Food Security And National Development Implication For Home Economics Education


Food Security And National Development Implication For Home Economics Education




This exploration work explored the conception of food security and its relationship to public development studies indicate that food security, which is the vacuity of acceptable refections for man’s consumption as he desires, is an essential component for the development of any nation. Acceptable productivity through a reduction in complaint and by abetting internal and physical development.


The counteraccusations for Home Economics Education on food security and public development were examined and suggestions were also proffered for achieving public food security.


Table Of Content


Chapter One


Background of the study


Statement of the problem


Significance of the study


exploration thesis


compass of the study


description of terms


Chapter Two


Literature review


Chapter three




Design of the study


Population of the study


Sample and slice procedure


Instrument and data collection


Validity of the instrument


Administration of questionnaire


Data collection


System Of Data Analysis


Chapter Four


Data analysis and discussion


Chapter Five












Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Food is of consummate significance to the survival, and growth of every human being.


The relationship between health and food can not be over emphasized, the consumption of unwholesome food has caused so important annihilation encyclopedically, it’s an irrefutable fact that mortal lives are lost or mutilated daily because of input of defiled food or food prepared with addictives and chemicals that are pernicious to health.


Food security exists when all people at all time have access to safe nutritional food to maintain a healthy and active life( F A O 1996).


The main thing of food security is for individual to be suitable to gain acceptable food demanded at all times and to be suitable to use the food multi – faceted.


Uko Aviomoh and salami( 2000) stated that food security is the capability of every citizen in a given country to have regular access to enough food to meet up the diurnal nutritive demand for healthy and productive life.


Idachaba( 2004) also stated that food security exists when all people at all times have physical and profitable access to sufficient, safe, and nutritional food to meet their diurnal requirements for a nation to be food se3cyred, the following apparent must be noted.


1. Suitable husbandry styles which produce shops and creatures food of high nutritional value.


2. profitable situation which makes it possible to produce the necessary food at a cheaper rate and available to all.


3. Controlled artificial procedures


4. The conscientious and informed home – maker to manage.


The world bank( 2000) linked three pillars that can be under lined in planning food security. These are


Food Vacuity


Food Availability and


Food Application.


Food is the most primary need that man can not do without by doing they make do with this food in order to achieve a healthy and progressive living. It primarily that mortal body requires for the transmission of food borne complaint and manures, which always threatens public health.


complaint caused by contraindicated food constitutes one of the most wide, spread and worrisome health problems of the contemporary world. It has particular, public and global socio – profitable consequence. As the saying goes a healthy nation is a prosperous nation.


Statement Of The Problems

Food security in a nation is anticipated to contribute in our small way to metamorphosis the nations frugality and induce rapid-fire development.


Baid( 1999), reflected that lack of food security in any nation won’t only decelerate down the nations development, but will seriously disrupt a precisely, planned public development programmed.


thus the statement of the problem is that, could lack of acceptable food force be responsible for the uneasiness and constant rioting and agitation nearly the labour force and youths in Nigeria, which is a factor that hinders public development? Number of families suffering in poverty and starvation due to the fact that there’s no enough provision for food vacuity, availability and nutritive demarcation analysis?


In moment’s world where the global frugality is dominated by a many large public economics grouping, the lower nations are chancing it delicate to complete, as well as to harness acceptable coffers for their development this really must be the plight of Nigeria. So what could be done to help this situation? Education could be the answer, because knowledge present is ignorance banished.


Purpose Of The Study

Sizer and Whiney( 2000) stated that in habitual starvation lie the frustration, pressure and covetousness of millions of people who’ll eventually resort to violence. Thy thus take solace in sacking, fighting, drugging, thievery and burning of houses.


thus the purpose of the study is aims at educating the consumer on the significance of a nation being food secured and how to ameliorate ménage food security.


Ø To enable the consumers and bodies governing food judgments engage in regular addresses on the significance of food security to individualities, families, the community and the nation as a whole through regular classroom tutoring, mass media and community meeting.


Ø To enable the government to put further fund and ministry into husbandry.


Significant Of The Study

This exploration works is important to individualities of all orders.


Ø To enable the existent to acquire the necessary knowledge, chops, and stations bear knowing their right as consumers and descern or judge information and consuming intelligently within their means or available coffers.


Ø To give the necessary information about the food they buye.g. expiry dates, weight, brand names, cost and where to buy them.


Ø It’s also significance to the government do that it’ll enable the government to plan ahead in case there’s food failure


Research Question

Ø Have you heard of the word food security?


Ø Is lack of storehouse installations a problem to food security?


Ø Do you secure your food for unborn purpose?


Ø Do consumers have right on proper practice of food?


Ø Does food vacuity exclude poverty?


Description Of Terms

FOOD This is any substance that people or creatures eat or drink for maintains of life and growth.


SECURITY Freedom or protection from peril or good.


VACUITY effects that can be used to gain or use to achieve commodity.


AVAILABILITY Means effects that can be reached, the occasion or right to use.


PRESERVATION Means system of precluding food deterioration.


ADDICTIVES Means any substance including any source of radiation anticipated to affect that substance or its bye products getting a part of its characteristics.


CLEANLINESS This means the operation of good aseptic practice in the running of food, which reduce the prevalence of corruption.


NUTRITION Means the scientific study of food and its application in the body.


POVERTY The state of being poor.


APPLICATION The process of using bones capability to achieve much from little.


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