Expanding Spiny Lobster Aquaculture In Nigeria


Expanding Spiny Lobster Aquaculture In Nigeria


Chapter One


Background To The Study

Spiny lobsters are of two different species known as Panulirus homarus and Panulirus ornatus with spherical shaped body comprising cephalothorax, heavily spined and conspicuously marked by two anterior supra- orbital cornucopias; abdomen smoother, having six somites with no distinct stage( Priyambodo & Jaya, 2010). They’re characterized with large antennae with rudimentary parts well advanced and spined, flagellum stiff, robust and longer than body( Thuy & Ngoc, 2004). still, Nigerian fish growers has been diversifying and investing monstrously in spiny lobster monoculture each over the country. Of the two species of spiny lobster, Panulirus homarus is arising as the favoured specie for monoculture in Nigeria. This is grounded on a number of factors including request demand and pricing, vacuity of naturally settling seed( for on- growing), development of hatchery technology, felicity for interned grow- eschewal and rigidity to a variety of product systems( Hart, 2009). According to Peterson & Phuong( 2011), monoculture product of lobsters is an seductive proposition worldwide, as the species are generally of high value and in great demand, and fishery product can not be increased. Active exploration and development programmes throughout the world have sought to develop this sector, but to date none have been successful, beyond the developments been rehearsed in Nigeria.

Jones( 2010) also editorialized that tropical species of spiny lobsters are likely to remain at the van of monoculture product development because of the vacuity of wild seed, the development of commercially feasible hatcheries, and their largely profitable grow- out characteristics. The expansion and development of spiny lobster culture has been laboriously pursued in Nigeria for numerous decades, although advances have been slow to realize because of the prolonged larval phase. To date the only significant established lobster monoculture assiduity in the country is that of tropical region, grounded on the grow- out of wild caught kids. Grounded on the fact that spiny lobsters are reef dwelling species, utmost abundant on coral and littoral fringing rocky reefs and the areas girding them. They’re less generally set up in nearshore areas of a sedimentary nature, indicating their broad environmental forbearance that make them suitable for monoculture. They’re set up in depths of 1 to 50m.

The juvenile and adult stages of both species are omnivorous, grazing primarily on small crustaceans, molluscs, worms and algae( Tuan & Mao, 2004). They’re generally nightly, most active from dusk through to dawn. Both are largely social, preferring to congregate in groups in hollows, grottoes and crannies within and beneath the reef structures. This social nature also confers a distinct advantage for monoculture which can probably encourage the expansion of the spiny lobsters tilling in Nigeria. Another factor to consider in the expansion of Lobster husbandry is that it’s presently reliant on a natural force of wild pueruli( youthful, transparent lobster from the naiads ), which in Nigeria comprises a fishery that employs a range of gear and styles to attract and capture the swimming pueruli as they move inshore after their oceanic larval stage. In Nigeria, two to three million pueruli are caught each time between October and March, of which around 70 per cent are Panulirus ornatus and 25 per cent Panulirus homarus.

The captured pueruli are veritably delicate and mortality can be veritably high(> 50 percent). For the purpose of expanding spiny lobster monoculture, pueruli are bought from the fishermen by Nigerian dealers, who hold and transport them to nursery growers. The bulk of pueruli are transported in small styrofoam boxes by motorbike over distances of over to several hundred kilometres. The nursery phase generally involves grazing the pueruli at 50- 100/ m2 into submerged coops, conforming of mesh girding a sword frame. Each pen is placed on the ocean bottom at 2- 5 m depth and a feeding tube from the face to the pen provides the means to feed the baby lobsters. Finely diced trash fish, crustaceans and molluscs are used as food. The nursery phase lasts for 3- 6 months, during which the lobsters grow to 10- 30g. They’re also gathered and moved to grow- out coops. Mortality during the nursery phase may be as high as 40 per cent but under optimal conditions is generally lower than 10 per cent( Williams, 2009).

Statement Of The Problem

Overgrowing fashion, feed force, handling and recycling, product cost, complaint control and measures and marketing strategies are the factors to consider in the hunt of expanding spiny lobster monoculture in Nigeria. still, the primary constraint to assiduity expansion is the vacuity of seed. Reliance on wild seed is parlous, and while the Nigerian growers have made great use of a natural seed resource to establish the assiduity, its long term future can only be secured with a hatchery force. Fortunately, exploration sweats( indeed in advanced countries) in tropical spiny lobster hatchery technology are nearing a commercialisation phase, so it’s likely that by 2017- 2020, the expansion of spiny lobster husbandry will no longer be constrained by the seed force.

Disease is also a major constraint and spiny lobster husbandry in Nigeria has formerly endured the inflexibility of a complaint outbreak. The positive effect of this has been that nasty lobster conditions are more understood, and forestallment and treatments have bettered. Hopefully the Nigerian experience will be instructional to other countries in planning, managing and expanding the development of the assiduity.

Objects Of The Study

The following are the objects of this study

1. To examine the position of practice of spiny lobster husbandry in Nigeria.

2. To examine the strategies involved in expanding spiny lobster monoculture in Nigeria.

3. To identify the challenges and constraints in spiny lobster monoculture in Nigeria.

Exploration Questions

1. What’s the position of practice of spiny lobster husbandry in Nigeria?

2. What are the strategies involved in expanding spiny lobster monoculture in Nigeria?

3. What are the challenges and constraints involved in spiny lobster monoculture in Nigeria?


HO Spiny lobster monoculture has not been well developed in Nigeria.

HA Spiny lobster monoculture has been well developed in Nigeria.

Significance Of The Study

The following are the significance of this study

1. The outgrowth of this exploration will give a clear knowledge on nasty lobsters monoculture proliferating fashion, feed force, handling and recycling, product cost, complaint control and measures and marketing strategies which are the applicable factors in the expansion of spiny lobster monoculture in the Nigerian fish husbandry assiduity.

2. This exploration will be a donation to the body of literature in the area of the effect of personality particularity on pupil’s academic performance, thereby constituting the empirical literature for unborn exploration in the subject area.

Compass/ Limitations Of The Study

This study will cover the rearmost inquiries on the development and expansion of spiny lobster monoculture. It’ll also cover the proliferating fashion, feed force, handling and recycling, product cost, complaint control and measures and marketing strategies in spiny lobster husbandry in Nigeria.



Hart,G. 2009. Assessing the South- East Asian tropical lobster force and major request demands. ACIAR Final Report( FR-2009-06). Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. 55 pp.

Jones,C.M. 2010. Tropical gemstone lobster monoculture development in Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 52304- 315.

Petersen,E.H. & Phuong,T.H. 2011. Bioeconomic analysis of bettered diets for lobster, Panulirus ornatus, culture in Vietnam. Journal of the World Monoculture Society, 421- 11.

Priyambodo,B. & Jaya,S. 2010. Lobster monoculture in Eastern Indonesia. Part 2. Ongoing exploration examines nutrition, seed sourcing. In Global Monoculture Advocate, January/ February30- 32.


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