
This study investigated the impact of public relations on customer preferences for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) services.
Case study by his MTN Nigeria Plc in Calabar. This study was conducted to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between public relations activities and customer preferences for GSM services, and has been used by MTN Nigeria Plc to develop customer preferences by establishing and maintaining warm relationships with stakeholders. help you win. It had the specific objective of investigating the impact of customer relationships, employee relationships, community relationships and corporate social responsibility on customer preferences for MTN Nig Plc, Calabar’s GSM services. The study design chosen for this study was a cross-sectional survey study design. The research instrument used for this study was a structured questionnaire. Analytical techniques comprising simple tables, percentages and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0) were used to analyze the data collected. The results obtained from the study showed that:

customer relations, community relations, employee relations and corporate social responsibility had significant positive effects on customers’ preference for GSM services of MTN NIG Plc. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:
MTN Nigeria plc should strive to establish and sustain friendly and mutually beneficial relationships with its customers in order to more effectively understand them and meet their communication needs effectively, the Company should invest resources in community developmental projects and corporate social responsibility practices in order to establish and maintain good corporate image, which is an essential determinant of customers’ preference, and the Company should establish and maintain friendly and harmonious relationships with its employees.



1.1 Background of the study

The purpose of public relations practice is to establish a two-way communication seeking common ground or areas to mutual interest, and to establish understanding based on the true knowledge and full information. The scale of activity to promote good public relations may vary considerably according to the size and nature of the interested parties, but the philosophy, and strategy and methods will be similar whether the public relations programme is designed to influence international understanding or to improve relations between a service-provider and its customers (Nwude & Uduji, 2013). Lenka, Suar, and Mohapatra (2009) argue that the term PR is grossly misunderstood and misused to describe everything from sales to hosting, when in fact it is a very specific communication process. It states that it is a term that All companies, organizations, associations, and government agencies deal with groups of people who are influenced by the actions or statements of that organization (Simeon, 2012).

Sharma and Rao (2010) describe employees, customers’ shareholders, competitors’ suppliers, or general groups of consumers with whom companies interact on a daily basis, and these groups should be considered one of the caller’s publics. says it can. The impact is influenced by the organization’s activities because it is mentioned in Sharma and Rao (2010) therefore argue that public relations control the relationship between an organization and its public. Importantly, governments, businesses and organizations know that public opinion is so influential that they must consider the public impact of their actions and decisions. For this reason, Rehman and Ahamed (2008) found that public relations is particularly necessary during a crisis, emergency, or disaster to address public opinion and limit its potential adverse effects on an organization. suggests. However, this also applies to important political decisions regarding company management, pricing policies, collective bargaining and implementation changes.

The service industry in Nigeria is increasingly becoming complex with emerging issues and challenges that require creative and imaginative solutions from those involved. With the ongoing process of globalization, access to information through the ever-dynamic communication technologies are exposing individuals to new realities that promote new tastes, expectations and demands on product and services providers in p laces like Nigeria (Odu & Ihejiamiazu, 2000). Nwagbara (2001) opines that for the business sector competition is getting stiffer by the day, the challenges to remain profitable in business with appreciable public support and understanding are indeed enormous due to growing national and international competitions complex and challenging operational climate, hostile surrounding communities, growing expectations, security issues, depressed nature of the economy, increasing rates of poverty among the general population, rising costs of production, unending demands from labour, unpredictable government policies, expensive media services etc. These and many more, Nwagbara (2001) identifies as issues that continue to chalets the performance of companies and other private sector concerns in Nigeria. In other words, management of business has to deal with complex environmental issues that affect their business in continuously changing and challenging circumstances like what we are currently experiencing in Nigeria.

Thus, multiple institutional strategies that include effective public relations are evolved and implemented to ensure that their businesses succeed and the public understands and appreciates their existence. Among the most effective and highly reliable options for achieving such objectives, as contained in Anyim, Chidi and Badejo (2012), is the public relations units. Such units, they asserts, facilitate an organization’s capacity to anticipate and adapt to societal demands and trends that positively impact on company’s image and reputation that result in better environment; and which can lead to increase in sales.

Though, many marketing practices have been adopted to help a company cope in volatile markets like Nigeria, this study will seek to investigate the impact of public relations in the service industry as it related to MTN Nigeria Plc.

1.2 Statement of the problem

It is often said that public relations is a link between an organization and its various publics and is one of the important tools to communicate with than in order to advance goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. Because public relations is so important, it has received considerable attention from researchers such as Lenk, Suar, and Mohapatra (2009). Sharma and Rao (2010); Rehman and Ahmed (2008); Otsu and Ihjiamiaz (2000); Nwude and Uduji (2013), Broom and Smith (1999). Grunig and Grunig (2000) and many others. However, existing literature observes that most of the academic research on the impact of public relations activities in service industries has been conducted in developed countries of the world, especially in European and Asian countries. Only a few were created for developing countries in Africa. This has created a gap that needs to be filled by research on this topic.

This study aims to fill this gap and add to the available literature by providing empirical data on the impact of public relations activities in the Nigerian service industry in relation to MTN Nigeria plc.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The general purpose of this study is to examine the impact of public relations on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services and the following specific objectives:


To explore the impact of customer relationships on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services.
A survey of the impact of community relationships on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services.
An assessment of the impact of corporate social responsibility on customer preferences for GSM services by MTN NIG Plc.
To explore the impact of employee relationships on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services.
1.4 Research question

The following research questions guided this study.

How does customer relationship affect customer preference for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services? Do community relationships influence customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services?
How does corporate social responsibility affect customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc GSM services?
How do employee relationships affect customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services?
1.5 Research hypothesis

The following hypotheses are presented in null form and accepted in this study.

The customer relationship does not materially affect customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services.
Community ties have no material impact on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services. Ho:
Corporate social responsibility has no material impact on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services.
Employee relationships have no material impact on customer preferences for MTN NIG Plc’s GSM services.
1.6 Validity of research

This research is of great importance to Nigerian telecommunications companies. Because it shows the impact public relations has on the sector and the need to realize its enormous potential. For science, this research serves as a source of knowledge or reference material for students and as a guide for future researchers. Governments will also benefit from the study’s findings and recommendations as an empirical strategy for applying public relations to the country’s public sector. 1.7 Scope of investigation

This study focuses on the effect of public relations on customer preferences for Calabar’s GSM service, with his MTN NIG Plc of Metropolitan Calabar providing a case study. This research specifically focuses on his four public relations strategies:
Customer relationships, community relationships, employee relationships, and corporate social responsibility affect customers. Calabar’s MTN NG plc preferred.

1.8 Limitations of the study

As with all research, this one is not without limitations. Some of the limitations encountered in the course of conducting this research are:
Inadequate financial resources limiting the scope of research to the capital Calabar. Insufficient time frames for this research and other academic activities. Some respondents are reluctant to answer interview questions. Difficulty in obtaining copies of all distributed surveys.



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