
This study was conducted to assess the impact of motivation on the performance of Guinness Nigeria Plc and MTN sales force in the Southeast. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the comparative effects of motivation on the performance of salespeople in manufacturing and service firms. Sales staff are often late for appointments, do not keep business promises, provide customers with incorrect information, offer the wrong brand of product, return to the office before responding to customer inquiries, and treat customers poorly. Not active and effective, such as unmanageable. relationship. A survey design was adopted and data were obtained from both primary and secondary domains. The data generated were presented and analyzed using tables, simple percentages and mean values. Copies of the questionnaire were directed to a sample size of 400 marketing and sales professionals drawn from a population of 892 using the Taro Yamane formula. This study was validated and tested for reliability using Cronbach Alpha, yielding an Alpha of 0.97. Hypotheses were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Hypothesis testing revealed no significant differences in the motivation of sales staff at Guinness Nigeria Plc. and MTN; raises, bonuses, profit sharing, wages, and team building have been observed to be some of the most commonly used motivational tools in manufacturing and service companies. It was announced that desired vacation time and participation in decision-making had no material impact on the performance of Guinness Nigeria Plc and his MTN sales staff. Insurance, commissions, and regular salary payments were shown to be the most effective motivational tools for the performance of sales staff in manufacturing and service companies. Recommendations were made based on the results.
Financial support, fees, and benefits are good motivating factors and should be maintained and increased in manufacturing and service companies. All employees should be highly motivated, because carefree employees never think about negative actions. To motivate employees to perform their jobs well, all companies should consider bonuses and team building as motivating factors. Workshop participation, organizational support, and ongoing field service training are empowering activities that should be encouraged. In conclusion, Cell Phone Top Up His Card Allowance, Fuel Allowance, Meal Voucher, Travel/Tour Allowance, and Dressing Room Allowance proved to be the latest tools to motivate his sales staff.


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research background

To remain competitive in today’s global marketplace, companies strive to deliver their products (physical) and services (intangible) efficiently and effectively. In service supply chains, human labor forms an integral part of the value creation process, and physical handling of products leads to standardized and centralized procedures and controls in manufacturing supply chains (Sengupta et al 2008:
1). Service Supply His efficiency focus in the chain is on capacity management, resource flexibility, information flow, service performance, and cash flow management. Key factors are demand management, customer relationship management, and supplier relationship management in manufacturing and service supply chains. Salespeople in any business, large or small, manufacturing or service, are tasked with generating product sales from assigned customer accounts in independent geographies. But today’s evolving sales environment is much more complex and requires significant changes in performance metrics, goals, management and rewards. The South East Zone is synonymous with developing centralized companies employing sales forces east of Niger.

The role of sales and marketing is becoming increasingly important for manufacturing and service companies (both large and small) in the Southeast. Unfortunately, most of these companies do not apply sales management theory to their sales operations. They usually rely on past experience and judgment. Sales management includes planning, goal setting, developing policies, procedures, strategies and tactics, organizing and coordinating, directing operations, motivating, communicating, developing personnel, monitoring and controlling results, and evaluating (Bolt 1987:

For sales management, Alexander Hamilton of Cal reports his Institute (2005:
29) Motivation and supervision are his two most important issues. The four success factors for successful sales are:
Products and applications, sales skills, time and region management, and motivation. Of these factors, motivation is the only one that matters in all types of sales. Ubanag (2006:
190) found that motivation is effectively applied by managing tangible and intangible incentives.


Improve workforce efficiency. A distinct and distinctive feature of fieldwork is personal contact with customers. namely, the need to persuade through personal visits and the need to carry out other activities not directly related to anthropomorphism. Therefore, all classes of field workers or salespeople, i.e. remote salespeople, salespeople, detail salespeople, account managers, sales engineers, and creative salespeople, have the right and appropriate motivations. is required. Three common salesperson compensation methods identified by Ubanagu (2006):
190) are salary-only, commission-only, and combined plans. He further explained:

1. Salary Direct:
This system is most often used when management wants to motivate salespeople to achieve goals other than short-term volume. The method of direct payroll compensation is used in the following cases:

a. When it is very difficult to measure the impact of individual sales representatives on sales volume in a reasonable amount of time.

b. If the vendor is engaged in selling missions, like MTN Nigeria. When

c. Where the sales process is complex and requires a team or multi-tier sales effort, such as Guinness Nigeria Plc.

2. Direct Fee:
A commission is a payment for achieving a certain performance and is based on a certain percentage (%) of the amount of Essence Units sold. However, the MTN and Guinness companies set commissions based on sales profitability to motivate sales staff to extend their efforts to the most profitable products or customers. 3. Combined plan:
Set base salary with commission/bonus or both. When you combine salary and commissions, your commissions are tied to your turnover, just like in commission-only plans. Bonuses are payments made for meeting or exceeding a specified level of performance, at the discretion of management. In many cases, as is the case with Guinness Nigeria Plc, the minimum requirement for a merchant to earn a bonus is meeting a quota. The purpose of motivating subordinates and salespeople is to achieve goals (results) that are useful to the organization. Motivating employees is a constant challenge for managers. Therefore, in order to conduct a comparative analysis, this study examines the impact of motivation on the performance of salespeople in manufacturing and service firms, highlighting areas of difference and similarities, and recommending more effective and modern methods. predict.


Motivate your sales staff to optimize productivity. For this purpose, Guinness Nigeria Plc and Mobile Telecommunications Network (MTN) have been deployed in southeastern Nigeria.

1.2 Problem Description

Today’s customers are more demanding than ever. Your target market demands better products, service and faster, more reliable support than ever before. On-site sales personnel, who must have some knowledge and experience of products, markets, competitors, and industry trends, fail to deliver on business promises, provide false information to customers, Does not seem positive and effective, such as doing bad things. Customer relationship management. In particular, the majority of salespeople in manufacturing and service industries are the main culprits for these practices, such as being late or missing deadlines. Others can be very rude and even hostile when dealing with customers. Some salespeople lose focus and, as a result, offer customers the wrong brand of product. This leads to longer wait times for customers to get the goods and services they need, resulting in poor performance, such as some customers losing patience, saying goodbye and choosing another option. increase. Poor salesperson attitudes, such as being late to work, being late for sales calls, and lacking information about customer issues, can lead to poor performance growth for salespeople in manufacturing and service companies. The above situation regarding the economic performance of sales forces in manufacturing and service enterprises depends on whether these enterprises can achieve and maintain high production and growth rates, whether they can generate and retain a large number of employees, and raises the question of whether they can. Compete effectively in the global market. The failure of the sales force, which this study is intended to explore, can have implications for the industry, management, and marketing that make up its research question. Specifically related to improving sales staff productivity through salary incentives, sales pitch allowances, sales bonuses, sales track access, product availability, and ongoing sales staff training and renewal. doing.


1.3 Purpose of the survey

Depending on the research background and the problem at hand, researchers will strive to:

i) Determining the direction from very high to very low motivation of the sales force

Guinness Nigeria Plc and MTN.

ii) identify differences in the motivational tools used by manufacturing and service companies in their sales;

iii) Determine whether staff vacation time preferences and involvement in decision-making have a significant impact on the performance of salespeople at the two companies.

iv) determine the most effective motivational incentives – the insurance system, commissions and regular salary used by him in one of the surveyed companies;

1.4 Research question

Based on the research background, problem description, and research objectives, the following research questions were asked to guide the study.

1. How motivated are the sales staff of the two production and service companies he surveyed (Guinness Nigeria Plc and MTN)?

2. What motivational tools do field production and service companies use?

3. What are the motivational effects of employee vacation time preferences and decision-making involvement on sales force performance at the two companies studied?

4. What are the most effective salesperson motivational incentives used by both companies?

During study.


1.5 Research hypothesis

Based on the problem, research goals, and resulting research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation.

1. Guinness Nigeria Plc and MTN do not show a significant difference in the motivation of salespeople. 2. There is not much difference between the sales enablement tools used by manufacturing companies and service companies. 3. Desired paid leave

In the education sector, this study will equip teachers and educational administrators/administrators with the right mindset to ‘encourage students to learn’. Through this research, they will understand more reasons to engage students beneficially and objectively in their pursuit of effective teaching and learning. Students themselves are well prepared through this course to master several business functions of human resource management, especially those of field service. this


This work is designed to help prepare students for additional administrative tasks they are likely to encounter in the real world.

1.7 Scope of investigation

This study is limited to assessing the impact of motivation on the performance of sales representatives of Guinness Nigeria Plc and MTN as manufacturing and service firms in the southeastern state. This study identifies available salesperson motivation tools that are used differently or in different ways by the two companies, and points the way forward. However, due to a lack of sufficient time and funds, the investigation cannot be extended to headquarters, although the information available from the Southeastern branch is believed to reflect the true situation in general. increase.

1.8 Field of study

The study is being conducted in the southeastern part of Nigeria. The time frame of this study specifically covers Abba, Onitsha, Enugu, and Owerri. In addition, Guinness has a southeastern manufacturing facility in Aba, and MTN service centers in Aba, Onitsha, Owerri, Enugu, and elsewhere. Both companies are being considered as respective representatives of manufacturing and service companies in eastern Niger.

1.9 Study limitations

Conducting research in Nigeria, and of course in all developing countries, is hampered by many problems. In this particular study of the impact of motivation on the performance of his MTN salespeople at Guinness Nigeria Plc and South East, the following issues were identified:

a.Power adapter:
Bad power supply is the biggest problem of this research. In some cases, there may be no light for about a month or more. Very epileptic when the lights are on, the researchers have to bear more costs to keep the generator running, otherwise nothing will be done.Surfing, studying, data Progress in processing and more, even all sectors of the Nigerian economy are affected by inefficient power supply.

b. Family Recreation:
This research is a very demanding task, requiring a combination and coordination of office work, family responsibilities, and rigorous academic practice. Also, there was no hostel accommodation to facilitate my studies. c. Data Acquisition Issues:
There was a delay in respondents filling out and returning the questionnaire. This required a number of visits to her two businesses under study, including the poor.


Recruitment of some targeted respondents who did not complete the tool at all. In fact, obtaining data from companies has been a very difficult case due to staff secrecy that relies heavily on the exposure and mindset of both companies’ staff and the individual variability of everyone involved in the investigation.

i.e. Financial Issues:
It shows the general economic situation in Nigeria and the economic situation of the average Nigerian student. Therefore, funding this study was a major challenge. To support self-funded research, nothing beats research grants.

e. Time limit:
Time waits for no one, so the time frame of this study did not allow us to use or expand the scope of many analytical techniques. Due to general academic pressure, program phasing, and fear of harm of NUC screening in the researcher’s workplace, extension of the time frame allotted for this study will not be permitted.

1.10 Definition of terms

In the course of this learning, the final meaning of some related terms is understood as follows.
– Motivation:
Motivation refers to desires and efforts to satisfy desires and goals (Akpala 1990:
237). It is a pursuit of results, a human resource management action aimed at helping salespeople achieve optimal performance. Motivation practice:
It consists of all activities routinely performed by managers and directed at members of an organization to enforce loyalty and acceptable levels of task completion (Carter 1990:
216). Motivational Rewards:
It means payment in cash or other liquid assets for services rendered, performance of tasks, or benefits achieved (Chime 1990:
196). Foreclosure:
The term is used by a company or company to find potential buyers for goods, convert those potential buyers into customers, and make sure they are continuously satisfied to enable repeat service. Refers to salespeople (both male and female) employed by a business (Nwokoye 1988:
154). marketing:
We conduct business activities that guide the flow of goods and services from producers to users (American Marketing Association). The Institute of Marketing in London defines marketing as “the management of processes responsible for identifying, anticipating and profitably satisfying customer needs” (Onah and Allison 2007:

8th place

It refers to exchanging ideas and information in order to build mutual understanding, trust, and good interpersonal relationships. It is an exchange through words, letters, symbols, or messages, a way for members of an organization to share meaning and understanding with others (Osuala and Okeke 2006:
118). Manufacturing:
This is a business or industry that mass-produces goods and services in factories. Sales representatives introduce these products and services to stakeholders/users and persuade them to gain their support. service:
This is a system organized by governments and private companies to provide relevant (invisible) things that citizens need. It is a service industry that does something for the customer, but does not produce goods, but serves the customer in hotels, shops, restaurants, etc. (Hornby 2000:


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