potential cause of road crashes, which could result in instant death, limb loss, and huge economic losses.

According to the FRSC, WHO estimates that if current hazardous trends in road traffic accidents continue, traffic fatalities will rise by 65 percent between 2015 and 2020, surpassing the burden caused by tuberculosis and malaria (FRSC, 2011).

As a result, there is an immediate need to address the threat of motorcycle accidents in our environment, which will necessitate a multi-faceted approach that health workers like nurses can give. As a result, the index study will look into the impact of a nurse-led training program on dangerous behavior among motorcycle riders.


The study’s major goal is to see how a nurse-led training program affects the dangerous behaviors of motorbike operators in Ado-Ekiti. The following are the precise goals:

determine the level of knowledge of motorcycle operators in Ado-Ekiti about risky behaviors;

provide motorbike operators in Ado-Ekiti with a dangerous behavior training program, and

evaluate the training program’s impact on dangerous behavior among motorbike operators in Ado-Ekiti


What is the level of dangerous behavior awareness among Ado-Ekiti motorbike operators?

What effect does the training program have on risky behavior among Ado-Ekiti motorbike operators?


H01:There is no significant difference in motorcycle operators’ knowledge levels about

Pre- and post-intervention hazardous behaviors


H02: The training program has no influence on risky behavior among the participants.


Ado-Ekiti motorbike operators


The survey was limited to registered motorbike operators in Ekiti State’s capital city. It also used a didactic power-point lecture in the motorcycle operator training.

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