1.1 Background of the study

The process of learning about sex and developing attitudes and beliefs about sexuality, sexual identity, relationships, and intimacy is known as sexuality education. Young people’s capacities to make informed decisions about their behavior and feel secure and confident in carrying them out are improved. Additionally, it gives kids the tools they need to defend themselves against issues like bullying, exploitation, and unplanned pregnancies as well as to prepare for developmental challenges.

Along with sociological, metaphysical, and biological aspects, sexuality also has a social, political, legal, moral, ethical, theological, spiritual, and religious component.

But sexuality has become pervasive due to social convention and sexuality, which together have generated a discourse. (From O’Sullivan, L. F., Heino, F., Meyer-Bahlburg, & Beverly, X. W. 2012; cited in Christine M. 2015)

At the moment, sex education in Nigeria has

still haven’t been added to secondary school curricula. Many Nigerians are reluctant to discuss sexuality and sexual health openly. Sexuality and sex-related topics are typically taboo in the majority of African nations, particularly Nigeria. The sexual information they require is not freely accessible to either the adolescent boy or the adolescent girl. The topics of sexuality and girl-boy relationships are frequently taboo and kept under wraps. Due to this behavior, teenage boys and girls in Nigeria are more likely to look for answers to sex-related problems on their own, frequently from questionable sources that may give them false information, which may prompt them to engage in risky and unsecured sexual experimentation. Some teenagers lack the fundamental communication and assertiveness skills needed to negotiate safer sex.


are unable to make wise choices when it comes to declining unwanted sex or even having to perform sex acts in exchange for money. Young people are more likely to experiment with and engage in sexual behavior that can have negative effects on their future. The importance of implementing sex education programs aimed at enlightenment and appropriate teaching about sex and human sexuality cannot be overstated given the detrimental effects of young people engaging in indiscriminate sexual behavior.

However, parents’ attitudes toward sexuality education are steadfast, making it challenging for parents to bring up the subject with their kids. Culture and parental education are the main barriers preventing parents from having a thorough discussion about sexual education with their children, according to research. of instruction. In addition to learning about sexuality in school, it’s critical to look at the sexuality education parents give their kids at home. (O’Sullivan et al., 2012, quoted in Christine M. 2015) The majority of adults (88%) agreed that parents should talk to their children about sexual health, but they frequently lack the knowledge of what to say, how to say it, or when to begin. It is crucial for parents to teach their young children about sexuality education because they are the first socialization agents. This will help shape their children’s sexual knowledge and behavior and reduce the likelihood that they will experience sexual assault or act in a sexually inappropriate way. Consequently, I assume that this topic is

to investigate how parents view promoting sexuality education in primary school students.

1.2 A description of the issue

Due to the taboo nature of sexual topics in African culture, it has been well-documented in literature that the social and cultural landscape of the majority of African cultures is dominated by a “culture of silence” when it comes to discussing sexual issues. Children were disciplined for misbehavior and did not challenge their parents because the silence culture created a contact divide between them and their parents in the home. Children are instinctively unable to ask questions about sexual issues out of fear of being seen because their parents never allowed or empowered them to interact with people of the opposite sex.

as oblivious and impolite. When a curious teen dared to ask about their sexuality, they were either dismissed or mocked because sexual issues were seen as adult-only issues. Since the social environment of many conservative cultures also forbids such contact, the misconception that children don’t need to be taught about their sexuality is still a challenging issue.

Children’s primary sources of norms and values are their parents. The sexual norms of parents are the first to which children are exposed in a permissive environment, laying the foundation for future sexual development. In a study on parent-child sexuality communication, SIECUS (2015) found that the benefits of such communication may not be apparent in the communication’s actual content as well.

as in the actions that parents display. He continued by saying that it is most likely through the transmission of attitudes and values that parents have an impact on their children’s views on sexuality.

According to Christine M. (2015), these findings help to explain why children who are able to talk to their parents about their sexuality are less likely to engage in sexual activity and are more responsible when doing so.

Parents give their children relatively little clear sexuality knowledge, and a significant number of children encounter significant misinformation about sexuality issues from their peers. All of the information that children learn about sexuality from their parents is observational and indirect because they do not discuss sexuality with them. Research shows that parents are hesitant to

It can be challenging to discuss sexuality-related issues with children because parents are aware of their kids’ sexual development and feel intimidated by it. Because of this, many parents, even the best ones who genuinely care about their kids’ futures, feel unqualified, unable, and unprepared—either factually, emotionally, or both—to teach their kids about sexuality development, sexual relations, and reproductive health in all of its physical, social, and moral ramifications. This is bad because it exposes kids to information that could be harmful to them. However, it is on the basis of this premise that this study will look at how parents perceive imparting sexuality education to primary school students.

1.3 Purpose of the investigation

The main goals of this research are to

examine how parents view educating children about sexuality in the primary school setting. It specifically looks for

1. To look at the sexuality-related information parents will want to give their teenagers.

2. To identify factors that prevent parents from educating their kids about sexual health.

3. To find out if parents’ educational backgrounds affect how they view promoting sex education among primary school students.

4. To look into the implications of parents’ failure to educate their kids.

1.4 Research Problem

The study is guided by the following research question.

1. what the aspect of sexuality information parent will want to give to their adolescents?

2. What are the factors that hinders parents from sexually educating their children?

3. Does parent level of education influence their perception on

promoting sex education among elementary school students?

4. What consequences result from parents’ failure to educate their kids?

1.5 Importance of the research

The results of this study will be useful to educators, parents, and curriculum designers. The study will educate parents about the significance of sexual education for children. In order to prevent their children from engaging in risky sexual behavior like indiscriminate partner selection, parents should educate their children about sexuality. This will be done by involving them in the process themselves. This will also aid in the development of educational strategies that will inform parents about the importance of sexuality education and encourage effective parent-child discussion of sexuality-related issues. planners of curricula, it will

Inform them of the importance of including sex education in their curricula and ensure that qualified teachers carry out this instruction at the primary level of education. This study will add to the body of knowledge, serve as a source of information, and establish a foundation for future studies that will give parents a better understanding of how to give access to sexuality information, as well as how to reduce misinformation, increase correct knowledge, clarify and strengthen positive values and attitudes, improve the ability to make informed decisions, and improve communication with their adolescents.

1.6 Study’s purview

This study’s focus is on how parents view introducing sexuality education to young children in primary schools. This study is only focused on a few Oyo local governments.


1.7 Study’s limitations

Financial constraints – A researcher’s ability to find relevant materials, literature, or information and collect data efficiently is often hindered by a lack of funding (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time restraint: The researcher will conduct this study along with other academic work at the same time. As a result, less time will be spent on the research project.

However, despite the aforementioned restrictions, the researcher devotedly worked to make sure that the study’s goal was achieved.

1.8 Terms explained

Human sexuality is a broad concept that encompasses a person’s physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual characteristics as well as their constitution with regard to their sexual attitudes and behavior.

education about sexuality

In order to lay a solid foundation for sexual health, acquiring knowledge and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about gender is a lifelong process.

Perceptiveness: Perceptiveness is the idea, knowledge, or insight one has regarding a topic. It alludes to someone who possesses or exhibits sensitive insight about a subject.

promoting sex education among elementary school students?

4. What consequences result from parents’ failure to educate their kids?

1.5 Importance of the research

The results of this study will be useful to educators, parents, and curriculum designers. The study will educate parents about the significance of sexual education for children. The results of this study’s findings will raise parents’ awareness of the importance of educating their children and adolescents about sexual health.  for them to refrain from risky sexual behaviors like indiscriminate sexual partner selection. This will also aid in the development of educational strategies that will inform parents about the importance of sexuality education and encourage effective parent-child discussion of sexuality-related issues. It will educate curriculum planners about the importance of including sex education in their curricula and ensure that qualified teachers effectively deliver this instruction at the primary level of education. This study will add to the body of knowledge, serve as a resource, and establish a foundation for additional studies that will give parents a better understanding of how to give their children access to information about sexuality and how to eliminate misconceptions, increase correct knowledge, clarify, and strengthen positive values.

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