Street hawking has become so popular in Nigeria that it has become a source of concern for educators. For the time being, there is no widely accepted definition of child hawking; however, it could simply be defined as the abuse of a child by his or her parents, guardians, or any other adult in his or her presence. According to Edu and Edu (1990), child abuse is defined as the intentional mistreatment of a child under the age of eighteen years into street sales. According to them, such treatment may include both acts of commission (abuse) and omission (mistreatment) (mistreatment). A narrow definition of child hawking is associated with life-threatening physical violence, such as violent beatings and rape (sexual exploitation).

According to the definition, which are inflicted on children by an adult member of the community. Another definition focuses on any treatment that is less favorable than the most favorable care and includes, among other things, neglect, sexual and/or emotional abuse, and exploitation.

Street trading and child hawking have become a global phenomenon and a source of concern for people all over the world. According to the United Nations International Children Education Fund (NCICEF), between 100 and 200 million children work as farmworkers or domestic workers in both developed and developing countries. According to estimates, 20% of children between the ages of 10 and 14 in Nigeria are involved in child labor and street dealing.

government estimates. According to some estimates, Nigeria alone has between 12 and 15 million child hawkers.

According to Human Rights Watch (2004), Nigeria has the largest child labor force in the world, accounting for one-quarter of the global total. A variety of factors have contributed to Nigeria’s massive increase in child labor and street hawking, some of which are listed below. Because of rapid population growth in developing countries, high rates of unemployment, inflation, low wages, and deplorable working conditions, cases of child hawking and child labor have increased as children seek to help provide for their families’ needs (Charles and Charles 2004, Deth 1993). Arat (2002) also proposed that the expansion of businesses may be related.

There has been an increase in child hawking and child labor. Many empirical studies have been conducted on socioeconomic illnesses that affect children. Numerous studies have been conducted on children who spend their weekends and holidays away from home with their parents. It is hoped that this research will shed light on the dangers associated with street trading and child hawking as described by children who engage in these activities.


Children hawking in schools is not a new phenomenon in Nigeria; in fact, it has existed for decades. There are two major ways in which street commerce and child hawking can poison young minds. First and foremost, a child who

A student who misses school on a regular basis will not be able to fully benefit from the educational system. People who are desperate to obtain a certificate at any cost may perform poorly in tests and may engage in examination misconduct. As a result, these graduates may turn out to be unqualified and underqualified, with negative consequences for the nation as a whole, including higher levels of national illiteracy.

Street trading and child hawking, on the other hand, can lead to negative behavioral patterns that are harmful to responsible citizenship. Their undesirable or illegal actions, such as prostitution, armed robbery, and pick pocketing, may result in their arrest and imprisonment. Humert (2009) and Humphrices (2010) state that in an attempt to Several government measures have been implemented to address the issue of child hawking and labor, but all have been ineffective. This is most likely due to the majority of Nigerians’ poor socioeconomic situation, in which they earn barely enough to meet their own and their families’ needs. Several researchers, including Oruwari (1996), Okojie (1987), and Aderinto (2000), have linked child hawking and educational development to the socioeconomic status of disadvantaged parents living on the outskirts of metropolitan economies. This study will provide solutions to the child hawking and child development issues that are currently being investigated. As a result of this discussion, it is expected that the remedies listed below will reduce the threat to its bare minimum.

This study is based on this premise.


The study’s overarching goal is to investigate the impact of child hawking on educational development. The study specifically seeks to:

i. Identify the causes of street hawking among senior secondary students.

ii. Determine whether street hawking affects senior secondary school students’ learning interests.

iii. Determine whether street hawking has an impact on the academic development of senior secondary school students.

iv. Determine whether street hawking has an impact on the behavioral development of senior secondary school students.


The following principles guide the research:

i. What are the causes of street hawking among senior secondary students?

ii. Does street hawking influence senior secondary school students’ learning interests?

iii. Is it true?

Does street hawking have an impact on the academic development of senior secondary school students?

iv. Does street hawking have an impact on the behavioral development of senior secondary school students?


Children street hawking clearly serves only to divert attention away from more serious issues while also exposing children to harmful habits and increased danger. As a result of these findings, parents will be encouraged to set goals for their children and inspire them in their academic work, and children will prefer formal education over money-making ventures because it provides them with self-esteem, respect, prestige, and a positive personality. Based on this data, school officials will be able to estimate how much of a difference they can make in a student’s academic performance. They are capable of devising

Strategies to assist students in achieving academic success. Teachers will gain a better understanding of why a student’s performance is so poor. They will be able to help students cope with their academics regardless of the issues affecting their performance. Among other things, the study will empirically contribute to the body of knowledge and serve as a reference resource for other academics working in a relevant field of study.


The scope of this study is limited to the impact of street hawking on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students. This study also examines the causes and effects of street hawking on the child’s academic development, learning interests, and attempts to discover the behavioral effects of street hawking on the child.

Hawkers who are in their senior year of high school. The study, however, is limited to a single secondary school in the Owerrinta axis of Abia State’s Isiala Ngwa South local government area.


The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. The significant constraint was the scarcity of literature on the subject because it is a new discourse, so the researcher incurred more financial expenses and spent more time sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited sample size covering only senior secondary schools in Owerrinta axis in Isiala Ngwa South local government area of Abia State. Thus

The findings of this study cannot be generalized to other senior secondary schools in other Nigerian states. Furthermore, the researcher’s involvement in this study while also working on other academic projects will impede maximum dedication to the research. Nonetheless, despite the constraints encountered during the research, all factors were minimized in order to provide the best results and make the research a success.


In this study, a child is defined as a young human being approaching puberty. In other words, a young person under the age of 18.

Street hawking is the act of selling goods, food, and other items on the streets. It can also be defined as the act of selling, offering, or exposing any article for sale.

in a public setting.

Child labor is simply the use of children by other adults, such as parents/guardians, for economic purposes that generate income for such adults. Child labor is defined by UNICEF as work that exceeds a minimum number of hours based on a child’s age (especially those under the age of 18) and the type of work.

Abuse, as defined in this study, is the unjust or undesirable treatment of a person. As a result, child abuse refers to the physical, emotional, or social maltreatment of children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is any act or failure to act that jeopardizes a child’s optimal health, survival, and development.


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