The problem that the Nigerian National Health Insurance Scheme is facing is the subject of this investigation. The population of the study was taken from both national and state hospitals in Enugu as the source of data for the work area oral interview and questionnaire. The responders were given samples of questionnaires. Oral interviews and questionnaires were employed as tools. The instrument was reliable since it included descriptions of the problem, study objectives, and research questions; one of the findings was that consumers are unaware of the numerous strategies utilized in health insurance marketing. One of the outcomes is that the country needs a free material and child health program.




The national health insurance scheme (NHIS) is a social health insurance program created by Nigeria’s federal government to supplement or improve the financial health sector’s services, as well as to improve access to health care for the majority of the country’s population. The National Health Insurance plan has a long history dating back to 1962, when the need for health insurance in the provision of health care to Nigerians was first acknowledged. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH

Furthermore, the structural adjustment program, which began in 1986, had a negative impact on health allocation and other reasons that led to the establishment of the national health insurance policy. The administration is concerned about the general status of the country’s health-care system. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH

The national health insurance scheme was finally launched on October 15th. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH

In many 1999, the executive law decree 35 of 1999 (now Act 35 of 1999) was signed. In a special meeting on NIHS held in Port Harcourt in July 2011, the National Council on Health recommended that the system be implemented. Following that, a policy implementation committee was formed, which met in September 2011 and recommended that the program be implemented immediately. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH


Health insurance is a relatively new concept in Nigeria, with the goal of providing good health to all inhabitants. The majority of Nigerians are unemployed, live in rural areas with no hospital, water, or infrastructure, and have insufficient personnel.

The researcher wants to know what techniques should be employed in marketing health insurance in Nigeria when there is a lack of infrastructure, unemployment, and how much income or capital is available, as well as what will be the inability element in marketing health insurance.

To give recommendations to marketers on how to better market health insurance coverage to rural customers.


The researcher seeks to determine how feasible it will be to effectively advertise health insurance policies as a new product in Nigeria in this study. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH

To identify the various types of products marketed by Nigerian health insurance companies.

To determine the various ways that can be utilized to advertise health insurance in Nigeria.

To gain a better understanding of the challenges that health insurance product marketing faces in the face of poor infrastructure development, poverty, and low income.

To identify the environmental and infrastructure issues that are preventing the marketing of a health insurance program in Nigeria, particularly in rural areas.


The following questions were established by the researcher to assist in identifying the various methods to be employed in marketing health service schemes in Nigeria, mostly to individuals living in rural areas.

Do you have a good understanding of the numerous items available to the general public?

Do you believe Nigerians will accept the implementation of a health-care insurance scheme?

Do you believe the health insurance system would help Nigeria’s health situation?

What are the current issues with Nigeria’s health insurance scheme?

What is the federal government’s goal in implementing the program?


The following will benefit from this work:-

The Student: It will serve as a foundation for students interested in risk, insurance, and risk management. It enables them to understand the foundation for future study.

Stakeholders: It will assist them in developing new product development strategies to meet the needs of the rapidly growing population.

The Financial Institution of the Insurance Business: The industry (insurance company) will be aware of the challenges with marketing insurance.

The country: It assists people in paying for medical services (Zupan, 2003).


The study was originally intended to include the entire country of Nigeria, but it was reduced down to the state of Enugu. What occurs in other stakes and Nigeria as a whole will be generalized. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH


Attending classes, finishing assignments, studying for semester exams, and writing projects were all difficult for the researcher. Due to a lack of materials, photocopying and downloading information from the internet was an issue, as was running from one insurance provider to another for information. We do not have adequate material in this marketing of health insurance product. Another issue arose from the respondents’ responses. INSURANCE FOR HEALTH


Duties of Marketer: The main job of a marketer is to publicize their product or goods to the public to credit public awareness.

Health: This is the optimal functioning of the individual, lack of sickness, illness, impairment or injury, while health insurance is the form of insurance provides protection against the risk of financial loss stemming from the health difficulties.

Pro (Preferred Provider Organization): This is a sort of health-benefit scheme in which out-of-network providers are reimbursed for services that are less favorable than those provided by network providers.

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization): This is a group of medical professionals and subscribers who have come to an agreement.

Insurance is a commitment made by a company society or the government to provide and protect against loss, sickness, death, and other events in exchange for a regular payment called a premium.

Market: This is a large-scale selling philosophy and practice.

Strategies are the art of planning and executing an endeavor or undertaking, as well as the ability to manage any situation.

Stratum is a social classification or division.

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