Energy Efficient Apartment Design For Tropical Regions
Chapter One
1.1 Background of the Study
‘Autonomy’ of Local Government refers to the right of a Local Government to exist independently.
According to Elekwa in Fajobi, ( 2010:11) autonomy of Local Government is evidenced by fiscal and administrative independence subject only to the requirements of state law and supervision.
Similarly, Uggo E. Abba, (2007:14) identified the elements that affect autonomy of Local Government as the degree of functions, responsibilities and powers statutorily granted to Local Government, the measure of freedom which the Local Government enjoy in performing their statutory activities without interference from a higher authority and the extent to which local governments are allowed to guarantee and manage their own revenue, recruiting and develop their own personnel. In the same vein, autonomy of local government as put by Akpanim Ntekim Ekpe, (2006:80) refers to the amount of power granted to local governments by the state or a central government. according to Akpanim Ntekim Ekpe, (2006:80), this power is expressed interms of the functions assigned to them, the extent to which they are allowed to generate revenue by themselves, the source of other revenues and the supervision of expenditure the supervision of local council deliberation by state representatives, the relation of local councils to extra-legal institutions such as the town, improvement union and the traditional authority.
Furthermore, the 1999 constitution of Nigeria equally gives legal backing to the autonomy of local councils in Nigeria through section 7(1)1 which states as follows. The system of local government by democratically elected local councils is under this constitution guaranteed, and accordingly, the Government of every state shall subject to section 8 of this constitution ensure their existence under a law which provides for the establishment, structure, composition finance and functions of such councils.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Local Government autonomy refers to the capacity of local councils to exist independently, either through fiscal and administrative independence subject to the requirements of state law and supervision.
To this end, the statement of the problem of the research could be couched in the form of statements;
The definition of the autonomy of local government
The functions and responsibilities granted to the local councils by the central government
The sources of revenue of the local councils
The supervision of the local councils expenditure and deliberation
The extent to which the local councils can manage their own personnel
The operational autonomy of local councils for the future.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to investigate the issues affecting the autonomy of local government councils in Nigeria and profer the forward. Therefore the purpose of this study aims at;
To expose the definition of the local government autonomy
To expose the statutory functions and responsibilities of the local councils in Nigeria
To appraise the specific and general sources of revenue available to local councils in Nigeria.
The determine the supervision of the local councils expenditure and deliberations
To determine the extent which the local councils can manage their revenue and develop their own personnel
To profer solutions to the local government autonomy in the future.
1.4 Research Questions
What is the definition of local government autonomy?
What are the statutory functions and responsibilities of local councils in Nigeria?
What are the internal and external sources of revenue of the local councils in Nigeria?
What supervisions are usually accorded to the local councils expenditure and deliberations?
What are the extent which the local councils in Nigeria could manage their revenues and develop their personnel?
How can the autonomy of the local councils in Nigeria be enhanced in the future?
1.5 Hypotheses
The autonomy of local government in Nigeria could be actualized through fiscal and administrative expediency.
Local government autonomy in Nigeria is evidenced through financial and personnel independence.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The first significance of this study is to expose the relevance of the local autonomy to the operations of the local councils in Nigeria.
Secondly, this study is of significance because at will expose the statutory functions of the local councils in Nigeria as one of the elements of the local government autonomy.
Thirdly, to expose both the internal and external sources of revenue available to the local councils in Nigeria as a major ingredient of local government autonomy.
Fourthly, to examine the nature of supervision of the local councils expenditure and deliberations as a key component of local government autonomy.
Fifth, to expose the extent which the local councils in Nigeria could manage their revenues and develop their personnel to achieve financial autonomy.
Sixth, to expose how local government autonomy in Nigeria could be enhanced in the future.
Finally, the recommendations made by the work will be of immense benefits to the local councils in future attempts to ensure and improve on the autonomy of local government councils in Nigeria.
1.7 Assumptions of the Study
The first assumption of this study is that local government autonomy refers to the right of a local council to attain fiscal and administrative independence.
The second assumption of this study is that the functions and responsibilities statutorily accorded to the local councils would affect the extent of the autonomy of local councils in Nigeria.
The third assumption of this study is to identify the local government sources of revenue as an element of the local government autonomy the fourth assumption of this study is to assess the extent of the supervision accorded to local governments expenditure and deliberations.
The fifth assumption of this study is to examine how the local councils can manage its own resources and develop its own personnel.
Finally, to expose the autonomy of the local councils and to profer ways to enhance its autonomy in the future.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
A number of limitations were encountered by the researcher in the course of this project work. This study would have been made to cover the local government service commission, but due to financial constraints the researcher could not reach the headquarters of the commission in Uyo. in this situation, data collection for the primary source of data was limited to Uruan Local Government Council alone.
Also, there was the unco-operative attitude of some of the junior staff of Uruan Local Government Council who could not understand the implications of the questionnaires and interviews administered to them.
Also, during the course of data collection, the researcher had no means to move to Uruan Local Government Headquarters to administer the questionnaires and interviews.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Autonomy: Autonomy as used in this write-up refers to the right of a Local Government to exist independently (Collins 1980:11, Emmanuel Okon, 2003:14).
Local Government: This refers to the Government at a local level exercised through representative councils established by law to exercise specific powers within defined areas (Agharese Egonmwan, 1984:27), Adedeji Adebayo, (1972:20)
Issues: As used in this study refers to the circumstances or problems surrounding local government autonomy in Nigeria.
The way forward: As used in this study refers to the future prospects of local government autonomy in Nigeria (Orewa J. B Adewumi, 1983:11).