Background Of The Study

The internet has transformed the way we communicate with one another as well as the process of sharing information and knowledge (Sobowale, Amodu, Aririguzoh, and Ekanem, 2015). The internet has had a tremendous impact on society, commerce (companies), and government, according to Oyero (2007). Significantly, the internet has aided socioeconomic growth and development in both developed and developing countries via social media. According to Amodu (2008), the introduction of ICTs into any community or nation generally results in unanticipated levels of change.

One of the requirements of social media, according to Oso (2011), is that they be viewed as a strategic tool for economic improvement, meaning that they may contribute to a country’s cultural, human, social, political, and economic development.

One of the requirements of social media, according to Oso (2011), is that they be viewed as a strategic tool for economic advancement, meaning that they may contribute to a nation’s cultural, human, social, political, and economic development. Twitter is one of these social media outlets that aids economic development.

Twitter is a social media tool that allows users to share information and learn new things. This has aided people’s lives in a variety of ways. Twitter is seen as a marketplace for innovation and ideas (Danbatta, 2017). The impact of Twitter on persons and society has expanded beyond information transmission to become a powerful communicative force in the fields of politics, economy, religion, and education (Onyejelem, 2010). Businesses must engage in communication ads to obtain existing and new customers in order to enjoy growth, expansion, and revenue. To put it another way, they require brand awareness and development in order to reach potential customers, and one way to do so is through the usage of social media platforms. To this purpose, corporate and non-corporate enterprises in Nigeria have mostly used Twitter to conduct operational activities, resulting in the growth and development of those businesses. Many Nigerian adolescents use Twitter as a source of revenue, engaging in one or more commercial activities on the network. More importantly, Twitter’s presence in Nigeria has boosted foreign investment in the country in recent years. Nigeria, however, joined other countries in suspending Twitter operations in its own country as of June 5, 2021. Following the Federal Government’s indefinite suspension of Twitter on June 5, 2021, as announced by the Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, global voices have reacted in a variety of ways regarding the ramifications of such a ban on the country’s budding economy (Vanguard news.com). As a result, the study was prompted by the unanticipated economic consequences of the Nigerian government’s unpredictable choice. As a result, the purpose of this research is to investigate and examine the impact of the Twitter ban on Nigeria’s economy.

Statement Of The Problem

The suspension is expected to have its own detrimental effects on an economy that is now fighting to recover its footing, highlighting the ramifications of the Twitter ban in Nigeria (Vanguard, 2021). The online journal reports that “The ban’s repercussions will have an influence on economic activities, some of which provide cash for millions of young Nigerians. The suspension will also have an impact on online news platforms who use Twitter to expand their reach and deliver breaking news closer to the public.” Because Twitter is one of Nigeria’s most popular social media networks, the suspension would result in a drop in data income for telecoms. The portal has also created job possibilities for young Nigerians, according to the statement. In Nigeria, it is still one of the most popular social media networks. The portal has also created job possibilities for young Nigerians, according to the statement. “As the social media platform has grown in popularity, an increasing number of young Nigerian influencers have emerged, who are frequently hired by public relations firms to promote products. As a result, the suspension of Twitter will interrupt their sources of income and have an impact on their brand’s reach “Apart from the sectors stated above, the suspension of Twitter in Nigeria is expected to disrupt other vital sectors. As a result, this is the foundation for this research.

Objective Of The Study

The overall goal of this study is to look into the impact of the Twitter ban on Nigeria’s economy; the specific goal of the study is listed below.

  1. Determine which sectors/areas in Nigeria are affected by the Twitter ban.
  2. Describe the harmful consequences of the restriction on such industries.
  3. Determine whether the Twitter ban has a detrimental impact on Nigerian unemployment.

Research question

The following questions will lead this investigation:

  1. What areas of Nigeria are affected by the Twitter ban?
  2. What is the impact of the ban on such industries?
  3. Has Nigeria’s unemployment rate increased as a result of the Twitter ban?

Significance Of The Study

This research will be useful in a variety of ways, including:

This research will inform the Nigerian government about the multiple economic consequences of the Twitter ban, as well as the economic significance of Twitter to the country and how it has provided income prospects for many Nigerians. Above all, this research will reveal the ban’s tremendous impact on Nigerian society.


This study will serve as a resource for students, researchers, Twitter users, and even the general public who may want to do their own research.

 Scope Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to determine which sectors/areas in Nigeria are affected by the Twitter ban, as well as the detrimental impact of the ban on those sectors. The study will also look at whether the Twitter ban has a negative impact on Nigerian unemployment. As a result, the scope of this research would be confined to a few cooperating organizations in Lagos State.

Limitation Of The Study

Time constraints were one of the research’s main limitations, as the writer only had a limited amount of time to complete it. Financial restrictions and, in particular, linguistic barriers, were key stumbling blocks in this study.

Definitions Of Terms


In terms of the production and consumption of goods and services, as well as the availability of money, the status of a country or region.

Use of Social Media:

Social media is a computer-based technology that allows people to share ideas, opinions, and information by forming virtual communities and networks.


Twitter is a microblogging and social networking website based in the United States where users can send and receive messages known as “tweets.”


A prohibition, whether official or informal, is a formal or informal prohibition of anything. Bans are enacted to ban specific actions inside a political jurisdiction.


L. Amodu, O. Amodu, L. Amodu, L. Amodu, L (2008). Is the Internet’s Role in Rural Africa’s Sustainable Development a Fact or a Farce? pp. 285-288, Ibadan University Press. Health Communication, Gender Violence, and ICTs in Nigeria, edited by M. Mojaye, M. Oyewo, R. M’Bayo, and I. Sobowale.

U. Danbatta, U. Danbatta, U. Danbatta, U (2017). The Impact of Social Media on Nigeria’s Economic, Political, and Social Development On June 13, 2017, CKN News held its first annual lecture in Lagos.

T. E. Onyejelem, C. E. Ude-Akpeh, and N. E. Uduma (2015). An assessment of the economic potentials of social media in Nigeria’s growing society. 108-116 in the International Journal of African and Asian Studies.

L. Oso (2011). African Books Collective, Oxford: UK, 2nd Edition, Mass Media and Society in Nigeria.

Oyero (2007). International Journal of Communication, 6 (1), 170-174, The consequences of the internet on the media and the practice of mass communication.

I. Sobowale, L. Amodu, S. Aririguzoh, and T. Ekanem (2015). The Internet as a Source of Information and Education: The Case of Nigeria’s Ota Community 8232-8240 in EDULEARN15 Conference Proceedings

Steve Babaeko (Vanguard News) discusses the economic implications of Twitter’s suspension in Nigeria: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/06/the-economic-implication-of-twitter-ban-in-nigeria-by-steve-babaeko/

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