The study looked at the impact of gender and locus of control on distance learning students’ psychological well-being.

It was designed to look at some of the predicted variables of gender and locus control on psychological well-being among Nigerian online learning universities. 500 distance learning students from the University of Ibadan, 250 males and 250 females from various faculties, completed the Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale and Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Scale questionnaire pack. Psychology wellbeing and gender use are positively and insignificantly related (r=0.53; p>0.05); psychology wellbeing and locus of control use are positively and significantly related (r=0.22; p0.05); psychology wellbeing and gender/locus of control use are positively and significantly related (r=0.22; p0.05); psychology wellbeing and gender/locus of control use are positively and significantly related.




Julian B. Rotter coined the phrase “locus of control” in 1966 to describe an individual’s perspective of the locus of events as decided internally by his or her behavior vs fate, luck, or external circumstances (Ziegler, 2006). It is a concept that the outcomes of an individual’s actions are determined by what they do or by events beyond their control. The degree to which people believe that things that happen to them are caused by internal versus external sources is referred to as locus of control. Individuals’ actions and conduct are rooted in these ideas.

The locus of control influences one’s perspective of the situation and potential reactions to what is or should be happening.

The following are some of the areas where this study’s findings are extremely useful:

Female students will benefit from this study by understanding that education is the only route to achieve bigger life goals, which will aid them in eliminating the inconsistencies that previously existed in girls’ education.


Parents will benefit greatly from this research by learning that women’s education is not a waste of time, and that although educating a man benefits a family, educating a woman benefits a nation, and this will help them improve their attitudes and misconceptions about girls’ education.


This study will benefit the government at all levels, including the federal, state, and local levels, by revealing that funds, increased access to education, and poverty reduction are all benefits of this research.

This research looked at the impact of early marriage on female academic achievement in three Nigerian universities: the University of Lagos, the University of Ibadan, and the Federal University of Technology, Akure.

The study does, however, have certain limitations, including:

a) Insufficiency of Research Materials: The researcher’s research materials are insufficient, restricting the study’s scope.

b) Time: Because the researcher must combine other academic activities and examinations with the study, the time frame allotted to it does not allow for broader coverage.

b) Fear of victimization made respondents unwilling to engage in the poll.

As a result, while one person may appraise his life as a whole by focusing on his employment situation, another person may assess his relationships with family and friends.

Cummins’ (1997) position was backed up by Bouchey, et al. (2010), who said that subjective evaluation, functional expression, and emotional evaluation all play a role in how people perceive their psychological well-being. Swart (2004) added that once basic material needs are met, people move into a materialistic phase where they are concerned with self-fulfillment and more attainment, concluding that psychological well-being should be measured by positive indicators such as “a basic satisfaction with oneself and one’s existence or life satisfaction.”


For a long time, researchers, psychotherapists, psychologists, clinicians, and social workers have focused their emphasis on an individual’s psychological well-being while ignoring critical variables such as locus of control and gender-related characteristics. However, this has resulted in a significant service information vacuum about the psychological well-being of individuals, particularly students. However, just a few studies have looked into the role of gender and locus of control as predictors of psychological well-being. This difficulty necessitates the study’s existence.


The study’s goals are as follows:

The purpose of this study was to look at the impact of gender on the psychological well-being of distance learning students.
The purpose of this study was to look at the link between locus of control and psychological well-being among remote learning students.
To investigate the main and independent effects of gender and locus of control on distance learning students’ psychological well-being.


The study seeks to answer the following research issues satisfactorily.

What impact does gender have on the psychological well-being of distance learners?
What is the nature of the relationship between locus of control and remote learning students’ psychological well-being?
What are the main and independent effects of gender and locus of control on distance learning students’ psychological well-being?


Based on the research topics, three (3) hypotheses were developed in the study.

H0: Gender has no bearing on remote learning students’ psychological well-being.
H1: Gender has a considerable impact on distance learning students’ psychological well-being.

H0: There is no link between distant learning students’ locus of control and their psychological well-being.
H1: There is a link between remote learning students’ locus of control and their psychological well-being.

H0: Gender and locus of control had no significant and independent impact on distance learning students’ psychological well-being.
H1: Gender and locus of control had no primary and independent effect on distance learning students’ psychological well-being.


Students, clinicians, psychologists, sociologists, medical practitioners, and future researchers are expected to profit greatly from this research. The outcomes of the study will help students improve their mental abilities, cognitive development, and psychological well-being, resulting in improvements in all aspects of their lives.


The purpose of this study is to look into the effects of gender and locus of control on the psychological well-being of distance learning students, with a focus on those at the University of Ibadan. The purpose of this study is to look into the effects of gender and locus of control on the psychological well-being of distance learning students, with a focus on those at the University of Ibadan.


Several constraints were discovered over the course of the research:

Financial constraints: The study only included distance learning students at the University of Ibadan due to a lack of funds.


Time Constraint: Due to the researcher’s other academic commitments, a relatively short time was given to undertake a study of this magnitude.


Respondents’ Unwillingness: The majority of respondents were unwilling to engage in the survey because they believed it would be an intrusion into their personal lives.


Despite this, a thorough and fact-finding investigation was conducted.


The study used a survey research methodology in conjunction with a purposive sample technique to identify 500 distance learning students from the University of Ibadan (Males = 50; Females = 50). The Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale and the Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Scale were used to collect information from the participants.

To evaluate the stated hypothesis, descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product correlation technique, analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis were used.


The research was founded on the concept that

All of the responders are University of Ibadan distant learning students.
All of the data gathered from responders is truthful, accurate, and authentic.


Gender is an individual’s biological sex, which is usually male or female.

The degree to which people believe they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control, is referred to as the locus of control.

Psychological well-being is defined as the mix of positive affective experiences such as happiness and adequate social and individual functioning. People who have a high level of psychological wellness are cheerful, well supported, and content with their lives.

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