Effective communication in enhancing productivity in Nigerian universities


This research looked into how effective communication might boost productivity in Nigerian universities. The study investigates the value of effective communication in boosting productivity in Nigerian universities. The report also assesses the difficulties in effectively communicating in Nigerian universities. The study goes on to look at how important effective communication is in achieving school goals in tertiary institutions. Finally, the study looks into how much effective communication affects employee productivity in tertiary institutions. The survey yielded a total of 77 valid replies. The findings revealed that effective communication in the Nigerian University benefits greater productivity and engagement, team development, and better relationships, based on the responses received and assessed. Lack of openness and trust, as well as communication style and workplace conflicts, are all obstacles to efficient communication. In tertiary schools, achieving school goals is heavily reliant on effective communication. Furthermore, in tertiary institutions, employee job productivity is heavily reliant on effective communication. The study thereby recommend that the effectiveness of communication should be determined by both parties; hence it becomes necessary that they must pursue the same objective, which is high performance rate in all affairs of the institution.

Additionally, all levels of employees should be involved in choices and issues that affect their performance, as this will promote organizational growth and positivity. Finally, all university employees should enroll in the institution’s Google program to learn how to use Google programs and email addresses. It should also be accompanied with a work seminar to educate them on the value of effective communication, training, and retraining in order to improve their academic and administrative performance.



Background of the study

“There is no smoke without fire,” as the phrase goes, which also indicates that there is no organization without communication. Every organization requires the proper use and management of effective communication and related instruments for the transmission of critical information and the improvement of employee relationships. Communication is the exchange of information between individuals and groups of individuals. Barrett, (2002. It gives a means of motivating, influencing, and interacting with individuals in a company. Individual pulses are sensed as a result of this contact. Communication is essential in organizations because it serves as a conduit for conveying understanding, messages, information, and ideas from one person, location, or thing to another. According to Adegbuyi (20015), communication is an important element. It enables people to obtain information and knowledge upon which they can act. Most vital, when interacting with people, the intended recipient of the message must receive and accept it. Because of these two interfaces, both the sender and the receiver must ensure that they understand and act on the message in the same way. Readings, listening (the receptive skills), speaking, and writing (the productive skills) become communication in this way. Without this, it would be difficult to untangle some of life’s mysteries. Things about which we are ignorant or knowledgeable, or about which we have doubts, can be better clarified to us through dialogue. For management to develop and sustain a competitive advantage for organizational performance and improvement, effective communication is required (Rowe, 2001 in Adegbuyi, 2015). Effective communication is defined as the ability to impart knowledge, pass a rule or instruction, make a request, transmit or share an idea with the goal of ensuring that organizational objectives are met and individual interests are met through mutual understanding (Peter, 2015) Effective communication occurs when the intended message is successfully given, received, and comprehended by two or more people. In other words, communication is said to be effective when all parties involved (sender and receiver) ascribe identical meanings to the message, listen attentively to everything stated, and make the sender feel appreciated. In the business world, communication is effective if the knowledge communicated among firm personnel helps the company achieve commercial success (Barrett, 2002). Nonverbal communication, the ability to comprehend your own feelings as well as the emotions of the other person with whom you are interacting, engaged listening, the ability to speak assertively, and other abilities are all part of effective communication. Effective communication, according to Elving and Hansma (2008), develops mutual understanding between management and workers, which aids in the development of true relationships between both sides in organizations. Effective communication boosts job satisfaction, which boosts productivity (Ogbo, 2014). (Rho, 2009). It can be stated that Any educational management must have effective communication skills because it may be used to handle conflicts, pass critical information, make sound decisions, and receive feedback, all of which can assist establish excellent working relationships with other employees within and outside the organization. In businesses with non-negotiable ideals, communication leadership is especially vital (Shilbury, 2013). Effective communication is essential for any organization because it promotes mutual equilibrium among members and acts as a tool for interacting with those outside the company. Effective communication management is a systematic approach of bringing together human and material resources to work together peacefully toward common goals by establishing suitable communication channels and building a hierarchy.

Statement of the problem

Communication is crucial in practically every aspect of school life. What activities will be carried out at the school are determined by how the school’s goals are understood and communicated (Robbins,2006). The value of communication in any organization cannot be overstated, since it may be used to achieve the school’s stated goals. However, communicating is one thing, communicating successfully is another, and managing effective communication is yet another. Many disagreements emerge in tertiary institutions as a result of ineffective communication management, which slows down the organization’s performance (Weimann,2010). Many school administrators have been noted to be lacking in the necessary communication abilities. This is demonstrated by their dissatisfaction with the feedback and communication follow-up procedure. This is demonstrated by their dissatisfaction with the feedback and communication follow-up procedure. Many tertiary institutions also lack appropriate communication norms, which should guide how people communicate. Many higher institutions have a bad track record when it comes to the caliber of graduates they generate each year. Given the importance of effective communication in enhancing productivity and the issues raised by school administrators, a study to evaluate whether tertiary institutions’ increased productivity has anything to do with efficient communication management is necessary.

Objective of the study

The study’s overall goal is to look into how efficient communication might help increase productivity in Nigerian colleges. The following is the study’s precise goal:

  1. The purpose of this study is to see how excellent communication might help increase productivity in Nigerian universities.
  2. To assess the obstacles to effective communication in Nigerian universities.
  3. To see how important excellent communication is in achieving school goals in tertiary institutions.
  4. To determine how much efficient communication affects staff productivity at tertiary institutions.

Research Questions

The following study questions have been prepared.

  1. What are the advantages of effective communication in Nigerian universities for increasing productivity?
  2. What are the obstacles to successful communication in Nigerian universities?
  3. To what extent does effective communication play a role in achieving school goals in tertiary institutions?
  4. How much does efficient communication affect staff productivity in tertiary institutions?

Significance of the study

This study is significant because it recognizes that performing the four managerial functions that can improve through effective communications will help the organization accomplish its goal will increase employee productivity.

The academic community will benefit from this research since it will add to the existing literature on effective communication and worker productivity.

Scope of the study

This research will look at how effective communication might help increase production in Nigerian universities. The study will also assess the difficulties in effectively communicating in Nigerian universities. The research will also look into how important effective communication is in achieving school goals in tertiary institutions. Finally, the study will look into how employee work productivity in tertiary institutions is affected. As a result, the scope of this research would be confined to universities in Lagos.

Limitation of the study

The researcher faced some challenges in conducting this research, including time limits, money constraints, language barriers, and the respondents’ attitudes.

Furthermore, there was the issue of researcher bias. The researcher may have had certain biases, which showed up in the method the data was obtained, the kind of people questioned or sampled, and how the data was evaluated afterward. All of this has the potential to have an impact on the findings and conclusions.

Furthermore, because the results of this study are limited to a sample population in the study area, they may not be applicable to other firms or places.

Definition of terms

Communication is the process of conveying or exchanging information through speech, writing, or any other medium.

The state or quality of being productive is called productivity.



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