Effect of health and safety service on employee performance, A study of Nigerian bottling company enugu


A study of a Nigerian bottling company in Enugu state was conducted to assess the influence of health and safety services on employee performance. The study looks into the relative effects of workplace health and safety on employee performance. The study also looks at and identifies certain current workplace health and safety hazards that could impair employee performance. The research will also look into whether health and safety services have an impact on employee performance. Finally, the study suggests ways to improve employee productivity through occupational health and safety. The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The survey yielded a total of 77 valid replies. The findings revealed that the consequences of occupational health and safety on employee performance are reduced absenteeism, low morale, financial loss, and low production input based on the responses gathered and assessed. Furthermore, electrical accidents, fire accidents, workers’ pre-existing health conditions, and machinery and tool hazards are all current health and safety hazards in the workplace. Finally, siphoning of funds meant to purchase equipment for employee health and safety, Leadership mindset and corporate commitment, use of technology as a strategic enabler, and regulatory framework and compliance are some of the challenges that organizations face when it comes to employee health and safety.



The Background Of The Study

The health and safety of any organization is a key component that must be carefully considered. “After WWII, when most European nations embarked on an industrialization drive and were confronted with the horrors of industry in the process, occupational health practice received a boost” (Chalak, 2012). Since then, various disciplines in occupational medicine, nursing, hygiene, and safety have evolved to varying degrees in different countries. Other fields with significant ties to occupational health and safety, such as occupational health and ergonomics, psychology, toxicology, and, more recently, industrial relations, have evolved alongside occupational health and safety and are now recognized as closely connected disciplines. Every company’s major goal is to maximize profit at the lowest feasible cost, and one way to achieve so is to use lean manufacturing techniques. Every organization must employ the factors of production effectively in order to achieve organizational productivity and development. Labor has been considered as the most unique of the several production factors. This is because it has consciousness, which enables it to think, resist, and so take actions that benefit the organization, and as a result, the organization plays a vital role in ensuring that the labor force is appropriately supplied for. In every business, accidents are unavoidable.  Some of them are lethal, while others may render you unable to function for an extended period of time. These mishaps have a significant financial impact on the company. In many industries, the importance of employee wellness is undervalued. Rather than creating full-time positions for employee safety and health specialists, it is sometimes allocated as an extra responsibility to cover overburdened experts concentrating in other areas (Chalak,2012). Workers and labor unions, on the other hand, frequently misunderstand the extent to which poor employee safety and health conditions may occur, devoting their efforts to lobbying for higher compensation while putting far less effort into their job and professional development. Similarly, businesses make a little contribution to employee health and safety services and research (Eyiah,2019). To gain a better knowledge of employee health and safety, it would be important to distinguish between the two parties: The primary goal of safety is to avoid harm. The “effect of health and safety services on employee performance” is the focus of this study. Simply expressed, performance is the relationship between the output of a production or service system and the input required to achieve that outcome. Working days are missed due to industrial accidents and illness, which can lead to a decrease in production. Employee health and safety is thus a significant issue that, if thoroughly researched, could be of significant benefit to both the company and the country as a whole. As a result, increasing health and safety services may yield the best productivity and overall country development results.

 Statement Of Problem

“HEALTH IS WEALTH” is a popular saying that is difficult to refute. Given this axiom, it is assumed that improving worker health will result in increased worker performance (Farh,2012). The purpose of this study is to learn how health and safety services work, how important they are, and how they are implemented in businesses using the Nigeria bottling sector as an example. The main issue is the mismatch between professed relevance and actual practice of health and safety. Inadequate health and safety protections for personnel in the workplace has long been a source of worry in the industry. Both developed and developing countries have attempted to address this issue, regularly enacting acts and legislation to protect workers from physical, mental, and emotional harm. This could be hidden behind noise, dust, or chemical poisoning, or it could be caused by a natural occurrence like weather. All of these dangers, in whatever form they take, have serious implications for employees’ health and safety, and their presence could harm the community and the country as a whole. As a result, resolving one issue usually always leads to the resolution of a flurry of others. This can be accomplished by a collaborative effort between businesses, governments, and employees, whose combined efforts can dramatically improve workplace health and safety.

 Objective Of The Study

The study’s overall goal is to determine the impact of health and safety services on employee performance at Enugu Bottling Company in Nigeria.

As a result, the specific goals are as follows:

The purpose of this study is to look into the relative effects of workplace health and safety on employee performance.

Examine and identify some current workplace health and safety hazards that may have an impact on employee performance.

To assess the issues that organizations face when it comes to applying health and safety to employees.

To make recommendations on how to use occupational health and safety to boost employee productivity.

Research Questions

For the study, the following questions have been prepared:

What are the proportional impacts of workplace health and safety on employee productivity?

What are some of the current workplace health and safety hazards that may have an impact on employee performance?

What are the challenges that organizations face when it comes to applying health and safety to employees?

What are some ideas for how occupational health and safety could be used to boost employee productivity?

 Significance Of The Study

The research would be extremely beneficial to the Nigeria bottling company as a whole, as well as the country as a whole, in order to improve employee health and safety standards and, as a result, lower costs. If this research is successful, recommendations will be made on how employers, government, and trade unions may work together to increase health and safety in Nigerian bottling companies, thereby acting as a catalyst to impact other industries and benefiting the country as a whole.

The research would also help to demonstrate how the various actions enacted are beneficial and should be implemented. If the study is recognized and acknowledged, it could have national implications.

The research will have a big impact on academia.

SCOPE Of The Study

The relative effects of occupational health and safety on employee performance will be investigated in this study. The research will also identify certain current workplace health and safety hazards that may have an impact on employee performance. The research will also look into whether or not health and safety services have an impact on employee performance. Finally, the study will include recommendations on how to leverage occupational health and safety to boost staff productivity. As a result, the research will be limited to a Nigerian bottling company.

Definitions Of Terms

Employee: Anyone who works in the service of an employer for a wage or salary.

A state of being healthy, sound, or entire in body, mind, and spirit, free of bodily ailments or discomfort.

performance: The ratio or proportion of a commodity’s output to its production factors. “The ratio between the production of a given measured by volume and one or more related input factors similarly measured by volume,” according to “Mayadeo and Karmarker.”

Safety: This is the state of being safe; it enhances one’s independence from danger and risks, as well as keeping oneself or others safe, particularly from the risk of accidents or infections.

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