The gender culture and entrepreneurship development in Nigeria is key to understanding how to support culture and entrepreneurial behavior is to understand the role of social, cultural, and economic elements in entrepreneurship. A sociological explanation is one possibility. According to this viewpoint, women are less entrepreneurial than men as a result of gender stereotypes and roles that take them away from attitudes of domain or achievement, placing them in roles near housework, childcare, and their elders (Eagly, 1987).

Other academics in this field argue that men’s current position in society is reinforced by particular patterns, attitudes, and utterances that promote men’s dominant position in the labor market and relegate women to the background (Connell, 1990). Second, and closely related to the preceding, is comprehending the national context.

The gender culture and entrepreneurship development in Nigeria

Max Weber was the first to realize the impact of culture on economic growth and entrepreneurship around the turn of the century. Protestantism, according to Marx Weber, created a society that prioritized individualism, achievement motivation, entrepreneurship, reason, asceticism, and self-reliance. As a result, it has been demonstrated that the Protestant ethic was a driving force behind the spirit of entrepreneurship, modern capitalism, and the expansion of western economies (Kayed and Hassan, 2011).

People have various motivations and goals for starting a business. Many people in developing nations have become entrepreneurs as a result of economic reforms implemented by various governments beginning in the 1980s, which resulted in job losses and income reductions. People in poor nations, according to Eijdenberg and Masurel (2013), In developing countries, harsh environmental factors, along with high rates of poverty and unemployment, result in a high rate of entrepreneurial activity.

In underdeveloped countries, gender and cultural views have continued to stifle the development and growth of women entrepreneurs. In their study, Halkias, Nwajiuba, Harkiolakis, and Caracatsanis (2011) found that gender and cultural beliefs often stifle women’s economic potential as entrepreneurs, negatively impacting enterprise development, productivity, and competitiveness, as well as slowing economic growth. This study aims to address the issue of gender and cultural beliefs by investigating how they stifle the growth of women entrepreneurs in developing nations, as well as offering solutions.


Gender matters, according to a consistent empirical finding in the research on female entrepreneurship. Women, in particular, have a lesser possibility of becoming entrepreneurs than their male counterparts. Because African countries are predominantly patriarchal, the amount to which women are able to freely engage in entrepreneurship will be primarily dictated by the cultural environment. Given the multiple cultural and institutional problems and obstacles that women face, it’s easy to assume that women are often discouraged from pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors.

First, early socialization methods emphasize women’s major roles as mothers and wives, influencing girls’ overall expectations for future labor force involvement and career route choices. Second, African culture is primarily viewed as a hindrance.


The major goal of this research was to look into the impact of gender culture and entrepreneurship on Nigeria’s economy. However, the following were the precise goals:

I to investigate the prevalence of gender culture and the growth of entrepreneurship


ii) to identify the factors that influence gender culture and the growth of entrepreneurship


iii) to investigate the impact of gender culture and entrepreneurship development on Nigeria’s economy.


The following are some of the questions that this research will attempt to address:

I What is the relationship between gender culture and enterprise development?


ii) What are the elements that influence gender culture and the growth of entrepreneurship?


iii) What are the consequences of gender culture and entrepreneurship development on Nigeria’s economy?


The study’s purpose was to look into the impact of gender culture and entrepreneurship on the Nigerian economy. This will demonstrate whether gender culture has a beneficial or bad impact on the Nigerian economy, and will perhaps offer positive methods to improve our economy.


This study will focus on small and micro entrepreneurs in two Lagos local government areas, regardless of their age or gender.


The researcher did not experience many obstacles, with the exception of a financial constraint that caused the researcher to print 200 questionnaires rather than the anticipated 300.


During the research, the following terms were used:

Culture refers to a nation’s, people’s, or other social group’s customs, arts, social structures, and achievements.

The process by which a nation improves its people’s economic, political, and social well-being is known as entrepreneurship development.

Gender refers to whether a person is male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)

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